Aira caryophyllea L. Search

Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: PLANTAE
     Family: POACEAE
Original Description:
Current Status: Unverified
Records 115 of 15 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Locality Collector Date
BISH 117874Hawaii: Kilauea CraterA.Meeboldv.1932
BISH 657619Molokai: Kamakou Preserve, Kawela Section, Upper Onini GulchCuddihy, L.W.28.v.1982
BISH 648220Kauai: Hanalei Dist.; Kokee State Park, Puu O Kila lookout along path just below viewing areaFlynn, T.15.ix.1995
BISH 117878Oahu: H.A.Leeiii.1925
BISH 35831Maui: Haleakala NW outer slope of Haleakala, near entrance to Haleakala Nat;l. ParkHenrickson, J.S.12.vii.1969
BISH 453405Hawaii: Mauna Loa Near beginning of Mauna Loa Trail to Pu`u `Ula`ula Rest HouseHerbst, D.R.14.viii.1966
BISH 490299Maui: West Maui, HanaulaikiHobdy, R.W.v.1985
BISH 117875Hawaii: Maunakea Humuula Sheep Station, North HiloHosaka,
BISH 638556Hawaii: Hamakua Waimea, Puukapu, Makahalau PaddockHosaka,
BISH 117872Hawaii: Hawaii Volcanoes Natl. Park Kipukapuaulu Bird ParkMorley, H.
BISH 117877Molokai: PuukepiliMunro,
BISH 117873Molokai: PuukepiliMunro,
BISH 20971Hawaii: Hawaii Volcanoes Natl. Park Drive down Crater Rim Road about 1.3 miles to place where road starts to turn SE. On high pahoehoe roadbank at right of road is a large stone marker located about 200 m from roadside. Plant was about 60 m from stone marker (PloNewell, C.L.19.viii.1966
BISH 20825Hawaii: Hawaii Volcanoes Natl. Park Drive up Mauna Loa Strip Rd. abt 3 mi. from inter. with Kona-Hilo Hiway and 0.25 mi. before Kipuka Ki; or about 1 mi. past Kipuka Puaulu just after first sharp turn in road. Plant was on west (left side) of rd., about 30 m fromNewell, C.L.4.viii.1966
BISH 117876Maui: Haleakala Along the start of the Halemanu TrailR.L.Wilbur5.vii.1948
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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