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Records 115 of 15 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Locality Collector Date
BISH 449502Oahu: J.Price15.xi.1942
BISH 457453Oahu: Central Kaluaa Gulch, south fork, in fork to left below Joinvillea gullyHerbst,
BISH 580979Oahu: Haleiwa, near schoolD.Afualo6.iii.1975
BISH 122044Hawaii: Hilo-Kona RoadA.Meeboldv.1932
BISH 47743Oahu: Honolulu, near Bishop MuseumFosberg, F.R.30.xi.1932
BISH 453458Oahu: Kailua, Pali Hwy and Quarry
BISH 409694Kauai: KilaueaHerbst, D.R.26.ii.1975
BISH 600753Kauai: Koloa; Kalaheo, along Niho Road and Kaloke RoadD.H.Lorence21.ii1988
BISH 405179Hawaii: Kona, along Highway 19 about 2 miles above the junction of Highways 18 and 19Herbst, D.R.17.ix.1974
BISH 409884Kauai: Lihue, Nawiliwili, along highway near PuhiHerbst, D.R.20.xi.1975
BISH 494071Oahu: near Puu UalakaaW.Takeuchi28.viii.1985
BISH 771708Oahu: Pu'u' ialaka 'a State Wayside Park on Round Top RoadC.R.Annable21.x.1996
BISH 494072Oahu: Tantalus, near Puu UalakaaW.Takeuchi29.ix.1985
BISH 498861Oahu: U.H., lower campusJ.Lau6.i.1986
BISH 28097Oahu: WaipioHerbst, D.R.27.xi.1967
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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