Database Search Definitions:
Records per Page
Enter the maximum number of records to be included on each page of the
output results. For example, if you use the default value of 50, and a
search returns 175 records, there will be a total of four output pages;
the first three with 50 records each, and the last with 25 records.
If you select the default 'All', the search will include all three census
years (1878, 1890, and 1910). If you select one of the three years, the
search will only be made within that census year.
Enter a name or part of a name of a person. Currently, this field does
not yet support logical operators such as 'not', 'and' and 'or'; entered
values are taken as literal strings. Spaces are allowed in search criteria,
but will be truncated if they are either the first or last character(s)
of the search criterion.
Enter a complete or partial occupation name. For example, entering "Farm"
will include all persons with the occupation of 'Farm Hand,' or 'Farm
Laborer,' or as associated with any particular Farm name. Currently, this
field does not yet support logical operators such as 'not', 'and' and
'or'; entered values are taken as literal strings. Spaces are allowed
in search criteria, but will be truncated if they are either the first
or last character(s) of the search criterion.
Enter a complete or partial enthicity name. For example, entering "Hawaiian"
will include all persons with the ethnicity of 'Hawaiian,' or 'Asian-Hawaiian,'
or ethinicity that includes 'Hawaiian'. Currently, this field does not
yet support logical operators such as 'not', 'and' and 'or'; entered values
are taken as literal strings. Spaces are allowed in search criteria, but
will be truncated if they are either the first or last character(s) of
the search criterion.
Enter a complete or partial locality name. Currently, this field does
not yet support logical operators such as 'not', 'and' and 'or'; entered
values are taken as literal strings. Spaces are allowed in search criteria,
but will be truncated if they are either the first or last character(s)
of the search criterion.
Enter a complete or partial LCA number. Currently, this field does not
yet support logical operators such as 'not', 'and' and 'or'; entered values
are taken as literal strings. Spaces are allowed in search criteria, but
will be truncated if they are either the first or last character(s) of
the search criterion.