Rana supragrisea  Search

Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: ANIMALIA
  Phylum: CHORDATA
   Class: AMPHIBIA
    Order: ANURA
     Family: RANIDAE
Original Description:
Current Status: Unverified
Records 51100 of 137 (Page 2 of 3)
ID# Locality Collector Date
Herp 17149: [Bunisi, ca. 1 km SE], "The Lake"F Kraus23 Feb 2003
Herp 17148: [Bunisi, ca. 1 km SE], "The Lake"F Kraus23 Feb 2003
Herp 17147: Bunisi VillageF Kraus16 Feb 2003
Herp 17146: Bunisi VillageF Kraus16 Feb 2003
Herp 17145: Bunisi VillageF Kraus16 Feb 2003
Herp 17144: Biraga and Bunisi, half way between villagesF Kraus15 Feb 2003
Herp 17143: Sewa Bay, SE of, "between Points 2 & 3"F Kraus30 Jan 2003
Herp 17142: Sewa Bay, SE of, "between Points 2 & 3"F Kraus30 Jan 2003
Herp 17141: Sewa Bay, SE of, "between Points 2 & 3"F Kraus29 Jan 2003
Herp 17140: Sewa Bay, SE of, "between Points 2 & 3"F Kraus29 Jan 2003
Herp 17139: Sewa Bay, SE of, "between Points 2 & 3"F Kraus29 Jan 2003
Herp 17138: Sewa Bay, SE of, "between Points 2 & 3"F Kraus29 Jan 2003
Herp 17137: Sewa Bay, SE of, "between Points 2 & 3"F Kraus29 Jan 2003
Herp 17136: Sewa Bay, SE of, "Stream 1"F Kraus28 Jan 2003
Herp 17135: Sewa Bay, SE of, "Stream 1"F Kraus28 Jan 2003
Herp 17134: Sewa Bay, SE of, "Stream 1"F Kraus28 Jan 2003
Herp 17133: Sewa Bay, SE of, "Stream 1"F Kraus27 Jan 2003
Herp 17132: Sewa Bay, SE of, "Stream 1"F Kraus27 Jan 2003
Herp 17131: Sewa Bay, SE of, "Stream 1"F Kraus27 Jan 2003
Herp 17130: Sewa Bay, SE of, "Stream 1"F Kraus27 Jan 2003
Herp 17129: Sewa Bay, SE of, "Stream 1"F Kraus27 Jan 2003
Herp 17128: Sewa Bay, SE of, "Stream 1"F Kraus27 Jan 2003
Herp 17127: Sewa Bay, SE of, "Stream 1"F Kraus27 Jan 2003
Herp 17126: Sewa Bay, SE of, "Stream 1"F Kraus27 Jan 2003
Herp 16358: Oya Waka, S slopes, "Camp 1"F Kraus16 Sep 2002
Herp 16357: Oya Waka, S slopes, "Camp 1"F Kraus15 Sep 2002
Herp 16356: Oya Waka, S slopes, "Camp 1"F Kraus09 Sep 2002
Herp 16355: Oya Waka, S slopes, "Camp 1"F Kraus09 Sep 2002
Herp 16354: Oya Waka, S slopes, "Camp 1"F Kraus09 Sep 2002
Herp 16353: Oya Waka, S slopes, "Camp 1"F Kraus09 Sep 2002
Herp 16352: Oya Waka, S slopes, "Camp 1"F Kraus09 Sep 2002
Herp 16351: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 1"F Kraus24 Aug 2002
Herp 16350: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 1"F Kraus24 Aug 2002
Herp 16349: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 1"F Kraus24 Aug 2002
Herp 16348: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 1"F Kraus24 Aug 2002
Herp 16347: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 1"F Kraus24 Aug 2002
Herp 16346: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 1"F Kraus24 Aug 2002
Herp 16345: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 1"F Kraus24 Aug 2002
Herp 16344: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 1"F Kraus24 Aug 2002
Herp 16343: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 1"F Kraus24 Aug 2002
Herp 16342: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 1"F Kraus23 Aug 2002
Herp 16341: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 1"F Kraus23 Aug 2002
Herp 16340: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 1"F Kraus23 Aug 2002
Herp 16339: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 1"F Kraus22 Aug 2002
Herp 16338: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 1"F Kraus22 Aug 2002
Herp 16337: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 1"F Kraus22 Aug 2002
Herp 16336: Mt. Kilkerran (=Oya Tabu), E slope, "Stream 2"F Kraus20 Aug 2002
Herp 15754: Cloudy Mtns., SW of Gadowalai, along Upaelisafupi Stream, Camp 1F Kraus, I Bigilale11 Apr 2002
Herp 15702: Owen Stanley Mtns., Mt. Pekopekowana, SE slope, Sagabada River crossing, 1 km NW of River CampF Kraus12 May 2002
Herp 15701: Cloudy Mtns., SW of Gadowalai, along Upaelisafupi Stream, Camp 1F Kraus, I Bigilale24 Apr 2002
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