Lanihuli Search

Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
      Island: OAHU
Elevation: 800  meters
Records 5170 of 70 (Page 2 of 2)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
ent 43155Apanteles trifasciatusBryan, E. H., Jr.1919 Oct 19
ent 43255Aphaereta pallipesBryan, E. H., Jr.1920 Jul 18
ent 43256Aphaereta pallipesBryan, E. H., Jr.1920 Jul 18
ent 43257Aphaereta pallipesBryan, E. H., Jr.1920 Jul 18
ent 43258Aphaereta pallipesBryan, E. H., Jr.1920 Jul 18
ent 43259Aphaereta pallipesBryan, E. H., Jr.1920 Jul 18
ent 43261Aphaereta pallipesSwezey, O. H.1919 Oct 19
ent 53614Dicondylus perkinsiSwezey, O. H.1918 Nov 24
ent 53615Dicondylus perkinsiSwezey, O. H.1919 May 25
ent 54000Hypoponera opacicepsBryan, E. H., Jr.1919 Oct 19
ent 54001Hypoponera opacicepsSwezey, O. H.1919 Oct 19
ent 54002Hypoponera opacicepsSwezey, O. H.1919 Oct 19
ent 54003Hypoponera opacicepsBryan, E. H., Jr.1919 Oct 19
ent 54365Cardiocondyla nudaSwezey, O. H.1919 Oct 19
ent 101947Dolichurus stantoniBryan, E. H., Jr.1920 Jul 18
ent 105156Echthromorpha agrestoria fuscatorBryan, E. H., Jr.1919 Oct 10
ent 105566Enicospilus dispilusBryan, E. H., Jr.1920 Jul 18
ent 105571Enicospilus dispilusSwezey, O. H.1919 Oct 19
ent 105572Enicospilus dispilusSwezey, O. H.1918 Nov 24
BISH 460106Korthalsella complanataL.H.MacDaniels23.i.1927
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Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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