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Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: ANIMALIA
  Phylum: MOLLUSCA
Original Description:
Current Status: Unverified
Records 150 of 466 (Page 1 of 10)
ID# Locality Collector Date
MO 34933Molokai: Molokai; Puukolekole; Kamalo sidePils & Cooke28 Jan 1913
MO 35906Oahu: Oahu; Waianae Mts. Palehua; head of "robbercave gully"C.M. Cooke8 Mar 1914
MO 35916Oahu: Oahu; Waianae Mts. Palehua; Nanikuli side; Hollow, W of "elephant rock"C.M. Cooke8 Mar 1914
MO 35930Oahu: Oahu; Waianae Mts. Palehua; Nanakuli side; Hollow NE of "elephant rock"C.M. Cooke8 Mar 1914
MO 35988Molokai: Molokai; Kaunakakai; close to Kamoku cabinC.M. Cooke20 Mar 1914
MO 35989Molokai: Molokai; Kaunakakai; close to Kamoku cabinC.M. Cooke20 Mar 1914
MO 36088Kahoolawe: Kahoolawe; Kanapou; bottom of S gulch a few on sand dunesStokes6 Mar 1913
MO 36183Kahoolawe: Kahoolawe; Kanapou; S gully; various pockets from foot to topForbes6 Mar 1913
MO 36184Kahoolawe: Kahoolawe; Kanapou; S gully; various pockets from foot to topForbes6 Mar 1913
MO 36185Kahoolawe: Kahoolawe; Kanapou; S gully; various pockets from foot to topForbes6 Mar 1913
MO 36186Kahoolawe: Kahoolawe; Kanapou; S gully; various pockets from foot to topForbes6 Mar 1913
MO 36187Kahoolawe: Kahoolawe; Kanapou; S gully; various pockets from foot to topForbes6 Mar 1913
MO 36188Kahoolawe: Kahoolawe; Kanapou; S gully; various pockets from foot to topForbes6 Mar 1913
MO 36189Kahoolawe: Kahoolawe; Kanapou; S gully; various pockets from foot to topForbes6 Mar 1913
MO 36346Kauai: Kauai; Haena, Manoa, lower part of valleyCooke16 Jun 1914
MO 36347Kauai: Kauai; Haena, Manoa, lower part of valleyCooke16 Jun 1914
MO 36360Kauai: Kauai; Haena, Manoa, lower part of valleyCooke16 Jun 1914
MO 36361Kauai: Kauai; Haena, Manoa, lower part of valleyCooke16 Jun 1914
MO 36458Molokai: Molokai; Kalehuki, flat W of topCooke7 Jul 1914
MO 36478Molokai: Molokai; Kamoku, grassy flat across stream from houseCooke8 Aug 1914
MO 36539Molokai: Molokai; Kalamaula, just makai of corner post, edge of valley beginning hereCharley & C.M.Cooke12 Aug 1914
MO 37395Molokai: Molokai; MoomomiPils & Cooke30 Jan 1913
MO 37396Molokai: Molokai; MoomomiPils & Cooke30 Jan 1913
MO 37442Molokai: Molokai; Kalaeokailio Pt.; small bay N ofCooke29 Oct 1913 - 30 Oct 1913
MO 37473Molokai: Molokai; Kalaeokailio paddock, at pipeline crossing E & WG.P., R.A. & C.M. Cooke18 Mar 1914
MO 37492Molokai: Molokai; Kalaeokailio paddock, N of shifting sands, coral hill just W of where pipeline crosses shifting sandsG.P., R.A. & C.M. Cooke19 Mar 1914
MO 37493Molokai: Molokai; Kalaeokailio paddock, N of shifting sands, coral hill just W of where pipeline crosses shifting sandsG.P., R.A. & C.M. Cooke19 Mar 1914
MO 37494Molokai: Molokai; Kalaeokailio paddock, N of shifting sands, coral hill just W of where pipeline crosses shifting sandsG.P., R.A. & C.M. Cooke19 Mar 1914
MO 37565Kauai: Kauai; Haena; W.H. Rice & H. Isenberg yardsCharley, Carolene, & C.M. Cooke15 Jun 1914 - 16 Jun 1914
MO 37626Kauai: Kauai; Hanamaulu; two road cuttings nearestCharley, Carolene & C.M.Cooke19 Jun 1914
MO 37691Kauai: Kauai; Kipukai; around E point sand duneC.A. Rice & C.M. Cooke25 Jun 1914
MO 37751: Niihau Island; KiekieStokes1 Jan 1912 - 31 Jan 1912
MO 37758: Niihau Island; KiekieStokes1 Jan 1912 - 31 Jan 1912
MO 37797: W Maui; Honokohua, near canneryD. Fleming23 Sep 1914
MO 37905Oahu: Oahu; Manoa; site of R. Mist's houseCooke9 Jan 1915
MO 38078Oahu: Oahu; Waianae Mts.; Palehua, bottom of valley Honolulu side of Gray PeakC.M.C.28 Dec 1914
MO 38523: E Maui; Haleakala; Pulikou, near Kaupo gapArmine von Tempsky & Cooke26 May 1915
MO 38524: E Maui; Haleakala; Pulikou, near Kaupo gapArmine von Tempsky & Cooke26 May 1915
MO 38630: E Maui; Kula; Cornwall Ranch, gulch just S of house, a little above Kula pipeline, in fenced portion of gulchCooke3 Jun 1915
MO 38631: E Maui; Kula; Cornwall Ranch, gulch just S of house, a little above Kula pipeline, in fenced portion of gulchCooke3 Jun 1915
MO 38632: E Maui; Kula; Cornwall Ranch, gulch just S of house, a little above Kula pipeline, in fenced portion of gulchCooke3 Jun 1915
MO 38683: E Maui; Makawao; opp. entrance of Kuialili tunnelArmine von Tempsky & Cooke6 Jun 1915
MO 38703: E Maui; Makawao; Big Ohia paddock, just inside forest fenceE., L. & A. von Tempsky & Cooke6 Jun 1915
MO 38786: E Maui; PuunianiauLorna von Tempsky & Cooke8 Jun 1915
MO 38873: W Maui; Iao; hillock at edge of flat infront of needleP. Spalding & Cooke20 May 1915
MO 38891: W Maui; Iao; large Kukui clump, above hotel, along road, below needleP. Spalding & Cooke20 May 1915
MO 38892: W Maui; Iao; large Kukui clump, above hotel, along road, below needleP. Spalding & Cooke20 May 1915
MO 38922: W Maui; Iao; along trail near stream, main valley just above bridge infront of needleA. Cooke, P. Spalding, Chad & Dav Penhallow & Cooke29 May 1915
MO 38939: W Maui; Iao; along trail near stream, main valley just above bridge infront of needleA. Cooke, P. Spalding, Chad & Dav Penhallow & Cooke29 May 1915
MO 38965: W Maui; Iao; valley in front of needle, betw. base of needle & bridgeDick Penhallow & Cooke29 May 1915
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