Kalihi Search

Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
      Island: OAHU
Records 150 of 81 (Page 1 of 2)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
ent 13890Oliarus olympusTimberlake1917 May? 11
ent 29798Odynerus pseudochromusSwezey, O. H.
ent 103901Polistes exclamansSuehiro, A.1958 May 14
ent 77395Solenopsis geminataSuehiro, A.1960 Mar 14
ent 77394Solenopsis geminataSuehiro, A.1960 Mar 14
ent 105194Echthromorpha agrestoria fuscatorSuehiro, A.1958 Sep
ent 77446Solenopsis geminataSuehiro, A.1960 Mar 14
ent 102067Liris aurulentaSuehiro, A.1958 May 14
ent 105198Echthromorpha agrestoria fuscatorSuehiro, A.1958 May 14
ent 79874Phanerotoma hawaiiensisSuehiro, A.1960 Mar 14
ent 54582Monomorium monomoriumSuehiro, A.1958 May 14
ent 54583Monomorium monomoriumSuehiro, A.1958 May 14
ent 77396Solenopsis geminataSuehiro, A.1960 Mar 14
ent 43783Cotesia marginiventrisSuehiro, A.1960 Mar 14
ent 103862Polistes exclamansSuehiro, A.1958 May 14
ent 102035Liris argentataSuehiro, A.1929 Aug 07
ent 77393Solenopsis geminataSuehiro, A.1960 Mar 14
ent 77397Solenopsis geminataSuehiro, A.1960 Mar 14
ent 43784Cotesia marginiventrisSuehiro, A.1960 Mar 14
ent 54584Monomorium monomoriumSuehiro, A.1958 May 14
ent 103851Polistes exclamansSuehiro, A.1958 May 14
ent 79351Chelonus blackburniSuehiro, A.1960 Mar 14
ent 102066Liris aurulentaSuehiro, A.1952 May 05
ent 102675Pison hospesSuehiro, A.1952 May 05
ent 103731Pachodynerus nasidensSuehiro, A.1960 Mar 14
ent 44797Phanerotoma hawaiiensisSuehiro, A.1960 Mar 14
ent 13908Oliarus kaohinaniO. H. Swezey
ent 34315Philodoria splendidaO. H. Swezey1914 May 17
ent 34311Philodoria splendidaO. H. Swezey1914 May 17
ent 14971Oliarus kaonohiO. H. Swezey
ent 13887Oliarus olympusO. H. Swezey
ent 14702Oliarus kaonohiO. H. Swezey
ent 18821Drosophila lulumahuO. H. Swezey
ent 12039Oliarus kaiulaniO. H. Swezey
ent 5616Oechalia griseaO. H. Swezey
ent 14858Oliarus kaonohiO. H. Swezey
ent 29798Odynerus pseudochromusO. H. Swezey
ent 53306Antrocephalus pertorvusKrauss, N. H.1928 Aug 03
ent 53230Antrocephalus pertorvusKrauss, N. H.1928 Jul 23
ent 103733Pachodynerus nasidensGressitt, J. L.1967
BISH 116381Commelina diffusaE.P.Hume22.xi.1930
SC 439Porites hawaiiensisDuerden1 Jan 1904 - 31 Dec 1904
ent 54104Hypoponera punctatissimaChaetham1923 Aug 18
ent 54261Cardiocondyla emeryiBryan, E. H., Jr.1928 Jul 03
ent 102628Pison argentatumBryan, E. H., Jr.1922 Oct 20
ent 102629Pison argentatumBryan, E. H., Jr.1922 Nov 23
ent 77946Tapinoma melanocephalumBryan, E. H., Jr.1922 Dec 18
ent 53210Antrocephalus apicalisBelcher, R.1974 Nov
ent 103528Pachodynerus nasidensAdamson, A. M.1928 Jul 15
ent 6731Nysius coenosulusA. Suehiro1960 Mar 14
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