Koolau Mts.; Mt. Tantalus Search

Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
    State/Province: STATE OF HAWAII
      Island: OAHU
Elevation: 366  meters
Records 151 of 51 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
ent 2005026571DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026633DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.5 May 1906
ent 2005026572DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026568DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026569DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026629DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.5 May 1906
ent 2005026575DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026630DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.5 May 1906
ent 2005026574DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026632DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.5 May 1906
ent 2005026582DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026578DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026634DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.5 May 1906
ent 2005026570DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026564DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026581DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026580DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026566DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026573DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026567DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026577DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026627DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.5 May 1906
ent 2005026635DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.5 May 1906
ent 2005026631DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.5 May 1906
ent 2005026565DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026628DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.5 May 1906
ent 2005026576DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005026579DryophthorusGiffard, W.M.30 June 1906
ent 2005022932Dryophthorus insignis8 April 1906
ent 2005022931Dryophthorus insignis8 April 1906
ent 2005022930Dryophthorus insignis8 April 1906
ent 2005034994Oxydema fusiforme5 May 1906
ent 2005034997Oxydema fusiforme5 May 1906
ent 2005034632Oxydema fusiforme5 May 1906
ent 2005034631Oxydema fusiforme5 May 1906
ent 2005034995Oxydema fusiforme5 May 1906
ent 2006003960Aglycyderidae8 April 1906
ent 2006003959Aglycyderidae8 April 1906
ent 2006004075Aglycyderidae8 April 1906
ent 2006003956Aglycyderidae8 April 1906
ent 2006003961Aglycyderidae8 April 1906
ent 2006003957Aglycyderidae8 April 1906
ent 2006003955Aglycyderidae8 April 1906
ent 2006003962Aglycyderidae8 April 1906
ent 2006003963Aglycyderidae8 April 1906
ent 2006003954Aglycyderidae8 April 1906
ent 2006003953Aglycyderidae8 April 1906
ent 2006003958Aglycyderidae8 April 1906
ent 2005041096CurculionidaeGiffard, W.M.5 May 1906
ent 2005041095CurculionidaeGiffard, W.M.5 May 1906
ent 2005041094CurculionidaeGiffard, W.M.5 May 1906
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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