Oahu; Keehi buoys; 1/2 way between inner & outer Search

Higher Geography:
      Island: OAHU
Records 117 of 17 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
MO 219745Terebra funiculataPele Expedition15 Mar 1962
MO 219604Subcancilla foveolataPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
MO 218273Casmaria vibexPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
MO 219114TellinaPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
MO 220131Conus acutangulusPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
MO 220697NassariusPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
MO 220796Turridrupa bijubataPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
MO 220988Hastula nitidaPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
MO 219569Neocancilla waikikiensisPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
MO 220703VexillumPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
MO 220809Gemmula pseudomoniliferaPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
MO 219406VexillumPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
MO 219570Neocancilla waikikiensisPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
MO 219568Neocancilla waikikiensisPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
MO 218252Semicassis umbilicataPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
MO 218158Natica tessellataPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
MO 219849Hastula matheronianaPele Expedition17 Mar 1962
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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