Koolau Mts.; Ewa Search

Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
    State/Province: STATE OF HAWAII
      Island: OAHU
Records 151 of 51 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
ent 2004004881Ananca decolorBeardsley, J.W.July 1976
ent 2004012011CallosobruchusMills III, C.W.2 October 1977
ent 2004012014CallosobruchusMills III, C.W.9 October 1977
ent 2004012012CallosobruchusMills III, C.W.2 October 1977
ent 2004012013CallosobruchusMills III, C.W.9 October 1977
ent 2004012010CallosobruchusMills III, C.W.2 October 1977
ent 2004012116Caryedon serratusFordOctober 1949
ent 2004012141Caryedon serratusFordSeptember 1949
ent 2004012123Caryedon serratusFordSeptember 1949
ent 2004012124Caryedon serratusFordSeptember 1949
ent 2005004344Enochrus sayiFord,Jr., E.J.September 1957
ent 2005004345Enochrus sayiFord,Jr., E.J.September 1957
ent 2005004346Enochrus sayiBeardsly, J.W.May 1956
ent 2004003865Lema trilineaFord, E.J.November 1949
ent 2004003861Lema trilineaFord, E.J.November 1949
ent 2004003864Lema trilineaFord, E.J.November 1949
ent 2004003862Lema trilineaFord, E.J.November 1949
ent 2004003863Lema trilineaFord, E.J.November 1949
ent 2004003860Lema trilineaFord, E.J.November 1949
ent 2004004873Lema trilineaFord, E.J.15 April 1949
ent 2004012994Megacerus leucospilusSwezey23 September 1924
ent 2004013088Mimosestes amicusFordOctober 1949
ent 2004013087Mimosestes amicusFordJuly 1949
ent 2005001630Mimosestes insularisBeardsley, J.W.26 October 1955
ent 2005001635Mimosestes insularisFord18 May 1949
ent 2005001629Mimosestes insularisBeardsley, J.W.26 October 1955
ent 2004002117Necrobia ruficollisFord, E.J.August 1949
ent 2004002121Necrobia ruficollisFord, E.J.September 1949
ent 2004002118Necrobia ruficollisFord, E.J.September 1949
ent 2004002120Necrobia ruficollisFord, E.J.September 1949
ent 2004002119Necrobia ruficollisFord, E.J.September 1949
ent 2004002166Necrobia rufipesFord, E.J.September 1949
ent 2004002167Necrobia rufipesFord, E.J.September 1949
ent 2004002169Necrobia rufipesFord, E.J.22 August 1949
ent 2004002164Necrobia rufipesFord, E.J.September 1949
ent 2004002168Necrobia rufipesFord, E.J.August 1949
ent 2004002165Necrobia rufipesFord, E.J.September 1949
ent 2005004423Paroosternum sorexBeardsley, J.W.February 1963
ent 2004002056Placosternus crinicornisSehlinger, E.I.17 February 1961
ent 2004002472Prosoplus bankiiFord27 May 1924
ent 2005017217Rhabdoscelus obscurusFordNovember 1949
ent 2005020169Sitophilus zeamaisFordApril 1950
ent 2005020170Sitophilus zeamaisFord20 April 1949
ent 2004003719Sybra alternasFord, E.J.19 March 1949
ent 2004002270Tarsostenus univittatusFordSeptember 1949
ent 2004002280Tarsostenus univittatusJuly 1958
ent 2004002272Tarsostenus univittatusNovember 1954
ent 2004002273Tarsostenus univittatusFordJanuary 1950
ent 2004002329Tenebroides mauritanicusBeardsley, J.W.20 October 1956
ent 2004002302Tillus notatusBeardsley, J.W.June 1950
ent 2004002356Xystrocera globosaFord, E.J.23 April 1949
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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