Honolulu, Manoa Arboretum Search

Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
      Island: OAHU
Coordinates: 21.3º N, 157.9ºE 
  (More Precise coordinates available upon request.)
Datum: WGS84
Original Coordinate System: decimal degrees
Comments: Coordinates taken at the end of road to Lyon Arboretum (formerly known as Manoa Arboretum). Extent encompasses the back of Aihualama Stream.
Records 113 of 13 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
BISH 55893Saraca declinata3.iii.1958
BISH 449023Citharexylum caudatumBoard of Agriculture and Forestry19.x.1955
BISH 49013Aleurites montanaDonald Anderson24.vi.1956
BISH 48389Elaeocarpus angustifoliusE.L. Caum13.x.1940
BISH 55527Derris microphyllaE.L.Caum16.v.1938
BISH 47988Dillenia suffruticosaM.F.Landgraf15.vii.1954
BISH 16232Selaginella arbusculaP.Russell5.vii.1932
BISH 64352Chrysobalanus icacoPearsall, G.A.10.xii.1954
BISH 54374Gonocaryum calleryanumPearsall, G.A.05.vi.1959
BISH 47200Terminalia muelleriPearsall, G.A.5.VI.1959
BISH 60002Eugenia truncataPearsall, G.A.05.vi.1959
BISH 47133Terminalia bentzoePearsall, G.A.5.vi.1959
BISH 50271Jatropha princepsT.Tagawa19.vi.1956
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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