Cyrtandra subumbellata (Hillebr.) H.St.John & Storey Search

Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: PLANTAE
Original Description:
Current Status: Unverified
Records 141 of 41 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Locality Collector Date
BISH 52350Oahu: A.K.Chock30.iv.1950
BISH 52353Oahu: C.Skottsberg17.ix.1926
BISH 11987Oahu: C.Wong18.iii.1941
BISH 426113Oahu: Davis, J.25.iii.1979
BISH 11950Oahu: E.P.Hume17.iv.1932
BISH 447143Oahu: F.B.H.Brown5.ix.1923
BISH 11956Oahu: Hosaka, E.Y.9.viii.1930
BISH 499612Oahu: J.Obata3.i.1980
BISH 428077Oahu: J.Obata3.i.1980
BISH 11957Oahu: M.Yamaguchi30.xi.1929
BISH 448579Oahu: Morley, H.28.i.1934
BISH 52349Oahu: R.Slowan(sp?)29.vii.1946
BISH 499611Oahu: Rock, J.F.C.xii.1919
BISH 52348Oahu: Rock, J.F.C.xii.1919
BISH 52351Oahu: Rock, J.F.C.3.xii.1908
BISH 52346Oahu: Rock, J.F.C.3-14.xii.1908
BISH 52345Oahu: Rock, J.F.C.3-14.xii.1908
BISH 52347Oahu: Rock, J.F.C.31.x.1914
BISH 52352Oahu: Rock, J.F.C.24.xii.1908
BISH 507038Oahu: St.John, H.18.v.1941
BISH 499614Oahu: St.John, H.19.i.1930
BISH 499613Oahu: St.John, H.19.i.1930
BISH 11954Oahu: St.John, H.19.i.1930
BISH 499616Oahu: St.John, H.19.i.1930
BISH 499615Oahu: St.John, H.19.i.1930
BISH 492523Oahu: St.John, H.18.v.1941
BISH 11955Oahu: St.John, H.28.iv.1935
BISH 499604Oahu: St.John, H.28.iv.1935
BISH 454126Oahu: St.John, H.2.xii.1951
BISH 493606Oahu: St.John, H.28.iv.1935
BISH 486347Oahu: St.John, H.18.v.1941
BISH 499605Oahu: St.John, H.28.iv.1935
BISH 474909Oahu: Storey06.v.1934
BISH 499607Oahu: W.B.Storey17.iv.1932
BISH 11952Oahu: W.B.Storey16.x.1932
BISH 609836Oahu: W.B.Storey6.v.1934
BISH 499608Oahu: W.B.Storey17.iv.1932
BISH 493610Oahu: W.B.Storey17.iv.1932
BISH 11951Oahu: W.B.Storey17.iv.1932
BISH 11953Oahu: W.B.Storey6.v.1932
BISH 499609Oahu: W.B.Storey17.iv.1932
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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