Cnidaria  Search

Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: ANIMALIA
  Phylum: CNIDARIA
Original Description:
Current Status: Valid
Margulis & Margulis 1998
Records 1133 of 133 (Page 1 of 1)
Group Island Locality
Fiji Islands
"disposal site"
[North]; SE Hancock Seamount
2 miles NE of first finger of Penguin Bank; on northern dropoff of seamount
3 miles off Makapuu Point
about 1-1/2 miles off Sand Island; explosive anchorage area
at equator near 98d E
Baker Island
Bay of Vaiaau
'Capricorn; Wilson Island'
Caroline Islands
community dock basin
disposal site
Ducie Atoll
Enewetak (islet); ocean side
Enewetak Atoll
Enewetak Island; S end, off quarry; ocean side
Enjebi (islet); leeward quarry
Fanning Island
'Farallon (N)'
Galapagos Rift
Gardner Pinnacles
Haava Strait
Haurei Bay
Haurei Bay, S side; inside Point Turagainuu
Haurei Bay; near Point Turagainuu
Hawaiian IslandsHawaiiHawaiian Islands
Hawaiian IslandsOahuHonolulu Aquarium
Hawaiian IslandsOahuHonolulu Harbor
Honolulu Harbor; Pier 27
Howland Island
Illeginni Harbor
Illeginni; seaward reef, near quarry
Indian Ocean
Jarvis Island
Jeffreys Bay?
Johnston Atoll
Hawaiian IslandsOahuKaaawa
Hawaiian IslandsOahuKahala
Hawaiian IslandsOahuKaneohe Bay
Kaneohe Bay; Sag Harbor (Naval Undersea Center)
Kaneohe Bay; Sand Island
Kanton Island
Hawaiian IslandsHawaiiKawaihae
Hawaiian IslandsHawaiiKawela
Kingman Reef
Kiritimati Atoll
Kodiak Island
Kwajalein Atoll
Hawaiian IslandsLanaiLanai Lookout
Line Islands
Loo Choo Islands
Hawaiian IslandsMauiMaalaea Bay
Hawaiian IslandsOahuMaili Point
Hawaiian IslandsOahuMakapuu
Makongai Island
Hawaiian IslandsOahuMakua
Hawaiian IslandsMauiMala
Mamala Bay; Honolulu Range Line
Mambualau Island; Kamba Village
Mangareva Island
Manihi Atoll
Maro Reef
Maug Islands
Hawaiian IslandsMauiMaui
Midway Atoll
N lagoon; transect off N radar
N of Kona airport
N side between 2 oil buoys about 200 yards W of Avatin Harbor
N side between Motu Toas and Black Rock; seaward side
NE side; off Moerai (village)
near harbor entrance; off oil tanker
near island by seaplane runway
near Kuala Lumpur; Morib Beach (extensive fine sand beach)
Northwestern Hawaiian IslandsNecker
New Zealand
Ngurusar Bay
Ngurusar Bay; transect number 1
Nuuuli Reef
NW side; lagoon
Hawaiian IslandsOahuOahu
ocean side of quarry
off Brown's Camp
off Fort DeRussy
off Keehi Lagoon; Explosive Anchorage Area
off Makapuu
off Makapuu Point
off Makapuu Point; Kaiwi Channel
off old PAA hotel
off Otoman
off Point Ruea
off Puaaloa
outside Passe Teaoa (S side)
Pago Pago
Palmyra Atoll
Pearl Harbor; Rainbow Bay Marina; docks and shoreline
Hawaiian IslandsMauiPenguin Bank
Pitcairn Group
Puna Rift, off Cape Kumakahi
Hawaiian IslandsHawaiiPunaluu
S side of Point Mei; off Anatakuri Bay
Samoa Islands
SE end; lagoon
seaward of North Rocks
seaward side of Motu Haha
Sella Bay
South Africa
Subic Bay
SW side; off seaward reef
Tahuata Island
Taiohae Bay
Teraina Island
Tutuila Island
W side; off Avera (village)
Hawaiian IslandsOahuWaikiki
Hawaiian IslandsOahuWaimanalo
Wake Island
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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