Desmometopa tarsalis Loew Search

Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: ANIMALIA
   Class: INSECTA
    Order: DIPTERA
     Family: MILICHIIDAE
Original Description:
Current Status: Valid
Records 1100 of 100 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Locality Collector Date
ent 2005011527Oahu: HonoluluIllingworth, J.F.
ent 2005011530Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.02 November 1947
ent 2005011531Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.02 November 1947
ent 2005011528Oahu: Koolau Mts.; ManoaIllingworth, J.F.07 May 1928
ent 2005014985Oahu: Poamoho TrailQuate, S.12 March 1960
ent 2005011532Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.27 October 1947
ent 2005011534Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.27 October 1947
ent 2005011535Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.27 October 1947
ent 2005011536Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.27 October 1947
ent 2005011533Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.27 October 1947
ent 2005011538Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011543Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011537Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011544Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011539Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011541Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011542Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011540Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011529Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1974
ent 2005011558: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011604: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011618: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011583: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011567: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011603: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011590: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011601: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011574: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011553: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011576: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011591: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011572: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011597: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011547: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011611: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011596: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011615: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011565: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011600: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011623: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011595: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011580: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011582: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011620: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011563: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011612: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011554: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011578: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011602: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011570: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011587: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011606: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011566: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011551: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011588: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011555: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011575: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011589: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011584: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011549: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011556: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011592: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011624: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011586: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011546: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011571: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011579: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011605: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011545: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011621: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011598: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011594: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011564: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011608: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011599: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011562: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011550: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011577: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011569: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011616: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011610: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011607: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011560: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011573: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011561: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011557: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011614: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011613: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011568: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011625: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011617: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011622: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011559: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011585: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011552: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011581: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011593: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011626: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011619: WelchJuly 1931
ent 2005011609: WelchJuly 1931
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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