Alectryon macrococcus var. macrococcus  Search

Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: PLANTAE
     Family: SAPINDACEAE
Original Description:
Current Status: Unverified
Records 122 of 22 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Locality Collector Date
BISH 10276Oahu: St.John,
BISH 68567Molokai: Degener, O.22.v.1928
BISH 68568Molokai: Degener, O.21.vii.1928
BISH 68577Oahu: St.John, H.08.i.1933
BISH 68578Oahu: Degener, O.04.vii.1950
BISH 443211Molokai: Anderson, S.28.v.1982
BISH 462053Molokai: R.L.Stemmermann15.vii.1979
BISH 462054Molokai: R.L.Stemmermann15.vii.1979
BISH 494571Oahu: Takeuchi, W.N.13.x.1985
BISH 504466Oahu: W.Takeuchi6.ix.1986
BISH 510868Molokai: J.Lau25.ix.1985
BISH 579823Oahu: Frederick & Sakimura21.viii.1947
BISH 579824Oahu: Frederick & Sakimura21.viii.1947
BISH 579825Oahu: Frederick & Sakimura21.viii.1947
BISH 581855Molokai: W.Hillebrand
BISH 586942Molokai: W.Hillebrand
BISH 647505Oahu: W.Takeuchi20.ix.1986
BISH 683877Oahu: St.John, H.27.ii.1938
BISH 684159Maui: Oppenheimer, H.15.vii.2001
BISH 1454997Molokai: Hillebrand
BISH 1581856Molokai: Hillebrand
BISH 1581857Molokai: Hillebrand
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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