Chrysophyllum cainito L. Search

Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: PLANTAE
     Family: SAPOTACEAE
Original Description:
Current Status: Valid
Records 114 of 14 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Locality Collector Date
BISH 444745: A.F.Judd
BISH 46374Kauai: Wailua Homestead area, at base of s.w. Nonou MtsB.C.Stone10.viii.1961
BISH 630853Oahu: Honolulu, Kamehameha Girl's School, Kapalama, Koolau RangeA.F.Judd10.xii.1938
BISH 505350Oahu: J.Lau14.vii.1986
BISH 571706Kauai: Waimea District; abandoned Mana campFlynn, T.18.x.1989
BISH 69024Oahu: Honolulu, U.S.Experiment StationL.H.MacDaniels25.x.1926
BISH 689106Oahu: H.S.P.A. Plantation, Manoa DistrictGrant, M.L.29.x.1934
BISH 100474Oahu: H.S.P.A. Plantation, Manoa DistrictGrant, M.L.29.x.1934
BISH 657049Hawaii: Hilo, Aroboretum at State Forestry grounds on Kilauea AveDavis, J.31.vii.1981
BISH 68025Oahu: Honolulu, Liliha St. near Judd StF.Shigemura7.iv.1961
BISH 69027Oahu: Honolulu, Kamehameha Girls' SchoolA.F.Judd7.x.1939
BISH 69022Oahu: Honolulu, forest reserve near Kamehameha Girls' SchoolA.F.Judd7.xi.1936
BISH 69023Oahu: U.S. Experimental Station, Kewalo, HonoluluW.B.Storey8.i.1931
BISH 494037Hawaii: Honokine Iki Valley, 200 m. inlandR.Terryvii.1985
All Records Displayed.
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