Lanai City Search

Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
    State/Province: STATE OF HAWAII
      Island: LANAI
Records 145 of 45 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
ent 2004012597Azya orbigeraKrauss, N.L.H.02 November 1947
ent 2005011530Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.02 November 1947
ent 2005029284Araecerus fasciculatusKrauss, N.L.H.02 November 1947
ent 2005011531Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.02 November 1947
ent 2005018744Anthomyia vicariansKrauss, N.L.H.02 November 1947
ent 2005035744OxydemaKrauss, N.L.H.2 November 1947
ent 2005035746OxydemaKrauss, N.L.H.2 November 1947
ent 2005035745OxydemaKrauss, N.L.H.2 November 1947
ent 2005035748OxydemaKrauss, N.L.H.2 November 1947
ent 2005035747OxydemaKrauss, N.L.H.2 November 1947
ent 2005035749OxydemaKrauss, N.L.H.2 November 1947
ent 2005011535Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.27 October 1947
ent 2005011532Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.27 October 1947
ent 2005012713Sticholotis ruficepsKrauss, N.L.H.27 October 1947
ent 2005041600DynatopechusKrauss, N.L.H.27 October 1947
ent 2004005820Gonocephalum bilineatumKrauss, N.L.H.27 October 1947
ent 2005011533Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.27 October 1947
ent 2005007171Scymnodes lividigasterKrauss, N.L.H.27 October 1947
ent 2005011536Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.27 October 1947
ent 2005011534Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.27 October 1947
ent 2005011540Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011378Homoneura unguiculataKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011541Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005037128Euxesta wettsteiniKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011539Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011544Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011537Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005032092Toxomerus marginatusKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011543Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005000948Coelophora inaequalisKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011542Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005005350Rhyzobius lophanthaeKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005037129Euxesta wettsteiniKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005019103Anthonomus eugeniiKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005019101Anthonomus eugeniiKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011538Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005019104Anthonomus eugeniiKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005019105Anthonomus eugeniiKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005019102Anthonomus eugeniiKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005037127Euxesta wettsteiniKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005005385Rhizobius forestieriKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1947
ent 2005011529Desmometopa tarsalisKrauss, N.L.H.30 October 1974
ent 2005007173Scymnodes lividigasterKrauss, N.L.H.October 1947
ent 2005007174Scymnodes lividigasterKrauss, N.L.H.October 1947
ent 2005007172Scymnodes lividigasterKrauss, N.L.H.October 1947
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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