Koolau Mts.; Wahiawa Search

Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
    State/Province: STATE OF HAWAII
      Island: OAHU
Records 170 of 70 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
ent 2005000192Blackburnia (Blackburnia) corrusca
ent 2005000190Blackburnia (Blackburnia) corrusca
ent 2005000191Blackburnia (Blackburnia) corrusca
ent 2005018676Anthomyia vicariansIllinworth, J.F.08 March 1926
ent 2005018671Anthomyia vicariansIllinworth, J.F.08 March 1926
ent 2005018678Anthomyia vicariansIllinworth, J.F.08 March 1926
ent 2005018670Anthomyia vicariansIllinworth, J.F.08 March 1926
ent 2005018675Anthomyia vicariansIllinworth, J.F.08 March 1926
ent 2005018679Anthomyia vicariansIllinworth, J.F.08 March 1926
ent 2005018677Anthomyia vicariansIllinworth, J.F.08 March 1926
ent 2005018669Anthomyia vicariansIllinworth, J.F.08 March 1926
ent 2005018668Anthomyia vicariansIllinworth, J.F.08 March 1926
ent 2005018672Anthomyia vicariansIllinworth, J.F.08 March 1926
ent 2005018674Anthomyia vicariansIllinworth, J.F.08 March 1926
ent 2005005990Carpophilus humeralisVanDine, D.L.18 July 1906
ent 2004006159Stegobium paniceumFord, Jr., E.J.1958
ent 2005004222Dactylosternum abdominaleFullaway, D.T.20 July
ent 2005003217Dactylosternum abdominaleIllingworth, J.F.22 March 1926
ent 2005003220Dactylosternum abdominaleIllingworth, J.F.22 March 1926
ent 2005003219Dactylosternum abdominaleIllingworth, J.F.22 March 1926
ent 2005005999Carpophilus humeralisVanDine, D.L.3 September 1908
ent 2004003115Mirosternus affinisSwezey, O.H.31 October 1920
ent 2005010047Eupetinus subaperPerkins, R.C.L.April 1900
ent 2005004368Cryptopleurum evansiFordApril 1955
ent 2005012113Haptoncus mundusFord, E.J,August 1954
ent 2005034697Oxydema fusiformeFord, E.J.August 1959
ent 2005015733Polytus mellerborgiFord, Jr., E.J.December 1955
ent 2005015735Polytus mellerborgiFord, Jr., E.J.December 1955
ent 2005015732Polytus mellerborgiFord, Jr., E.J.December 1955
ent 2005012112Haptoncus mundusDecember 1955
ent 2005015734Polytus mellerborgiFord, Jr., E.J.December 1955
ent 2005004369Cryptopleurum evansiFordFebruary 1954
ent 2005004371Cryptopleurum evansiFordFebruary 1954
ent 2005002953Cercyon laminatusFordFebruary 1954
ent 2005003030Cryptopleurum evansiFordFebruary 1954
ent 2005004387OosternumFordFebruary 1956
ent 2005021258Dryophthorus distinguendusFordJanuary 1955
ent 2005003123Dactylosternum abdominaleFord, Jr., E.J.July 1954
ent 2005003122Dactylosternum abdominaleFord, Jr., E.J.July 1954
ent 2005021346Dryophthorus distinguendusFord, E.J.July 1954
ent 2005006069Carpophilus marginellusFord,Jr., E.J.July 1957
ent 2005034698Oxydema fusiformeFord, Jr., E.J.July 1958
ent 2005021257Dryophthorus distinguendusFord, Jr., E.J.July 1958
ent 2005002980CercyonFord,Jr., E.J.July 1958
ent 2005002954Cercyon laminatusJune 1950?
ent 2005004372Cryptopleurum evansiFord, E.J.June 1954
ent 2005021256Dryophthorus distinguendusJune 1955
ent 2005021259Dryophthorus distinguendusJune 1955
ent 2005015736Polytus mellerborgiFordJune 1955
ent 2005021260Dryophthorus distinguendusJune 1955
ent 2005021347Dryophthorus distinguendusFordJune 1955
ent 2005006070Carpophilus marginellusFord,Jr., E.J.March 1958
ent 2005020120Cylas formicariusFordNovember 1953
ent 2005012041Haptoncus ocularisFordNovember 1953
ent 2005004389OosternumFordNovember 1954
ent 2005004385OosternumFordNovember 1954
ent 2005004388OosternumFordNovember 1954
ent 2004006095MirosternusFordSeptember 1953
ent 2005016131Blackburnia (Metromenus) mutabilisFordSeptember 1953
ent 2004006096MirosternusFordSeptember 1953
ent 2005003012Coelostoma fabriciiFordSeptember 1953
ent 2005004370Cryptopleurum evansiFordSeptember 1953
ent 2005008320Blackburnia (Metromenus) caliginosaFordSeptember 1953
ent 2005004390OosternumFord,Jr., E.J.September 1958
ent 2005002984CercyonFord,Jr., E.J.September 1958
ent 2005002983CercyonFord,Jr., E.J.September 1958
ent 2005004386OosternumFord,Jr., E.J.September 1958
ent 2005002974Cercyon quisquiliusFord,Jr., E.H.September 1958
ent 2005004422Paroosternum sorexFord,Jr., E.J.September 1958
ent 2005012040Haptoncus ocularisFord,Jr., E.J.September 1958
All Records Displayed.
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