Bishop Museum Search

Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
    State/Province: STATE OF HAWAII
      Island: OAHU
Records 152 of 52 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
ent 2005027552Toxorhynchites (Toxorhynchites) amboinensis03 April 1978
ent 2005027553Toxorhynchites (Toxorhynchites) amboinensis03 April 1978
ent 2004009630Tenebrio obscurusHosaka, E.Y.December 1931
ent 2005035123Syritta orientalisEvenhuis, N.L.09 July 1985
ent 2006001395Siphunculina striolataHoyt, C.P.09 December 1952
ent 2005038685Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.10 December 1923
ent 2005038675Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.26 November 1923
ent 2005038703Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.10 December 1923
ent 2005038683Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.10 December 1923
ent 2005038677Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.30 November 1923
ent 2005038693Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.18 December 1923
ent 2005038696Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.18 December 1923
ent 2005038688Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.18 December 1923
ent 2005038674Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.26 November 1923
ent 2005038690Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.18 December 1923
ent 2005038682Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.10 December 1923
ent 2005038681Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.10 December 1923
ent 2005038698Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.18 December 1923
ent 2005038695Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.18 December 1923
ent 2005038679Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.01 December 1923
ent 2005038700Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.18 December 1923
ent 2005038684Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.10 December 1923
ent 2005038699Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.18 December 1923
ent 2005038678Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.30 November 1923
ent 2005038687Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.18 December 1923
ent 2005038697Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.18 December 1923
ent 2005038692Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.18 December 1923
ent 2005038676Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.30 November 1923
ent 2005038701Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.18 December 1923
ent 2005038680Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.10 December 1923
ent 2005038694Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.18 December 1923
ent 2005038702Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.01 December 1923
ent 2005038689Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.18 December 1923
ent 2005038691Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.18 December 1923
ent 2005038686Scholastes bimaculatusBryan, Jr., E.H.10 December 1923
ent 2005016822Scenopinus lucidusHoyt, C.October 1952
ent 2005018573Scenopinus adventiciusHoyt, C.October 1952
ent 2005018572Scenopinus adventiciusHoyt, C.25 August 1952
ent 2005011235Homoneura unguiculataSuehiro, A.January 1951
ent 2005035155Eristalinus aeneusKondo1957
ent 2005024106DasyheleaHoyt, C.October 1952
ent 2005024104DasyheleaHoyt, C.October 1952
ent 2005024105DasyheleaHoyt, C.October 1952
ent 2005023057Clogmia albipunctataWilder, G.P.July 1931
ent 2005023061Clogmia albipunctataWilder, G.P.July 1931
ent 2005023070Clogmia albipunctataWilder, G.P.July 1931
ent 2005023064Clogmia albipunctataWilder, G.P.July 1931
ent 2005018709Anthomyia vicariansSuehiro, A.May 1952
ent 2005018706Anthomyia vicariansSuehiro, A.January 1951
ent 2005018708Anthomyia vicariansSuehiro, A.May 1951
ent 2005018707Anthomyia vicariansSuehiro, A.26 February 1951
ent 2004000452Ananca bicolorSuehiro, A.July 1931
All Records Displayed.
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