Halemanu Search

Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
    State/Province: STATE OF HAWAII
      Island: KAUAI
Records 1104 of 104 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
ent 2006005499AglycyderidaeSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2006000964AglycyderidaeCooke15 August 1919
ent 2005033526Cis porcatusSwezey, O.H.12 August 1925
ent 2005032693OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032692OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032691OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032690OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032689OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032688OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032687OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032686OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032685OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032684OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032683OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032682OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032681OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032680OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032679OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032678OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032677OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032629OodemasSwezey, O.H.8 August 1925
ent 2005032628OodemasZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005032497OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005032496OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005032495OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005032494OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005032493OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005032492OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005032491OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005032490OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005032489OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005032488OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005032487OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005032486OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005032485OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005032484OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005031511OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005031510OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005031509OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005031508OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005031507OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005031506OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005031505OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005031504OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005031503OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005031502OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005031501OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005031500OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005031499OodemasSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005031309OodemasCooke, C.M.26 August
ent 2005027003Cis cognatissimusSwezey, O.H.12 August 1925
ent 2005024671Apterocis impuctatusSwezey, O.H.14 August 1925
ent 2005017841Blackburnia (Metromenus) pavidaZimmerman, E.C.12 July 1937
ent 2005017819Blackburnia (Metromenus) pavidaSwezey, O.H.30 August 1921
ent 2005017817Blackburnia (Metromenus) pavidaOsborn, H.T.08 June 1919
ent 2005013310Nesopeplus floricolaSwezey, O.H.6 July 1932
ent 2005008721Blackburnia (Metromenus) alternansPerkins, R.C.L.May 1895
ent 2005007615Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007614Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007613Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007612Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007611Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007610Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007609Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007608Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007607Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007606Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007605Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007604Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007603Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007602Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007601Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007600Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007599Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007598Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007597Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007596Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007595Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007594Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007593Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007592Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007591Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataKusche, J.A.01 March 1919
ent 2005007499Blackburnia (Colpocaccus) posticataSwezey, O.H.29 August 1921
ent 2005003447Hyperaspis jocosaSwezey, O.H.08 August 1926
ent 2004012825Blackburnia (Blackburnia) aterrimaSwezey, O.H.22 June 1932
ent 2004012824Blackburnia (Blackburnia) aterrimaSwezey, O.H.22 June 1932
ent 2004012823Blackburnia (Blackburnia) aterrimaSwezey, O.H.22 June 1932
ent 2004012821Blackburnia (Blackburnia) aterrimaSwezey, O.H.29 June 1932
ent 2004012360TenebrionidaeSwezey, O.H.08 August 1925
ent 2004011965Xyletobius sulcatusPerkins, R.C.L.1895
ent 2004011964Xyletobius sulcatusPerkins, R.C.L.1895
ent 2004011963Xyletobius sulcatusPerkins, R.C.L.
ent 2004011962Xyletobius sulcatusPerkins, R.C.L.
ent 2004010218Xyletobius nuptusPerkins, R.C.L.May 1895
ent 2004010217Xyletobius nuptusPerkins, R.C.L.May 1895
ent 2004010211Xyletobius nuptusPerkins, R.C.L.May 1895
ent 2004010210Xyletobius nuptusPerkins, R.C.L.May 1895
ent 2004001852Parandra puncticepsSwezey, O.H.29 August 1921
ent 2004001851Parandra puncticepsSwezey, O.H.29 August 1921
ent 2004001848Parandra puncticepsSwezey, O.H.29 August 1921
ent 2004001846Parandra puncticepsZimmerman, E.C.10 July 1937
ent 2004001826Parandra puncticepsGiffard, W.M.
ent 2004001825Parandra puncticepsGiffard, W.M.
ent 2004001824Parandra puncticepsGiffard, W.M.
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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