Sticholotis ruficeps Weise Search

Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: ANIMALIA
   Class: INSECTA
Original Description:
Current Status: Valid
Records 143 of 43 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Locality Collector Date
ent 2005012689Hawaii: Koebele
ent 2005012707Oahu: Koolau Mts.; HonoluluBryant, O.
ent 2005012694Hawaii: Koebele
ent 2005012692Oahu: Koolau Mts.; Honolulu
ent 2005012688Hawaii: Koebele
ent 2005012687Oahu: Koebele
ent 2005012691Oahu: Koolau Mts.; Honolulu
ent 2005012695Hawaii: Koebele
ent 2005012719Oahu: Wahiawa
ent 2005012708Oahu: Waimano TrailGressitt, J.L.05 July 1963
ent 2005012709Oahu: Waimano TrailGressitt, J.L.05 July 1963
ent 2005012693Oahu: Halawa Valley, NorthGagne, W.C.10 September 1983
ent 2005012711Oahu: HelemanoQuate, L.W.13 August 1958
ent 2005012714Oahu: Koolau Mts.; HonoluluCartwright1924
ent 2005012690Oahu: Koolau Mts.; KailuaGagne, W.C.20 November 1980
ent 2005012704Oahu: Koolau Mts.; Honolulu; KalihiHowarth, F.G.20 September 1978
ent 2005012728Oahu: Halawa TrailTsuda, D.M.23 October 1967
ent 2005012710Oahu: Koolau Mts.Samuelson, G.A.24 August 1963
ent 2005012703Oahu: Koolau Mts.; Honolulu; Aina HainaNishioka, J.24 October 1977
ent 2005012713Lanai: Lanai CityKrauss, N.L.H.27 October 1947
ent 2005012697Oahu: LaieHowarth, F.G.29 September 1977
ent 2005012700Oahu: LaieHowarth, F.G.29 September 1977
ent 2005012698Oahu: LaieHowarth, F.G.29 September 1977
ent 2005012696Oahu: LaieHowarth, F.G.29 September 1977
ent 2005012699Oahu: LaieHowarth, F.G.29 September 1977
ent 2005012702Oahu: LaieHowarth, F.G.29 September 1977
ent 2005012701Oahu: LaieHowarth, F.G.29 September 1977
ent 2005012727Oahu: Koolau Mts.FordApril 1950
ent 2005012722Oahu: Waianae Mts.; Mt.KaalaFordDecember 1951
ent 2005012723Oahu: Waianae Mts.; Mt.KaalaFordDecember 1951
ent 2005012716Oahu: AieaFordDecember 1951
ent 2005012725Oahu: Waianae Mts.FordFebruary 1953
ent 2005012712Oahu: Waianae Mts.; Mt.KaalaGressitt, J.L.February 1955
ent 2005012724Oahu: MoanaluaFordJanuary 1953
ent 2005012705Oahu: Koolau Mts.; HonoluluZimmerman, E.C.March 1942
ent 2005012706Oahu: Koolau Mts.; HonoluluZimmerman, E.C.March 1942
ent 2005012729Oahu: Damon TractFordMarch 1953
ent 2005012726Oahu: Barbers PointFordMay 1950
ent 2005012721Oahu: EwaFordNovember 1949
ent 2005012715Oahu: Koolau Mts.; HonoluluBryan, E.H.Jr.October 1928
ent 2005012720Oahu: EwaFordOctober 1949
ent 2005012718Oahu: WahiawaFord, E.J.Jr.September 1958
ent 2005012717Oahu: WahiawaFord, E.J.Jr.September 1958
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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