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Higher Geography:
   Island Group: 
Records 2150122000 of 22162 (Page 44 of 45)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
entTyp 656Phloeopora pacificaMumford & Adamson
entTyp 655Coenonica affinisLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 654Coenonica ferrugineaMumford & Adamson
entTyp 653Coenonica insularumMumford & Adamson
entTyp 652Pachycorynus insularisAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 651Medon adamsoniMumford & Adamson
entTyp 650Trogophloeus funeralisMumford & Adamson
entTyp 649Trogophloeus funereusMumford & Adamson
entTyp 648Trogophloeus mumfordiLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 647Nanolobus pacificusMumford & Adamson
entTyp 646Eleusis pacificaAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 645Pseudagrion demorsumLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 644Syrorisa mumfordiMumford & Adamson
entTyp 643Leucauge mendanaiMumford & Adamson
entTyp 642Dyschiriognatha nigromaculataMumford & Adamson
entTyp 641Theridion septempunctatum-
entTyp 640Theridion mendozaeMumford & Adamson
entTyp 639Theridion fatuhivaensisLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 638Sandalodes magnusWhitten, R.R.
entTyp 637Sandalodes nigrescensLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 636Sandalodes flavipesTauraa, H.
entTyp 635Sandalodes nigrolineatus-
entTyp 634Sandalodes trianguliferLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 633Poecilochroa rolliniAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 632Ariadna lebronneciLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 631Aethessa adamsoniAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 630Aethessa mumfordiMumford & Adamson
entTyp 629Phloeobius gigas horaeusLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 628Jassus insularisAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 627Jassus tahitiensisAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 626Indotritia lebronneci tahitianaAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 625Simulium ovicepsMumford & Adamson
entTyp 624Asymphorodes chalcozonaAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 623Caryolestis praedatrixMumford, E.P.
entTyp 622Theridion societatisAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 621Theridion tahitiaeAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 620Theridion adamsoniAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 619Misumenops pallidaAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 618Medon pacificaAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 617Acrodocera insularisAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 616Notioxenus cylindricusAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 615Tahitina mumfordiAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 614Gonomyia punctigeraAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 613Rhyncogonus submetallicusAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 612Lallemandia mumfordiAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 611Lallemandia fenestrata adamsoniAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 610Lallemandia fenestrata mooreanaAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 609Lallemandia fenestrata tahitiensisAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 608Neoheegeria hibisciAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 607Thrips aleuritisAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 606Nabis plicatulusMumford & Adamson
entTyp 605Nabis longipesMumford & Adamson
entTyp 604Nabis mumfordiLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 603Ptochiomera castaneaMumford & Adamson
entTyp 602Neocymus insularisLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 601Germalus fuliginosusAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 600Germalus maculatusLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 599Germalus infansAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 598Germalus lateralisMumford & Adamson
entTyp 597Germalus costalisMumford & Adamson
entTyp 596Ctenoneurus parallelusMumford & Adamson
entTyp 595Coleotichus adamsoniLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 594Mumfordia tuberculataLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 593Mumfordia spinataMumford & Adamson
entTyp 592Chrysotus denticornisLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 591Bolothrips nigraMumford & Adamson
entTyp 590Isoneurothrips brevicornisMumford & Adamson
entTyp 589Strumigenys inezi mumfordiAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 588Pheidole sexspinosa adamsoni-
entTyp 587Simulium adamsoniMumford & Adamson
entTyp 586Simulium mumfordiMumford & Adamson
entTyp 585Simulium buissoni gallinumMumford & Adamson
entTyp 584Gonomyia metallescensAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 583Gonomyia marquesanaTauraa, H.
entTyp 582Gonomyia mumfordiMumford & Adamson
entTyp 581Gonomyia adamsoniAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 580Coptotermes pacificusMumford & Adamson
entTyp 579Kalotermes doleiP.E.S.?
entTyp 578Kalotermes athertoniP.E.S.?
entTyp 577Microgonus oodemaformisMumford & Adamson
entTyp 576Rhyncogonus pygmaeusMumford & Adamson
entTyp 575Rhyncogonus aeneusLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 574Rhyncogonus planatusLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 573Rhyncogonus perkinsiLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 572Rhyncogonus brunneusAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 571Rhyncogonus brevisLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 570Rhyncogonus griseusWhitten, R.R.
entTyp 569Rhyncogonus cuneatusLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 568Rhyncogonus corvusMumford & Adamson
entTyp 567Rhyncogonus uniformisLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 566Rhyncogonus lateralisWhitten, R.R.
entTyp 565Rhyncogonus cinereusLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 564Rhyncogonus adamsoniMumford & Adamson
entTyp 563Rhyncogonus oppositusLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 562Rhyncogonus ochraceusMumford & Adamson
entTyp 561Rhyncogonus plumbeusLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 560Proterhinus adamsoniAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 559Proterhinus mumfordiMumford & Adamson
entTyp 558Eucarobius fasciatusKellers, H.C.
entTyp 557Ischnura chromostigmaSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 556Rutilia savaiiensisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 555Discocerina communisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 554Psilopa irregularisKellers, H.C.
entTyp 553Drosophila bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 552Drosophila nigrifronsBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 551Scaptomyza stramineipesBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 550Hopkinsomyia convergensBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 549Lissocephala versicolorBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 548Upolumyia bimaculataBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 547Upolumyia pictifronsBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 546Zygothrica samoaensisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 545Samoaia nudaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 544Chlorops minutulaSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 543Diplotoxa politaSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 542Oscinosoma bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 541Oscinosoma agilisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 540Cadrema samoaensisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 539Lonchaea unisetaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 538Lonchaea uniformisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 537Plagiostenopterina samoaensisSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 536Xenognathus inermisBuxton & Hopkins
entTyp 535Xenognathus bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 534Apactoneura flavicornisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 533Panurgopsis quadriseriataBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 532Homoneura setulosaJudd, A.F.
entTyp 531Homoneura apiseriataSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 530Homoneura nigricaudaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 529Trypaneoides puncticepsSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 528Trypaneoides samoensisBuxton & Hopkins
entTyp 527Dichaetomyia fumicosta savaiiBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 526Limnophora atrithoraxBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 525Pectiniseta fulvithoraxBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 524Pygophora buxtoniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 523Isoclusia hyalipennisWilder, G.P.
entTyp 522Isoclusia samoaensisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 521Drapetis savaiiensisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 520Syneches brevispinusBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 519Helixoceras mendosumSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 518Ommatinus varitibiatusBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 517Chrysochlora luteipesSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 516Paratrechina vaga irritansBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 515Monomorium minutum samoanumSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 514Vollenhovia agilisSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 513Liris samoensisSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 512Notogonidea samoensisSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 511Psen bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 510Rhyncolus fuscicollisSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 509Ochronanus pumilusSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 508Mystrorrhinus dimorphusSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 507Proeces praeustumSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 506Cossonus querens afonusSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 505Cossonus limbaticollisKellers, H.C.
entTyp 504Notiosomus cervicallisSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 503Microtribus longicepsSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 502Stenotrupis myristicaeSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 501Dryophthorus armaticollisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 500Nesobaris tutuilaeBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 499Eremonyx rufoplagiatusSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 498Chaetectetorus tutuilaeSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 497Trigonopterus binotatusKellers, H.C.
entTyp 496Trigonopterus bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 495Trigonopterus serratipesBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 494Deretiodes swezeyiSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 493Deretiosus wilderiSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 492Deretiosus gibberSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 491Elytrurus samoensis setiventrisKellers, H.C.
entTyp 490Xyleborus swezeyiSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 489Hylesinus pacificusBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 488Sphaerophyma insularumSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 487Stethotes rufonigraBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 486Stygnobia aenescensSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 485Pycnophthalma tutuilanaSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 484Paratrypanius savaiiensisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 483Oopsis obtusipennisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 482Lamprosybra sulcataBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 481Pterolophia lateripicta connexaJudd, A.F.
entTyp 480Dromaeolus giffardiKellers, H.C.
entTyp 479Roggeveenia buxtoniKellers, H.C.
entTyp 478Scolytocis samoensisSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 477Bryanella samoensisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 476Aegus tutuilensisSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 475Chilomenes samoensis tutuilensisKellers, H.C.
entTyp 474Hapalips samoensisSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 473Leptacinus pallidusSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 472Medon tutuilanusSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 471Palaminus samoensisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 470Callithrinea sphendonistaSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 469Plesiolygus punctatusKellers, H.C.
entTyp 468Lygus hopkinsiBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 467Lygus bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 466Lygus kellersiKellers, H.C.
entTyp 465Lygus swezeyiKellers, H.C.
entTyp 464Lygus samoanusBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 463Creontiades samoanusSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 462Guisardus samoanusKellers, H.C.
entTyp 461Orthotylellus samoanusSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 460Psallus rubromaculosusSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 459Psallus samoanusSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 458Torma samoanusJudd, A.F.
entTyp 457Campylomma annulatusBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 456Erythroneura samoanaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 455Homa upoluanaSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 454Nesosteles tutuilanaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 453Jassoidula limbataBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 452Jassoidula infuscataKellers, H.C.
entTyp 451Jassoidula niuensisKellers, H.C.
entTyp 450Jassoidula stramineaKellers, H.C.
entTyp 449Jassus fijianusBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 448Stirellus tauensisSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 447Stirellus affinisSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 446Stirellus samoanusBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 445Stirellus pacificusSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 444Drabescus samoanaKellers, H.C.
entTyp 443Xestocephalus tutuilanaSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 442Bythoscopus laticepsKellers, H.C.
entTyp 441Bythoscopus hyalinusKellers, H.C.
entTyp 440Bythoscopus tutuilanusKellers, H.C.
entTyp 439Arbela costalis flavicollisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 438Cligenes swezeyiBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 437Neocrompus kellersiKellers, H.C.
entTyp 436Chiastoplonia pygmaeaSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 435Clovia bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 434Clovia juddiJudd, A.F.
entTyp 433Clovia swezeyiZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 432Trioza samoensisZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 431Megatrioza swezeyiSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 430Megatrioza bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 429Myndus sordidusBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 428Myndus semibrunneusBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 427Buxtoniella bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 426Levu samoensisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 425Ugyops bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 424Ugyops wilkesiSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 423Apterotettix samoanaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 422Liphoplus nigripennisKellers, H.C.
entTyp 421Aphonomorphus surdusSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 420Swezwilderia bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 419Anaxipha bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 418Anaxipha brevipesBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 417Anaxipha curtipennisSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 416Arachnocephalus gracilisSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 415Aphelonema giffardiGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 414Oliarus exoptatusGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 413Naethus maculatus fasciatusGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 412Lopidea aculeataGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 411Dicyphus elongatusMuir & Giffard
entTyp 410Ceratocapsus fusiformisGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 409Macrotylus intermediusGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 408Paraproba nigrinervisGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 407Paraproba cinctaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 406Parthenicus giffardiGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 405Parthenicus ruberGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 404Plagiognathus diversus plutoGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 403Psallus sororGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 402Plagiognathus lineatusGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 401Lopidea amplaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 400Adelphocoris superbus borealisGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 399Catonia claraGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 398Catonia albicostaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 397Camptobrochis fenestratusGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 396Irbisia sericans mollipesGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 395Plagiognathus diversus cruralisGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 394Plagiognathus diversusGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 393Plagiognathus mundusGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 392Nesalictus piceagasterBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 391Nothylaeus yorubaBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 390Gnathylaeus williamsiWilliams, F.X.
entTyp 389Australictus aurichalausTerry, F.W.
entTyp 388Australictus muiriMuir, F.
entTyp 387Nesalictus laratensisMuir, F.
entTyp 386Nesohalictus javanusMuir, F.
entTyp 385Nothylaeus peringueyiBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 384Nesohalictus similisMuir, F.
entTyp 383Atractodes muiriMuir, F.
entTyp 382Hylaeus nesoprosopoidesWilliams, F.X.
entTyp 381Nothylaeus aberransBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 380Baryrrhynchus setosellusKusche, J.A.
entTyp 379Cyphagogus fijianusBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 378Sclerodermus bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 377Sclerodermus brevicornisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 376Epyris extraneusBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 375Nesohalictus mallyiBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 374Nesohalictus muiriMuir, F.
entTyp 373Bothrochacis stercorariaBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 372Atractodes mallyiBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 371Mimulapis versatilisBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 370Exolytus nipponicusMuir, F.
entTyp 369Australictus vitiensisBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 368Australictus kellersiKellers, H.C.
entTyp 367Gymnonerius dimidiatusWilliams, F.X.
entTyp 366Pselliophora kershawiKershaw
entTyp 365Gynoplistia nigrithoraxMuir, F.
entTyp 364Eriocera muiriMuir, F.
entTyp 363Eriocera praelataMuir, F.
entTyp 362Camponotus bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 361Condylomyrmex bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 360Tetramorium scrobiferum liogasterBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 359Tetramorium simillimum insulareBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 358Technomyrmex albipes rufescensBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 357Cyrtacanthacris feejeana-
entTyp 356Dicranomyia nigropolitaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 355Brachydeutera hebesBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 354Scatella bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 353Scatella warreniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 352Scatella sexnotataTerry, F.W.
entTyp 351Lispocephala subvittataSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 350Lispocephala paloloaeBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 349Lispocephala oahuaeSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 348Lispocephala crassifemurSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 347Lispocephala fuscisetaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 346Lispocephala inconstansBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 345Lispocephala fuscaIllingworth, J.F.
entTyp 344Lispocephala rufibasisFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 343Lispocephala atratipesSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 342Lispocephala fuscofaciesIllingworth, J.F.
entTyp 341Lispocephala brevispinaTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 340Lispocephala tripunctaIllingworth, J.F.
entTyp 339Lispocephala fuscobrunneaWilliams, F.X.
entTyp 338Lispocephala confluensTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 337Lispocephala plumisetaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 336Lispocephala xeninaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 335Lispocephala orbitalisSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 334Lispocephala seminitidaBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 333Lispocephala hirtifemurKusche, J.A.
entTyp 332Lispocephala pollinosaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 331Lispocephala bispinaFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 330Lispocephala dilatataWilliams, F.X.
entTyp 329Lispocephala pallidibasisSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 328Lispocephala pallidaTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 327Odynerus kauensisGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 326Plagithmysus decorusGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 325Paraclytarlus pipturicolaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 324Plagithmysus molokaiensisSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 323Plagithmysus longicollisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 322Plagithmysus paludisForbes, C.N.
entTyp 321Plagithmysus forbesiiForbes, C.N.
entTyp 320Rhyncogonus mutatusGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 319Rhyncogonus obsoletusGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 318Rhyncogonus segnisKuhns
entTyp 317Rhyncogonus giffardiGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 316Iolania lanaiensisGibson
entTyp 315Iolania mauiensisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 314Iolania koolauensisSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 313Iolania oahuensisGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 312Oliarus inconstansGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 311Oliarus instabilisSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 310Oliarus similisMunro & Gibson
entTyp 309Oliarus inaequalisGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 308Oliarus albatusSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 307Oliarus agnatusGibson
entTyp 306Oliarus halemanuSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 305Oliarus nigerGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 304Oliarus koaeSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 303Oliarus acaciaeSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 302Oliarus euphorbiaeSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 301Oliarus opunaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 300Oliarus lihueSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 299Oliarus waialealeKusche, J.A.
entTyp 298Oliarus kauaiensisSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 297Oliarus consimilisSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 296Oliarus intermediusKusche, J.A.
entTyp 295Oliarus kulanusTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 294Oliarus kanakanus "var. A"Giffard, W.M.
entTyp 293Oliarus montanusSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 292Oliarus mauiensisGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 291Oliarus olympusSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 290Oliarus lanaiensisMunro & Gibson
entTyp 289Oliarus morai neomoraiPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 288Oliarus neotaraiTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 287Oliarus taraiPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 286Oliarus immaculatusOsborn, H.T.
entTyp 285Oliarus halehakuSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 284Oliarus koeleMunro & Gibson
entTyp 283Oliarus filicicolaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 282Oliarus makaalaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 281Oliarus likelikeSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 280Oliarus discrepansSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 279Oliarus kirkaldyiTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 278Oliarus kaumuahonaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 277Oliarus wailupensisSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 276Oliarus myoporicolaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 275Oliarus tantalusSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 274Oliarus kaiulaniSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 273Oliarus swezeyiSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 272Oliarus muiriSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 271Agrilus extraneusPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 270Agrion williamsoniPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 269Agrion oahuense-
entTyp 268Agrion leptodemas-
entTyp 267Agrion koelense-
entTyp 266Nesomicromus phaeostictusPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 265Nesomicromus ombriasPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 264Nesomicromus angularisPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 263Anomalochrysa zoePerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 262Anomalochrysa sylvicolaPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 261Anomalochrysa rhododora xerophyllaPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 260Anomalochrysa rhododoraPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 259Anomalochrysa angulicostaPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 258Anomalochrysa debilisPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 257Oodemas laysanensisFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 256Banza nihoaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 255Petrochroa neckerensisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 254Comodica fullawayiFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 253Ereunetis incertaFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 252Ereunetis kerriKerr, W.
entTyp 251Euxoa bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 250Cis vagansBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 249Proterhinus abundansBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 248Proterhinus bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 247Acalles wilkesiiBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 246Sphaerorhinus sordidusBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 245Sphaerorhinus pallescensBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 244Rhyncogonus fallaxBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 243Rhyncogonus biformisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 242Rhyncogonus exsulBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 241Oodemas erroBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 240Oodemas breviscapumCooke, Jr., C.M.
entTyp 239Oodemas neckeriBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 238Pentarthrum pritchardiaeBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 237Pentarthrum halodorumFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 236Dryotribus solitariusBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 235Plagithmysus nihoaeBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 234Itodacnus novicornisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 233Aphelinoidea oceanicaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 232Pseudopheliminas vagansTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 231Elachertus advenaFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 230Lepideupelmus bryaniBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 229Lepideupelmus robustusBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 228Eupelmus pacificusBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 227Eupelmus nihoaensisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 226Nesoprosopis perkinsianaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 225Sclerodermus nihoaensisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 224Odynerus hawaiiensisBlackburn, T.
entTyp 223Odynerus pacificus-
entTyp 222Odynerus cardinalis-
entTyp 221Rhynchogonus mumfordiMumford & Adamson
entTyp 220Camponotus rufifrons leucopisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 219Olethrius subnitidusKellers, H.C.
entTyp 218Riptortus tutuilensisSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 217Riptortus insularis obscurusSwezey & Wilder
entTyp 216Dictyophorodelphax swezeyiBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 215Philodoria pipturicolaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 214Gracilaria ureranaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 213Gracilaria ureraellaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 212Gracilaria hauicolaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 211Gracilaria hibiscellaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 210Gracilaria dubautiellaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 209Gracilaria mabaellaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 208Bedellia boehmeriellaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 207Bedellia oplismeniellaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 206Ereunetis penicillataSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 205Opogona purpuriellaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 204Opogona apicalisSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 203Euhyposmocoma trivitellaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 202Hyposmocoma ekahaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 201Epagoge ureranaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 200Capua santalataSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 199Capua cassiaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 198Tortrix semicinereanaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 197Archips sublichenoidesGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 196Archips fuscocinereaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 195Thyrocopa sapindiellaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 194Aristotelia giganteaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 193Petrochroa trifasciataSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 192Semnoprepia ferrugineaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 191Semnoprepia fuscopurpureaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 190Scoparia nectarioidesGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 189Scoparia lycopodiaeSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 188Pyrausta thermantoidisGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 187Omiodes laysanensisFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 186Omiodes fullawayiFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 185Omiodes anastreptoidisSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 184Omiodes maiaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 183Omiodes musicolaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 182Omiodes meyrickiSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 181Cryptoblabes alienaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 180Genophantis leahiSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 179Hydriomena roseataGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 178Hydriomena giffardiGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 177Plusia giffardiGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 176Nesamiptis laysanensisFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 175Nesamiptis newelliNewell, M.
entTyp 174Megachile palmarumPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 173Sierola sinensisMuir, F.
entTyp 172Sierola vitiensisMuir, F.
entTyp 171Sierola willardiBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 170Sierola nudaFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 169Sierola subcrispaFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 168Sierola curiosaTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 167Sierola rufomandibulataSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 166Sierola distinguendaFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 165Sierola waianaeanaFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 164Sierola newelliGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 163Sierola atraGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 162Sierola asperaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 161Sierola langfordiGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 160Sierola proximaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 159Sierola humilisBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 158Sierola perottetiaeBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 157Sierola perkinsiGiffard & Muir
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Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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