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Higher Geography:
   Island Group: 
Records 90019500 of 22162 (Page 19 of 45)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
entTyp 9018Neuroctenus hortatrixGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 9015Neuroctenus gressittiGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 9027Neuroctenus granuligerSedlacek, J.&M.
entTyp 9024Neuroctenus fulgidusSedlacek, J.
entTyp 9026Neuroctenus foratusMaa, T.C.
entTyp 9043Neuroctenus ferreusHadden & Muzzall
entTyp 9032Neuroctenus eurycephalusGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 9036Neuroctenus egelidusTorrevillas, H.M.
entTyp 9031Neuroctenus dybasiDybas, H.S.
entTyp 9023Neuroctenus crassicornisGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 9041Neuroctenus ceramensisMuir, F.
entTyp 9021Neuroctenus brevirostrisMaa, T.C.
entTyp 9038Neuroctenus bilobatusAshlock, P.D.
entTyp 9035Neuroctenus appendiculatusMilliron, H.E.
entTyp 9028Neuroctenus acutusSedlacek, J.&M.
entTyp 13511Netelia hirashimaiHirashima, Y.
entTyp 3840Nesoxypilus antennatusKusche, J.A.
entTyp 11385Nesothrips oahuensis
entTyp 2469Nesothoe perkinsiPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 2837Nesothoe magnacornisBeardsley, J.W.
entTyp 3784Nesosylphas pacifica
entTyp 1727Nesosydne umbraticaPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 5096Nesosydne timberlakeiTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 5095Nesosydne swezeyiSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 2672Nesosydne sorixLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 2655Nesosydne soracteZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 2656Nesosydne sophonisbaZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 2673Nesosydne siderionLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 5094Nesosydne sharpiSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 2654Nesosydne scorpinacaZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 2657Nesosydne satyrionZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 5093Nesosydne rockiSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 2653Nesosydne remmiusZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 1729Nesosydne raillardiaePerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 5092Nesosydne pseudorubescensGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 1731Nesosydne procellarisPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 5091Nesosydne phyllostegiaeGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 5090Nesosydne perkinsiPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 1728Nesosydne pelePerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 2658Nesosydne panthusZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 2660Nesosydne ozomeneZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 2659Nesosydne otusZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 5089Nesosydne osborniOsborn, H.T.
entTyp 2665Nesosydne orphneLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 2668Nesosydne oroandaAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 5088Nesosydne oahuensisGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 5087Nesosydne nigricepsGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 5086Nesosydne nesogunneraeGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 2470Nesosydne nephrolepidisPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 5085Nesosydne montistantalusGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 2666Nesosydne melampusMumford & Adamson
entTyp 5084Nesosydne lobeliaeTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 2669Nesosydne linusLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 2675Nesosydne latonaLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 2676Nesosydne lanistaMumford & Adamson
entTyp 5083Nesosydne koebeleiSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 5082Nesosydne koae-phyllodiiSwezey?, O.H.
entTyp 5081Nesosydne incommoda
entTyp 2674Nesosydne helicaonLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 5080Nesosydne hamataGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 1733Nesosydne hamadryasPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 2468Nesosydne haliaPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 5079Nesosydne gunneraeTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 5078Nesosydne giffardiGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 5076Nesosydne fullawayiFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 2334Nesosydne fullawayi lanaiensisMunro, G.C.
entTyp 2671Nesosydne elatusLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 5075Nesosydne disjunctaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 2670Nesosydne dinomacheLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 2335Nesosydne cyrtandricolaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 5073Nesosydne cyrtandraeSwezey?, O.H.
entTyp 1730Nesosydne cyathodisPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 2661Nesosydne cyaneLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 2662Nesosydne clitarchusLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 2663Nesosydne cleanthesLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 5098Nesosydne chenopodiiDavis, C.J.
entTyp 1732Nesosydne chambersiPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 5072Nesosydne blackburni"G-M"
entTyp 5071Nesosydne asteliaeTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 5070Nesosydne anceps"G-M"
entTyp 2664Nesosydne agenorMumford & Adamson
entTyp 2667Nesosydne acastusMumford & Adamson
entTyp 13922Nesostethus variegatusBryan, E.H., Jr.
entTyp 13921Nesostethus lunatusKrauss, N.
entTyp 13920Nesostethus fuscusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 13919Nesostethus bipartitusBryan, E.H., Jr.
entTyp 1707Nesosteles volcanicolaPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 454Nesosteles tutuilanaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 895Nesosteles timberlakeiTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 4420Nesosteles taedia
entTyp 4419Nesosteles sordidior
entTyp 4418Nesosteles sanguinescens
entTyp 1708Nesosteles plutonisPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 4532Nesosteles phryne
entTyp 1709Nesosteles peregrinaPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 713Nesosteles marquesanaLe Bronnec & Tauraa
entTyp 4559Nesosteles hebeKoebele, A.
entTyp 1706Nesosteles hebe hospesPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 4417Nesosteles glauca
entTyp 4530Nesosteles dryas
entTyp 4533Nesosteles chloe
entTyp 4531Nesosteles aurantiigera
entTyp 714Nesosteles areolataAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 696Nesoriella maculataMumford & Adamson
entTyp 3641Nesoribatula pacificaWilson, N.
entTyp 1722Nesorestias nimbataPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 1721Nesorestias filicicolaPerkins, R.C.L.
MO 95631NesopupaBuck, P.H.
MO 11642Nesopupa1 Dec 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
MO 11703Nesopupa1 Dec 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
MO 20448Nesopupa
MO 22166NesopupaSpalding
MO 58984Nesopupa newcombi
MO 18702Nesopupa kauaiensis
entTyp 226Nesoprosopis perkinsianaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 1762Nesopompilus vitiensisValentine, J.M.
entTyp 699Nesophyla variataLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 702Nesophyla uapouanaLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 701Nesophyla testaceaLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 700Nesophyla sordidaMumford & Adamson
entTyp 698Nesophyla pictaMumford & Adamson
entTyp 718Nesophyla nigrifronsLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 704Nesophyla flavidaMumford & Adamson
entTyp 705Nesophyla flavida bimaculataMumford & Adamson
entTyp 703Nesophyla breviataLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 1703Nesophryne microlepiaeGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 1702Nesophryne filicicolaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 4596Nesophryne alticolaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 869Nesophrosyne umbratilisGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 1711Nesophrosyne ulaulaPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 1712Nesophrosyne ulaula nigrolineataGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 875Nesophrosyne touchardiiSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 886Nesophrosyne sinuataGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 889Nesophrosyne signatulaTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 893Nesophrosyne sanguineaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 2332Nesophrosyne ponaponaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 1720Nesophrosyne pipturiGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 883Nesophrosyne peleaeSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 1713Nesophrosyne palustrisPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 881Nesophrosyne paloloSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 1714Nesophrosyne oreadisPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 1715Nesophrosyne oceanidesPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 880Nesophrosyne obliquaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 872Nesophrosyne nuenueSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 888Nesophrosyne notatulaTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 1710Nesophrosyne myrsinesPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 1717Nesophrosyne montivagaPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 870Nesophrosyne montiumSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 891Nesophrosyne marginalisGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 890Nesophrosyne mabaeGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 877Nesophrosyne lineataGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 1719Nesophrosyne koleaeGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 1716Nesophrosyne gouldiaePerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 1718Nesophrosyne giffardi interruptaPemberton, C.E.
entTyp 885Nesophrosyne furculataGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 894Nesophrosyne eburneolaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 884Nesophrosyne cuprescensTimberlake, P.H.
entTyp 892Nesophrosyne commaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 887Nesophrosyne cinereaGiffard & Fullaway
entTyp 6609Nesophrosyne bobeaePerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 882Nesophrosyne bicolorataSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 2235Nesophrosyne argentatus distansBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 871Nesophrosyne arcadiicolaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 879Nesophrosyne anguliferaGiffard & Fullaway
entTyp 876Nesophrosyne albicostaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 878Nesophrosyne affinisGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 5246Nesoniphas insignissima
entTyp 2107Nesonannus saileriSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 2739Nesomimesa perkinsiSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 266Nesomicromus phaeostictusPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 265Nesomicromus ombriasPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 2535Nesomicromus falcatusPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 264Nesomicromus angularisPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 1461Nesomartis psammophila-
entTyp 2686Nesolyncides ioZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 896Nesolina lineataGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 5243Nesokaha rubrinervis
entTyp 5244Nesokaha piroensisMuir, F.
entTyp 5242Nesokaha philippina
entTyp 5241Nesokaha nigropunctataBaker, C.F.
entTyp 5240Nesokaha lineata
entTyp 5239Nesokaha infuscataMuir, F.
entTyp 7130Nesohaltica melasmaFord, E.J., Jr.
entTyp 2465Nesohaltica lauensisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 2464Nesohaltica brunneaZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 7129Nesohaltica bracteaFord, E.J., Jr.
entTyp 384Nesohalictus similisMuir, F.
entTyp 374Nesohalictus muiriMuir, F.
entTyp 375Nesohalictus mallyiBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 386Nesohalictus javanusMuir, F.
entTyp 1815Nesogenocis maculosusZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 1828Nesogaster reditusSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 14622Nesogaster magnusZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 14621Nesogaster gratiosusZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 10236Nesogaster cristataGressitt, J.L.
ent 103403Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103400Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103398Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103388Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103391Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103386Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103394Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103392Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103405Nesodynerus rudolphiBlackburn, T.
ent 103390Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103404Nesodynerus rudolphiBlackburn, T.
ent 103397Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103395Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103288Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103387Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103401Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103402Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103389Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103406Nesodynerus rudolphiBlackburn, T.
ent 103396Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103399Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103393Nesodynerus rudolphi
ent 103216Nesodynerus oblitus
ent 103209Nesodynerus oblitus
ent 103205Nesodynerus oblitus
ent 103207Nesodynerus oblitus
ent 103217Nesodynerus oblitus
ent 103212Nesodynerus oblitus
ent 103208Nesodynerus oblitus
ent 103210Nesodynerus oblitus
ent 103214Nesodynerus oblitus
ent 103206Nesodynerus oblitus
ent 103219Nesodynerus oblitus
ent 103218Nesodynerus oblitus
ent 103211Nesodynerus oblitus
ent 103215Nesodynerus oblitus
ent 103213Nesodynerus oblitus
entTyp 1827Nesodryas swezeyiSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 5068Nesodryas seminigrofronsSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 5067Nesodryas semialbaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 2679Nesodryas oenoneLe Bronnec, G.
entTyp 5066Nesodryas munroiGiffard & Munro
entTyp 5065Nesodryas maculataGiffard & Muir
entTyp 2680Nesodryas laocoonMumford & Adamson
entTyp 5064Nesodryas haaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 5063Nesodryas gulickiMuir & Giffard
entTyp 1726Nesodryas elaeocarpiPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 1723Nesodryas dryopePerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 5062Nesodryas dodonaeaeSwezey?, O.H.
entTyp 5061Nesodryas antidesmaeGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 5069Nesodryas alboguttataSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 3178Nesodiranchis nigraBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 15618Nesodiranchis kauaiensisMasner, L.
entTyp 3177Nesodiranchis fuscorubraSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 15619Nesodiranchis bryaniBryan, E.H. Jr.
entTyp 3176Nesodiranchis aurantiacaOsborn, H.T.
entTyp 15620Nesodiranchis acanthokylonZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 3786Nesodaphne knowlesi
entTyp 3803Nesocysta rugata
entTyp 1649Nesocypselas vicinatisZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 1650Nesocypselas simulisZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 1651Nesocypselas muriValentine, J.M.
entTyp 16330Nesocypselas minicysta
entTyp 3867Nesocypselas ecpalgaGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 3765Nesocypselas dicystaMuir, F.
entTyp 2736Nesocypselas bellatulaGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 2835Nesocryptias xiopsisSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 2834Nesocryptias oahuensisUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 7000Nesocryptias comisBeardsley & Yoshimoto
entTyp 2836Nesocryptias adamsoniAdamson, A.M.
entTyp 3779Nesocrypha corticicola
entTyp 13401Nesocricos montanusPolhemus, J.T.&D.A.
entTyp 13400Nesocricos kukukukuPolhemus, J.T.&D.A.
entTyp 11207Nesocricos evopsMaa, T.C.
entTyp 2748Nesocrabro rubrocaudatusBlackburn, T.
entTyp 1869Nesocore subfulvaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 1871Nesocore pygmaeaZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 1875Nesocore purpurigenaZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 1873Nesocore niveaZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 5238Nesocore fidicinaMuir, F.
entTyp 1874Nesocore elutriataZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 5237Nesocore croceaMuir, F.
entTyp 5236Nesocore coccinea
entTyp 1870Nesocore clitoreaZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 1872Nesocore candidaBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 3884Nesocidium auratumPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 4763Nesocharis kalypsoMuir, F.
entTyp 14469Nesobasis malcolmiZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 500Nesobaris tutuilaeBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 3941Nesithmysus swezeyiSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 9400Nesithmysus peleaeGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 3940Nesithmysus haasi
entTyp 3939Nesithmysus forbesiiForbes, C.N.
entTyp 3938Nesithmysus bridwelliSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 689Nesiotizetes adamsoniMumford & Adamson
entTyp 5543Nesiope ornata
entTyp 15687Nesioneta similisBeatty, J.A. & J.W. Berry
entTyp 15684Nesioneta lepidaBerry, J.W.
entTyp 15686Nesioneta elegansBerry, J.W.
entTyp 15685Nesioneta concinnaBerry, J.W. & E.R.
entTyp 14832Nesiomiris williamsiGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14857Nesiomiris waimeaeGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14849Nesiomiris usingeriUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 14846Nesiomiris uncinatusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14841Nesiomiris trinesiotesGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14826Nesiomiris trifurcatusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14842Nesiomiris timberlakeiGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14856Nesiomiris tetraplasandraeSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 14831Nesiomiris swezeyiGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14838Nesiomiris spatulatusAshlock, P.D.
entTyp 14829Nesiomiris sinuatusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14854Nesiomiris seminotatusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14839Nesiomiris secularisBeardsley, J.W.
entTyp 14851Nesiomiris rufonotusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14874Nesiomiris restrictusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14833Nesiomiris reductusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14872Nesiomiris planatusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14828Nesiomiris pilosusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14830Nesiomiris parasinuatusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14843Nesiomiris pallidusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14836Nesiomiris pallasatusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14860Nesiomiris olapaGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14840Nesiomiris oheGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14869Nesiomiris oahuensisGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14867Nesiomiris mauiensisGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14863Nesiomiris mahuGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14853Nesiomiris maculatusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14858Nesiomiris lineatusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14847Nesiomiris limitatusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14844Nesiomiris lihuensisGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14864Nesiomiris legnotusHardy, D.E.
entTyp 14859Nesiomiris lapalapaGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14865Nesiomiris lanaiensisGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14850Nesiomiris kraussiGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14868Nesiomiris kawauGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14862Nesiomiris kauilamahuGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14871Nesiomiris ilicivorusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14870Nesiomiris ilicisGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14852Nesiomiris fasciatusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14834Nesiomiris elongatusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14861Nesiomiris ehuUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 14835Nesiomiris curvipesGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14827Nesiomiris curvatusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14873Nesiomiris contortusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14837Nesiomiris cheliferusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14845Nesiomiris cheirodendronaeGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14866Nesiomiris byroniaeGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14855Nesiomiris bifurcatusGagne, W.C.
entTyp 14848Nesiomiris beardsleyiGagne, W.C.
entTyp 13606Nesiodrosophila sternopleuralisOkada, T.
entTyp 13600Nesiodrosophila spinipesOkada, T.
entTyp 13607Nesiodrosophila serrata
entTyp 13604Nesiodrosophila papuanaOkada, T.
entTyp 13601Nesiodrosophila laenaOkada, T.
entTyp 13603Nesiodrosophila hexachaeta
entTyp 13602Nesiodrosophila brunnea
entTyp 13605Nesiodrosophila aristataOkada, T.
entTyp 9296Nesidiolestes robertiUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 3777Nesidiolestes insularis(Swezey, O.H.)
entTyp 10261Nesidiolestes anaHowarth & Gagne
entTyp 6737Nesidiochernes zealandicusO'Brien, C.W.
entTyp 6269Nesidiochernes novaeguineaeGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 3646Nesidiochernes caledonicusKrauss, N.L.H.
entTyp 15049Neseuthia zimmermaniZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 15050Neseuthia upoluensisZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 15048Neseuthia samoanaZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 15051Neseuthia afiamaluiZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 1162Neseonos brunneusZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 1371Nesenicocephalus hawaiiensisBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 5656Nesencyrtus sexramosusGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 1452Neseis whitei brachypterusSwezey & Williams
entTyp 1430Neseis swezeyiUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 1418Neseis pallidusBryant, O.
entTyp 6997Neseis pallassatusAshlock, P.D.
entTyp 1460Neseis ochriasis baldwiniBaldwin, P.H.
entTyp 1419Neseis oahuensisUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 1425Neseis nitidus pipturiUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 1422Neseis nitidus impressicollisUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 1423Neseis nitidus contubernalisUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 1424Neseis nitidus consummatusUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 12730Neseis neochinaiGagne, W.C.
entTyp 1416Neseis molokaiensisUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 1433Neseis mauiensis pallidipennisSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 1437Neseis maculicepsUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 6998Neseis legnotusFord, E.J., Jr.
entTyp 1426Neseis hiloensis jugatusUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 1427Neseis hiloensis interoculatusUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 1429Neseis hiloensis intermediusUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 1428Neseis hiloensis approximatusGiffard & Fullaway
entTyp 1421Neseis fulgidusUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 1434Neseis fasciatus fasciatusUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 1435Neseis fasciatus fasciatus hyalinusGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 1436Neseis fasciatus convergensPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 1420Neseis cryptusUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 1432Neseis chinaiUsinger, R.L.
entTyp 1417Neseis ampliatusPerkins, R.C.L.
entTyp 1431Neseis alternatusSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 4377Nesaphrogeneia vitiensisMuir, F.
entTyp 12084Nesaphrestes varidorsumGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 12083Nesaphrestes transversisGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 12082Nesaphrestes tenuisKrauss, N.L.H.
entTyp 12081Nesaphrestes soporiferZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 4376Nesaphrestes ptysmatophilusMuir, F.
entTyp 12080Nesaphrestes pallidiorKrauss, N.L.H.
entTyp 12079Nesaphrestes ochraceusGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 12078Nesaphrestes longicepsGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 12077Nesaphrestes fortiorKrauss, N.L.H.
entTyp 12076Nesaphrestes exclamansKrauss, N.L.H.
entTyp 4561Nesaphrestes dreptias
entTyp 12075Nesaphrestes crepidulansSimmonds, W.H.
entTyp 12074Nesaphrestes costansZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 12073Nesaphrestes clavocularisKrauss, N.L.H.
entTyp 12072Nesaphrestes breviorYoshimoto, C.M.
entTyp 12071Nesaphrestes bicolorKrauss, N.L.H.
entTyp 4358Nesamiptis seniculaKusche, J.A.
entTyp 4357Nesamiptis proterorthaKusche, J.A.
entTyp 175Nesamiptis newelliNewell, M.
entTyp 176Nesamiptis laysanensisFullaway, D.T.
entTyp 392Nesalictus piceagasterBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 387Nesalictus laratensisMuir, F.
entTyp 10138Nesadrama petiolataMilliron, H.E.
MO 188722Nes. paWray Harris13 Sep 1937
MO 188619Nes. paWray Harris13 Sep 1937
MO 58983Nes. hystrix
entTyp 14351Nervijuncta vicinaKrauss, N.L.H.
entTyp 14916Nervijuncta evenhuisiKrauss, N.L.H.
MO 95688NeritinaE. Christophersen
MO 188614NeritaWray Harris1 Jan 1936 - 31 Dec 1938
MO 187336NeritaWray Harris15 Jun 1937
MO 173364NeritaWray Harris23 Jan 1937
MO 228292Nerita
MO 188616NeritaAnna Harris16 Aug 1937
MO 257722Nerita
MO 187360NeritaWray Harris15 Jun 1937
MO 187067NeritaPusa17 Sep 1936
MO 186791NeritaSpotts2 Oct 1937
MO 187068NeritaPusa17 Sep 1936
MO 188202NeritaWray Harris1 Jan 1937 - 31 Dec 1937
MO 187365NeritaWray Harris15 Jun 1937
MO 187544NeritaWray Harris13 Aug 1937
MO 175016NeritaWray Harris2 Jul 1936
MO 187335NeritaWray Harris15 Jun 1937
MO 173830NeritaFasa15 May 1937
MO 173365NeritaWray Harris23 Jan 1937
MO 64241Nerita reticulataW.A. & E.L. Bryan
MO 228205Nerita polita
MO 68520Nerita polita
MO 257597Nerita polita
MO 64244Nerita politaW.A. & E.L. Bryan
MO 64245Nerita politaW.A. & E.L. Bryan
MO 257824Nerita polita
MO 68519Nerita plicata
MO 68518Nerita albicilla
entTyp 1995Nerida zimmermaniZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 1996Nerida obcordataZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 1997Nerida cordataZimmerman, E.C.
MO 236268Neptunea
entTyp 11474Nepticulomima lusiaeThornton, I.W.B.
entTyp 4402Nephotettix plebeius
entTyp 4516Nephotettix eurytus
entTyp 4403Nephotettix contemptus
entTyp 5441Nephesa auroraMuir, F.
entTyp 9301Nepenthosyrphus venustusTorrevillas, H.M.
entTyp 16336Nepaloserica goomensis
entTyp 14369Neova bodemensisMaa, T.C.
entTyp 10358Neotrombicula megensiGoff & Cunningham
entTyp 6629Neotrombicula inflataJS,GBS
entTyp 1623Neotrichophorus phillipsiHadden, F.C.
entTyp 9864Neotrichophorus borneoensisQuate, L.W.
entTyp 13349Neothemara digressaMaa, T.C.
entTyp 11150Neotharra ventrospiculataMaa, T.C.
entTyp 5676Neotetrastichus mimusMuir, F.
entTyp 11859Neotephritis paludosaeHardy, D.E.
entTyp 11858Neotephritis nigripilosaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 3606Neotanygastrella pacificaGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 5415Neotangia mundaWilliams, F.X.
entTyp 2269Neotagalus tuberculigerValentine, J.M.
entTyp 12828Neosynedrus hawaiiensis
entTyp 8511Neosybra flavovittipennisRondon, J.A.
entTyp 9229Neosphaeromias magnusQuate, S.
entTyp 12425Neosphaeromias choriodesStraatman, R.
entTyp 9873Neosilesis borneoensisMaa, T.C.
entTyp 11017Neoserica nitidulaQuate, L.W.
entTyp 11014Neoserica minimaRondon, J.A.
entTyp 11015Neoserica maculataRondon, J.A.
entTyp 11013Neoserica gressittiQuate, S.&L.W.
entTyp 11016Neoserica dilleriQuate, S.&L.W.
entTyp 16132Neosephena novara
entTyp 14336Neosemidalis antennalisGagne, W.C.
entTyp 2044Neosciadella spixiValentine, J.M.
entTyp 2048Neosciadella quadripustulataZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 2049Neosciadella obliquataZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 2047Neosciadella multivittataZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 2051Neosciadella inflexa subopaquaKondo & Zimmerman
entTyp 2050Neosciadella inflexa inflexaValentine, J.M.
entTyp 2046Neosciadella immaculosaValentine, J.M.
entTyp 2045Neosciadella fulgidaZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 2043Neosciadella brunnipesZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 12598Neoschoengastia giganteaMirza, A.B.
entTyp 13033Neoschoengastia gettmani
entTyp 11409Neoschoengastia charmosynaMirza, A.B.
entTyp 1656Neoscatella kauaiensisWirth, W.W.
entTyp 9477Neoscatella fluvialisTenorio, J.A.
entTyp 1657Neoscatella fimbriataWirth, W.W.
entTyp 1660Neoscatella clavipes tendaWirth, W.W.
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