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Records 1300113500 of 22162 (Page 27 of 45)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
entTyp 6502Scaptomyza affinicuspidataHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6501Scaptomyza aduncaHoyt, C.P.
entTyp 6500Scaptomyza acronastesHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6499Scaptomyza varipictaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6498Scaptomyza nigrosignataHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6497Scaptomyza gilviviriliaTerry, F.W.
entTyp 6496Scaptomyza flavidaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6495Scaptomyza brunnimaculataHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6494Scaptomyza finitimaHoyt, C.P.
entTyp 6493Scaptomyza xanthopleuraSakimura, K.
entTyp 6492Scaptomyza palmaeIllingworth, J.F.
entTyp 6491Scaptomyza hamataHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6490Scaptomyza confusaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6489Scaptomyza cnecosomaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6488Scaptomyza anomalaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6487Scaptomyza semiflavaAdachi, M.S.
entTyp 6486Scaptomyza muticaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6485Scaptomyza cerinaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6484Scaptomyza aberransBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 6483Nudidrosophila lepidobregmaZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 6482Nudidrosophila gemmulaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 6481Nudidrosophila eximiaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6480Nudidrosophila amitaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 6479Idiomyia stenopteraHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6478Idiomyia nigrifaciesHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6477Idiomyia hemipezaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6476Idiomyia brunneipennisDresner, E.
entTyp 6475Grimshawomyia palata
entTyp 6474Drosophila petalopezaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6473Drosophila reburraBryant
entTyp 6472Drosophila xuthopteraHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6471Drosophila xanthognomaMainland, G.
entTyp 6470Drosophila williamsiWilliams, F.X.
entTyp 6469Drosophila vinnulaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6468Drosophila villosipedisHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6467Drosophila villitibiaTamashiro, M.
entTyp 6466Drosophila vicaria
entTyp 6465Drosophila venustaTamashiro, M.
entTyp 6464Drosophila velutinifronsHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6463Drosophila velataTamashiro, M.
entTyp 6462Drosophila variabilisHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6461Drosophila vargaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 6460Drosophila uniculaBeardsley, J.W.
entTyp 6459Drosophila truncipennaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6458Drosophila trichaetosaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6457Drosophila transfugaTamashiro, M.
entTyp 6456Drosophila totonigraHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6455Drosophila torulaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6454Drosophila tetraspilotaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 6453Drosophila tendomentumHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6452Drosophila tarphytrichiaMainland, G.
entTyp 6451Drosophila taracticaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6450Drosophila tamashiroiTamashiro, M.
entTyp 6449Drosophila taeniataHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6448Drosophila swezeyiSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 6447Drosophila stenopteraHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6446Drosophila spiculaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6445Drosophila spectabilisHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6444Drosophila setipalpusHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6443Drosophila septuosaBeardsley, J.W.
entTyp 6442Drosophila seorsaTamashiro, M.
entTyp 6441Drosophila semifuscataHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6440Drosophila seclusaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6439Drosophila scolostomaMitchell, W.C.
entTyp 6438Drosophila rusticaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6437Drosophila retrusaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6436Drosophila residuaHoyt, C.P.
entTyp 6435Drosophila reduncaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6434Drosophila reductaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6433Drosophila quasiexpansaNamba, R.
entTyp 6432Drosophila quasianomalipesHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6431Drosophila quadrisetaeHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6430Drosophila pychnochaetaeHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6429Drosophila propiofaciesHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6428Drosophila prominensHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6427Drosophila prolixaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6426Drosophila prolaticiliaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6425Drosophila proditaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6424Drosophila procerisetaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6423Drosophila pretiosaToba, H.
entTyp 6422Drosophila praesutilisHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6421Drosophila polliciformaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 6420Drosophila perissopodaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6419Drosophila perenosomaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6418Drosophila peniculipedis
entTyp 6417Drosophila pauculaHoyt, C.P.
entTyp 6416Drosophila orestesHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6415Drosophila oreas
entTyp 6414Drosophila nigropolitaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6413Drosophila nigrocirrusHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6412Drosophila nigritarsusHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6411Drosophila nigripalpusMainland, G.
entTyp 6410Drosophila nigellaTamashiro, M.
entTyp 6409Drosophila neutralisBeardsley, J.W.
entTyp 6408Drosophila neglectaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 6407Drosophila nanellaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6406Drosophila mycetophilaSakimura, K.
entTyp 6405Drosophila musaphiliaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6404Drosophila musaeWilliams, F.X.
entTyp 6403Drosophila mitchelliHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6402Drosophila mimiconfutataHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6401Drosophila mimiconformisHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6400Drosophila mimicaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6399Drosophila melanopedisMitchell, W.C.
entTyp 6398Drosophila melanolomaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6397Drosophila megastictaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6396Drosophila medianaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6395Drosophila mecocnemiaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6394Drosophila magnipalpaGiffard, W.M.
entTyp 6393Drosophila magnimaculaWilliams, F.X.
entTyp 6392Drosophila macrochaetaeBryant, O.
entTyp 6391Drosophila luteolaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6390Drosophila lonchopteraSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 6389Drosophila lemniscataHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6388Drosophila latigenaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6387Drosophila larifugaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6386Drosophila laciniosaTamashiro, M.
entTyp 6385Drosophila kraussiKrauss, N.L.H.
entTyp 6384Drosophila joyceiJoyce, C.R.
entTyp 6383Drosophila ischnotrixHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6382Drosophila involutaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6381Drosophila intermediaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6380Drosophila insignitaWilliams, F.X.
entTyp 6379Drosophila ineditaMainland, G.
entTyp 6378Drosophila incompletaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6377Drosophila incognitaMitchell, W.C.
entTyp 6376Drosophila improceraWilliams, F.X.
entTyp 6375Drosophila imparisetaeHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6374Drosophila imitatorHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6373Drosophila illusiopolitaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6372Drosophila hirtitibiaTamashiro, M.
entTyp 6371Drosophila hirtitarsusHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6370Drosophila hirticoxaJoyce, C.R.
entTyp 6369Drosophila hexachaetae
entTyp 6368Drosophila gilvilateralisMitchell, W.C.
entTyp 6367Drosophila fusticulaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6366Drosophila fuscoapexHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6365Drosophila fuscifronsBryant
entTyp 6364Drosophila furvifaciesHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6363Drosophila furva
entTyp 6362Drosophila fungicolaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6361Drosophila funditaTamashiro, M.
entTyp 6360Drosophila freycinetiaeHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6359Drosophila flavisternumHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6358Drosophila flavibasisHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6357Drosophila fastigataHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6356Drosophila fasciculisetaeDresner, E.
entTyp 6355Drosophila expansaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6354Drosophila eurypexaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6353Drosophila eumecothrixHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6352Drosophila enoplotarsusHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6351Drosophila engyochraceaMitchell, W.C.
entTyp 6350Drosophila dumalisMorton, N.
entTyp 6349Drosophila dracaenaeSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 6348Drosophila dorsociliataHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6347Drosophila dorsigeraTamashiro, M.
entTyp 6346Drosophila dolomataHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6345Drosophila distinguendaTuthill, L.D.
entTyp 6344Drosophila distichaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6343Drosophila dissitaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6342Drosophila disjunctaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6341Drosophila diminuensSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 6340Drosophila diffusaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6339Drosophila denotataFord, E.J., Jr.
entTyp 6338Drosophila demipolitaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6337Drosophila dasycnemiaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6336Drosophila curvitibiaTamashiro, M.
entTyp 6335Drosophila curticiliaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6334Drosophila cracensHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6333Drosophila contortaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6332Drosophila conjecturaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6331Drosophila confutataBridwell, J.C.
entTyp 6330Drosophila conformisHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6329Drosophila comatifemoraHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6328Drosophila cnecopleuraBeardsley, J.W.
entTyp 6327Drosophila clydonia
entTyp 6326Drosophila clavitibiaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6325Drosophila clavataMainland, G.
entTyp 6324Drosophila cilifemorataHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6323Drosophila ciliaticrusHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6322Drosophila chaetopezaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6321Drosophila carnosaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6320Drosophila capitataHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6319Drosophila canuta
entTyp 6318Drosophila canipolitaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6317Drosophila caccabataTamashiro, M.
entTyp 6316Drosophila brunneisetaeHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6315Drosophila brunneifronsBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 6314Drosophila bridwelli
entTyp 6313Drosophila brevissimaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6312Drosophila breviciliaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6311Drosophila bostrychaWilliams, F.X.
entTyp 6310Drosophila biseriataMorton, N.
entTyp 6309Drosophila bipolitaTamashiro, M.
entTyp 6308Drosophila bicondylaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6307Drosophila beardsleyiBeardsley, J.W.
entTyp 6306Drosophila basisetosaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6305Drosophila basimaculaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6304Drosophila baliopteraBryan, Jr., E.H.
entTyp 6303Drosophila badiaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6302Drosophila attenuataHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6301Drosophila asketostomaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6300Drosophila artigenaMitchell, W.C.
Herp 6300LitoriaA Allison25 Feb 1974
entTyp 6299Drosophila araiotrichiaHardy, D.E.
Herp 6299Cophixalus sphagnicolaA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6298Drosophila aquilaHardy, D.E.
Herp 6298Cophixalus sphagnicolaA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6297Drosophila apoxylomaHabeck, D.H.
Herp 6297Cophixalus sphagnicolaA Allison26 Feb 1974
Herp 6296Cophixalus sphagnicolaA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6296Drosophila apodastaHardy, D.E.
Herp 6295Cophixalus pansusA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6295Drosophila apicisetaeHardy, D.E.
Herp 6294Cophixalus sphagnicolaA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6294Drosophila apicipunctaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 6293Drosophila anthraxHardy, D.E.
Herp 6293Cophixalus sphagnicolaA Allison26 Feb 1974
Herp 6292Cophixalus pansusA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6292Drosophila ancylaHardy, D.E.
Herp 6291Cophixalus pansusA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6291Drosophila amydrospilota
Herp 6290Cophixalus pansusA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6290Drosophila albifaciesHardy, D.E.
Herp 6289Cophixalus pansusA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6289Drosophila aglaiaMainland, G.
Herp 6288Cophixalus pansusA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6288Drosophila agitonaHardy, D.E.
Herp 6287Cophixalus pansusA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6287Drosophila adventitiaHardy, D.E.
Herp 6286Cophixalus pansusA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6286Drosophila adiastolaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6285Drosophila acrostichalisMitchell, W.C.
Herp 6285Cophixalus pansusA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6284Drosophila abjunctaBryant
Herp 6284Cophixalus pansusA Allison26 Feb 1974
Herp 6283Cophixalus pansusA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6283Celidosoma nigrocinctaHardy, D.E.
Herp 6282Cophixalus pansusA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6282Ateledrosophila preapicula
Herp 6281Cophixalus pansusA Allison26 Feb 1974
entTyp 6281Ateledrosophila diamphidiaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6280Antopocerus villosusHardy, D.E.
Herp 6280MICROHYLIDAEA Allison15 Feb 1974
entTyp 6279Antopocerus tanythrixHardy, D.E.
Herp 6279MICROHYLIDAEA Allison15 Feb 1974
Herp 6278Litoria thesaurensisA Allison19 Feb 1974
entTyp 6278Antopocerus orthopterusHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6277Antopocerus entrichocnemus
entTyp 6276Antopocerus diamphidiopodusHardy, D.E.
Herp 6276Cophixalus pansusA Allison11 Jan 1974
entTyp 6275Antopocerus arcuatusSwezey, O.H.
Herp 6275ANURAA Allison10 Jan 1974
entTyp 6274Antopocerus aduncusSwezey, O.H.
Herp 6274ANURAA Allison10 Jan 1974
entTyp 6273Papuchelifer exiguusRichards, L.P.
Herp 6273ANURAA Allison10 Jan 1974
Herp 6272Cophixalus kaindiensisA Allison10 Jan 1974
entTyp 6272Papuchelifer nigrimanusClissold, H.W.
Herp 6271Cophixalus kaindiensisA Allison10 Jan 1974
entTyp 6271Hebridochernes cornutusGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6270Hebridochernes papuanusGressitt, J.L.
Herp 6270ANURAA Allison10 Jan 1974
entTyp 6269Nesidiochernes novaeguineaeGressitt, J.L.
Herp 6269Cophixalus kaindiensisA Allison10 Jan 1974
entTyp 6268Sundochernes novaeguineaeSedlacek, J.
Herp 6268Cophixalus kaindiensisA Allison10 Jan 1974
Herp 6267Cophixalus parkeriA Allison10 Jan 1974
entTyp 6267Verrucachernes montigenusGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6266Parachernes bougainvillensisFord & Gressitt
Herp 6266Cophixalus kaindiensisA Allison10 Jan 1974
entTyp 6265Megachernes limatus crassusQuate, L.&S.
entTyp 6264Paratemnus singularisGressitt, J.L.
Herp 6263Nyctimystes papua (group)A Allison03 Jan 1974
entTyp 6263Pseudochiridium triquetrumQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6262Geogarypus sagittatusGressitt, J.L.
Herp 6262Cophixalus sphagnicolaA Allison02 Jan 1974
entTyp 6261Xenolpium cyclopiumQuate, L.W.&S.
Herp 6261MICROHYLIDAEA Allison02 Jan 1974
entTyp 6260Ditha loricataHoltmann, H.
Herp 6260MICROHYLIDAEA Allison02 Jan 1974
entTyp 6259Glyptotermes guamensisSwezey, O.H.
Herp 6259Cophixalus pansusA Allison02 Jan 1974
entTyp 6258Psychoda fusticolaQuate, L.W.
Herp 6258Cophixalus pansusA Allison02 Jan 1974
entTyp 6257Psychoda bidigitalisQuate, L.W.
Herp 6257Cophixalus pansusA Allison02 Jan 1974
entTyp 6256Psychoda umbraticaQuate, S.
Herp 6256Cophixalus pansusA Allison02 Jan 1974
Herp 6255Cophixalus pansusA Allison02 Jan 1974
entTyp 6255Psychoda molevaYoshimoto, C.M.
Herp 6254Cophixalus pansusA Allison02 Jan 1974
entTyp 6254Psychoda cristulaQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6253Psychoda trunculensQuate & Yoshimoto
Herp 6253Cophixalus pansusA Allison02 Jan 1974
Herp 6252MICROHYLIDAEA Allison02 Jan 1974
entTyp 6252Psychoda canlaonesQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6251Psychoda serpentinaQuate, L.W.
Herp 6251Cophixalus sphagnicolaA Allison02 Jan 1974
entTyp 6250Psychoda collinaQuate & Yoshimoto
Herp 6250Cophixalus sphagnicolaA Allison02 Jan 1974
Herp 6249MICROHYLIDAEA Allison02 Jan 1974
entTyp 6249Psychoda saitesQuate, L.W.
Herp 6248Cophixalus pansusA Allison02 Jan 1974
entTyp 6248Psychoda plataleaQuate, S.
Herp 6247Cophixalus pansusA Allison02 Jan 1974
entTyp 6247Psychoda turlinoculataQuate, L.W.
MO 6246BittiumH.H. Calvert
Herp 6246Cophixalus pansusA Allison02 Jan 1974
entTyp 6246Psychoda turgidaQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6245Psychoda fasciataQuate, L.W.
Herp 6245MICROHYLIDAEA Allison24 Dec 1973
entTyp 6244Psychoda phalangaQuate, L.W.
Herp 6244Barygenys flavigularisA Allison24 Dec 1973
entTyp 6243Psychoda frivolaQuate & Yoshimoto
Herp 6242Boiga irregularisA Allison06 Nov 1973
entTyp 6242Psychoda felinaQuate & Yoshimoto
entTyp 6241Psychoda prolartaQuate & Yoshimoto
Herp 6241Morelia spilotaA Allison11 Oct 1973
entTyp 6240Psychoda articuligaQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6239Psychoda luscaQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6238Psychoda unioculataQuate, L.W.
MO 6237Clausilia spiroticaH.H. Calvert
entTyp 6237Psychoda flexichelaQuate, L.W.
MO 6236ClausiliaH.H. Calvert
entTyp 6236Psychoda luzonicaSantos, J.
entTyp 6235Psychoda delicataQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6234Philosepedon decipiensQuate, L.W.
Herp 6233ANURAJ L Gressitt & local collectors04 Sep 1974 - 06 Sep 1974
entTyp 6233Philosepedon katangladensisQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6232Philosepedon calabensDelfinado, M.D.
Herp 6232Nyctimystes kuboriJ L Gressitt & local collectors04 Sep 1974 - 06 Sep 1974
entTyp 6231Philosepedon balinsasayaeQuate, L.W.
Herp 6231Nyctimystes kuboriJ L Gressitt & local collectors04 Sep 1974 - 06 Sep 1974
entTyp 6230Philosepedon frontalisQuate, L.W.
Herp 6229Nyctimystes papua (group)J L Gressitt & local collectors04 Sep 1974 - 06 Sep 1974
entTyp 6229Philosepedon mutabilisYoshimoto, C.M.
entTyp 6228Philosepedon nocturnalisQuate, L.W.
Herp 6228Rana grisea OR suprogriseaJ L Gressitt & local collectors04 Sep 1974 - 06 Sep 1974
Herp 6227Nyctimystes kuboriJ L Gressitt & local collectors04 Sep 1974 - 06 Sep 1974
entTyp 6227Epacretron pinnagumQuate, L.W.
Herp 6226Nyctimystes kuboriJ L Gressitt & local collectors04 Sep 1974 - 06 Sep 1974
entTyp 6226Trichopsychoda mindanensisQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6225Trichopsychoda bukidnonicaQuate, L.W.
Herp 6225Nyctimystes kuboriJ L Gressitt & local collectors04 Sep 1974 - 06 Sep 1974
entTyp 6224Brunettia hispidaQuate & Yoshimoto
Herp 6224Litoria angianaJ L Gressitt & local collectors04 Sep 1974 - 06 Sep 1974
entTyp 6223Brunettia exulansQuate, L.W.
Herp 6223ANURAJ L Gressitt & local collectors04 Sep 1974 - 06 Sep 1974
entTyp 6222Brunettia kibawaQuate, L.W.
Herp 6222Litoria angianaJ L Gressitt & local collectors04 Sep 1974 - 06 Sep 1974
entTyp 6221Brunettia nubicolaYoshimoto & Quate
Herp 6221Nyctimystes papua (group)J L Gressitt & local collectors04 Sep 1974 - 06 Sep 1974
entTyp 6220Brunettia mindanensisYoshimoto & Quate
Herp 6219LitoriaG B Opit18 Mar 1974
entTyp 6219Brunettia receptaYoshimoto & Quate
entTyp 6218Brunettia yoshimotoiYoshimoto, C.M.
entTyp 6217Brunettia mateolaQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6216Brunettia parexulansQuate, L.W.
Herp 6216Cophixalus cheesmanaeJ Sedlacek22 Jan 1969
Herp 6215Cophixalus parkeri?24 Apr 1968
entTyp 6215Brunettia pallensQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6214Notiocharis femoralisQuate, L.W.
Herp 6214Cophixalus parkeri?24 Apr 1968
entTyp 6213Notiocharis filipinaeQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6212Paratelmatoscopus mindanensisQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6211Paratelmatoscopus plutonisQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6210Paratelmatoscopus monticolusQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6209Telmatoscopus clusiorQuate & Yoshimoto
entTyp 6208Telmatoscopus cuspicepsQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6207Telmatoscopus zamboangisMilliron, H.E.
entTyp 6206Telmatoscopus bulbulusQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6205Telmatoscopus amplensQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6204Telmatoscopus decensQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6203Telmatoscopus erratilisQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6202Telmatoscopus cruentusQuate, S.
entTyp 6201Telmatoscopus mendicusQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6200Telmatoscopus campanellusQuate & Yoshimoto
entTyp 6199Telmatoscopus amoenusQuate & Yoshimoto
entTyp 6198Telmatoscopus trifidusQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6197Telmatoscopus digitoidesQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6196Telmatoscopus longicepsQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6195Telmatoscopus parsilobusQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6194Telmatoscopus sagittalisQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6193Telmatoscopus canlaonisQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6192Telmatoscopus bifidensQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6191Telmatoscopus reptensQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6190Trichomyia caelibataQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6189Trichomyia trifidaQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6188Trichomyia triflisQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6187Trichomyia ransangiQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6186Sycorax filipinaeMilliron, H.E.
entTyp 6185Pseudacteon criniferFord, E.J., Jr.
entTyp 6184Metopina nephelopteraGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6183Megaselia vernicosiorGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6182Megaselia vernicosaGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6181Megaselia frontellaQuate, L.W.
Herp 6181ANURAJ L Gressitt?? Jan 1977
Herp 6180ANURAJ L Gressitt & Earthwatch 1977?? Jul 1977
entTyp 6180Megaselia hirtitarsalisHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6179Megaselia grandantennataGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6178Megaselia tetrachaetaGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6177Megaselia setellaFord, E.J., Jr.
entTyp 6176Megaselia sextohirtaMaa, T.C.
entTyp 6175Megaselia deceptrixHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6174Megaselia abortiensHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6173Megaselia nigribasisGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6172Megaselia venalisMaa, T.C.
entTyp 6171Megaselia crinilobaGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6170Megaselia patellataHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6169Megaselia siamensisGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6168Megaselia excisoidesZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 6167Megaselia excisaGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6166Megaselia furcellansGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6165Plastophora obscuricaudaGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6164Plastophora cornigeraGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6163Woodiphora salomonisGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6162Phalacrotophora fimbriitergaHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6161Phalacrotophora verniceaMaa, T.C.
entTyp 6160Phalacrotophora giganteaMaa, T.C.
entTyp 6159Phalacrotophora perlongaMaa, T.C.
entTyp 6158Phalacrotophora gressittiGressitt, J.L.
entTyp 6157Stichillus deceptorFord, E.J., Jr.
entTyp 6156Diplonevra novaeguineaeHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6155Pseudolynchia serratipesClissold, H.W.
entTyp 6154Scymnus uncinusBrown, E.S.
entTyp 6153Palauaspis multiductusBeardsley, J.W.
Herp 6153GehyraJ L Gressitt14 Aug 1969 - 16 Aug 1969
entTyp 6152Lepidosaphes ulapaBeardsley, J.W.
entTyp 6151Lepidosaphes spinulosaBeardsley, J.W.
Herp 6151LobuliaJ L Gressitt, J Sedlacek & R Rice21 Apr 1968
Herp 6150LobuliaJ L Gressitt, J Sedlacek & R Rice21 Apr 1968
entTyp 6150Lepidosaphes palauensisBeardsley, J.W.
Herp 6149LobuliaJ L Gressitt, J Sedlacek & R Rice21 Apr 1968
entTyp 6149Lepidosaphes carolinensisMcDaniel, B.
Herp 6148LobuliaJ Sedlacek25 May 1969
entTyp 6148Odonaspis morrisoniBeardsley, J.W.
entTyp 6147Anastomoderma palauensisBeardsley, J.W.
Herp 6147LobuliaJ Sedlacek25 May 1969
entTyp 6146Africonidia macdanieliMcDaniel, B.
entTyp 6145Paralecanium carolinensisBeardsley, J.W.
entTyp 6144Trionymus palauensisMcDaniel, B.
entTyp 6143Rhizoecus advenusBeardsley, J.W.
entTyp 6142Pseudococcus trukensisBeardsley, J.W.
Herp 6142LobuliaR Straatman15 ??? 1967
entTyp 6141Pseudococcus microadonidumKrauss, N.L.H.
entTyp 6140Pseudococcus macrocirculusBeardsley, J.W.
entTyp 6139Otocepheus quateorumQuate, L.W.&S.
entTyp 6138Otocepheus holtmanniHoltmann, H.
MO 6138Mitra badiaJ.C. Cox
Herp 6137Lepidodactylus lugubrisJ L & M Gressitt25 Jun 1961
entTyp 6137Otocepheus philippinensisQuate & Yoshimoto
entTyp 6136Simopone gressittiGressitt, J.L.
Herp 6136Gekko vittatusJ L & M Gressitt25 Jun 1961
entTyp 6135Cryptocephalus brassiBrass, L.
Herp 6135Gekko vittatusJ L & M Gressitt25 Jun 1961
entTyp 6134Terminus marotiriensisZimmerman, E.C.
entTyp 6133Pseudeucoila okinawaensisSamuelson, G.A.
entTyp 6132Rhoptromeris ryukyuensisSamuelson, G.A.
entTyp 6131Hexacola octosegmentaYoshimoto, C.M.
entTyp 6130Hemilaelaps philippinensisEmpeso & Kinilitaro
entTyp 6129Hexacola cognataSamuelson, G.A.
entTyp 6128Hexacola quinariaYoshimoto, C.M.
Herp 6128LobuliaJ L Gressitt30 Apr 1967
entTyp 6127Hexacola samuelsoniSamuelson, G.A.
Herp 6127Lophognathus temporalisJ Sedlacek01 Mar 1964
Herp 6126LobuliaJ L Gressitt20 May 1966
entTyp 6126Pseudeucoila parallelaYasumatsu, K.
Herp 6125LobuliaJ L Gressitt17 May 1966
entTyp 6125Odonteucoila amamiensisYoshimoto, C.M.
entTyp 6124Leptolamina gressittiSamuelson, G.A.
entTyp 6123Pauahiana metallicaSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 6122Pauahiana lineataSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 6121Pauahiana swezeyiSwezey, O.H.
Herp 6121Papuascincus stanleyanusJ L Gressitt27 May 1967
entTyp 6120Sympiesis sparsusSwezey, O.H.
entTyp 6119Catana dimidataBeardsley, J.W.
entTyp 6118Pharellus guamensisKrauss, N.L.H.
Herp 6117LobuliaJ Sedlacek04 Nov 1965 - 06 Nov 1965
entTyp 6117Pharellus palauensisBeardsley, J.W.
entTyp 6116Pharellus calvusGressitt, J.L.
Herp 6116LobuliaJ Sedlacek04 Nov 1965 - 06 Nov 1965
entTyp 6115Pharellus setosusBeardsley, J.W.
entTyp 6114Acarinus kraussiKrauss, N.L.H.
entTyp 6113Rallinyssus rallusMonteith, G.B.
entTyp 6112Rallinyssus cychramusClissold, H.W.
MO 6111DentaliumJ.C. Cox
entTyp 6111Rallinyssus amauornisMaa, T.C.
Herp 6110Varanus indicusA C Ziegler16 Aug 1967
entTyp 6110Rallicola maculatusClissold, H.W.
entTyp 6109Rallicola tabuensisQuate, L.W.
entTyp 6108Lipoptena sigma
entTyp 6107Lipoptena fortisetosaKano, R.
entTyp 6106Simulium namiSedlacek, J.
entTyp 6105Simulium centralisHardy, D.E.
entTyp 6104Simulium barrettiBarrett
entTyp 6103Simulium brandtiBrandt, W.W.
entTyp 6102Simulium matokoenseBrandt, W.W.
Herp 6102LobuliaA C Ziegler14 Jul 1967
entTyp 6101Simulium wamenaeMaa, T.C.
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