Nestegis saandwicensis (A.Gray) O.Deg., I.Deg. & L.A.S.Johnson Search

Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: PLANTAE
     Family: OLEACEAE
Original Description:
Current Status: Unverified
Records 116 of 16 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Locality Collector Date
BISH 612042Maui: Haleakala, E Kaupo gapCrivellone,
BISH 61084Maui: Forbes, C.N.15.v.1920
BISH 682936Kauai: M.J.Remy1851-1855
BISH 61081Maui: West, WaiheeDegener, O.2.vii.1927
BISH 61089Maui: SW Haleakala above KanaioAlexander, A.M.20.v.1948
BISH 79739Maui: Auwahi, beyond UlupalakakuaSohmer, S.H.20.viii.1970
BISH 61087Maui: Degener,
BISH 463287Maui: SW Haleakala, Auwahi, SE of Puu OuliHigashino,
BISH 61079Maui: Haleakala, Kaupo GapForbes, C.N.29.viii.1919
BISH 80610Maui: AuwahiSt.John,
BISH 61078Maui: S Haleakala, NuuForbes, C.N.6.iii.1912
BISH 61077Maui: S Haleakala, NuuForbes, C.N.6.iii.1920
BISH 448064Maui: Hosaka, E.Y.6.xii.1941
BISH 61082Maui: Degener, O.7.viii.1927
BISH 404221Maui: Iao Valley, WailukuSt.John, H.9.ii.1930
BISH 402342Maui: Auwahi, S slope of SW HaleakalaHerbst, D.R.9.vii.1971
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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