Maunalei Gulch Search

Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
    State/Province: STATE OF HAWAII
      Island: LANAI
Records 138 of 38 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
ent 2005028613Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictusKraus, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005026245DryophthorusKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004001292Ceresium unicolorKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004013051Mimosestes amicusKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005020227Asynonychus godmanniKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005005485Rodolia cardinalisKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004003636Sybra alternasKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004003633Sybra alternasKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004005032Diachus auratusKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005001711Mimosestes nubigensKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004003634Sybra alternasKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005002446Stator pruininusKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005035980PentarthrumKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005011377Homoneura unguiculataKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005002443Stator pruininusKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004009499Platydema subfasciaKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005005972Carpophilus humeralisKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005027498Xylopsocus castanopteraKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005001710Mimosestes nubigensKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005001713Mimosestes nubigensKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004013053Mimosestes amicusKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004013052Mimosestes amicusKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004005034Diachus auratusKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004003635Sybra alternasKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004003632Sybra alternasKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005020228Asynonychus godmanniKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004005033Diachus auratusKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005002445Stator pruininusKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005002444Stator pruininusKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004009498Platydema subfasciaKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005001712Mimosestes nubigensKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2006000209Xyleborus ferrugineusKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005026244DryophthorusKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004003631Sybra alternasKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004013054Mimosestes amicusKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005020229Asynonychus godmanniKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2005001714Mimosestes nubigensKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
ent 2004013050Mimosestes amicusKrauss, N.L.H.28 October 1947
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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