Oahu; Palolo Search

Higher Geography:
      Island: OAHU
Records 150 of 600 (Page 1 of 12)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
MO 10451A. a.G. K.
MO 10774Phil. "plicosa"
MO 10786Lept. fumosa
MO 10797Amastra turritella
MO 10821Ach. trilineata
MO 10822Ach. varia
MO 10823Ach. bacea
MO 10970Succinea rotundaCooke6 Jul 1905
MO 11082Nesopupa
MO 11677Nesopupa1 Dec 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
MO 11688Nesopupa1 Dec 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
MO 11740Pronesopupa boettgeri1 Dec 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
MO 11745Pronesopupa1 Dec 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
MO 12505NesopupaCooke27 May 1907
MO 12628NesopupaCooke
MO 13021Auric.
MO 13022Auric.
MO 13237Phil.Cooke
MO 13238Phil.Cooke
MO 14505Lept. fragilis?
MO 15937LimnaeaDavis15 Jan 1908
MO 18001Achatinella cestusBaldwin
MO 18002Achatinella simulansPaetel
MO 18003Achatinella lorataBaldin
MO 18004Achatinella lorataBaldin
MO 18268Lam. gravidaBaldwin
MO 18326Amastra ventulusBaldwin
MO 18393Achatinella pulcherrimaBaldwin
MO 18922Auric. auriculaBaldwin
MO 20491Phil. baldwiniThaanum
MO 20951Auric. auriculaSpalding7 May 1910
MO 22330Amas.A.F. Cooke
MO 22331Amas.A.F. Cooke
MO 23545Ach.Stokes18 May 1911
MO 23546Ach.Stokes18 May 1911
MO 23547Lam. stramineaStokes
MO 23548Amas. turritellaStokes
MO 23549Amas.Stokes
MO 23550SuccineaStokes
MO 25011AuriculaThwing
MO 25105Succinea
MO 25364Amas. tristis
MO 25365Amas. tristis
MO 25366Amas. tristis
MO 25367Amas. tristis
MO 25405Amas. breviata
MO 25417Amas. turritella
MO 25885Lam. straminea
MO 25886Lam. straminea
MO 25887Lam. straminea
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Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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