Nysius coenosulus Stal, 1859 Search

Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: ANIMALIA
   Class: INSECTA
     Family: LYGAEIIDAE
Original Description:
Current Status: Unverified
Records 150 of 496 (Page 1 of 10)
ID# Locality Collector Date
ent 6709Hawaii: LeleiwiWalker1919 Jun 11
ent 6618: Haleakala, near Puu NianiauWalker1917 Jul 21
ent 6627Oahu: KahalaW. M. Giffard1917 Feb 8
ent 6451Oahu: KahalaW. M. Giffard1917 Feb 8
ent 6493Oahu: KahalaW. M. Giffard1917 Feb 8
ent 6648Hawaii: North Kona, PuuwaawaaW. M. Giffard1917 Aug 24-1917 Aug 25
ent 6450Oahu: KahalaW. M. Giffard1917 Feb 8
ent 6650Hawaii: KauW. M. Giffard1918 Jul 29
ent 6445Oahu: KahalaW. M. Giffard1917 Feb 8
ent 6644Hawaii: Kau, KahukuW. M. Giffard1917 Jan 15
ent 6646Hawaii: North Kona, PuuwaawaaW. M. Giffard1917 Aug 24-1917 Aug 25
ent 6452Oahu: Diamond HeadW. M. Giffard1918 Feb 24
ent 6443Oahu: KahalaW. M. Giffard1917 Feb 8
ent 6647Hawaii: North Kona, PuuwaawaaW. M. Giffard1917 Sep
ent 6446Oahu: KahalaW. M. Giffard1917 Feb 8
ent 6444Oahu: KahalaW. M. Giffard1917 Feb 8
ent 6607Hawaii: KauW. M. Giffard1919 Aug 26
ent 6440Oahu: KahalaW. M. Giffard1917 Feb 8
ent 6649Hawaii: KilaueaW. M. Giffard1912 Apr 9
ent 6442Oahu: KahalaW. M. Giffard1917 Feb 8
ent 6441Oahu: KahalaW. M. Giffard1917 Feb 8
ent 6449Oahu: KahalaW. M. Giffard1917 Feb 8
ent 6645Hawaii: North Kona, PuuwaawaaW. M. Giffard1917 Aug 25
ent 6447Oahu: Manoa CliffsW. M. Giffard1919 Oct 26
ent 6439Oahu: KahalaW. M. Giffard1917 Feb 8
ent 6448Oahu: KahalaW. M. Giffard1917 Feb 8
ent 6652Hawaii: KilaueaW. M. Giffard1917 Aug 21
ent 6436Oahu: Honolulu, NuuanuS. Bickerton1922 Sep 15
ent 6437Oahu: NuuanuS. Bickerton1922 Jul
ent 6477Hawaii: upper Hamakua ditch trailR. R. Whitten1929 Oct 4
ent 6462Lanai: LanaiR. L. Usinger1935 Nov 28
ent 6486Kauai: KumuwelaR. L. Usinger1935 Dec 28
ent 6497: Humuula, 3 miles northR. L. Usinger1935 Aug 9
ent 6460Kauai: Alakai SwampR. L. Usinger1936 Jan 3
ent 6606: Humuula, 4 miles northR. L. Usinger1935 Jul 31
ent 6491Hawaii: KilaueaR. L. Usinger1935 Jul 28
ent 6468Lanai: LanaiR. L. Usinger1935 Nov 28
ent 6432Kauai: Alakai SwampR. L. Usinger1936 Jan 3
ent 6658Oahu: Honolulu, Bishop MuseumR. L. Usinger1935 Jul 3
ent 6506: Humuula, 4 miles northR. L. Usinger1935 Jul 31
ent 6496Hawaii: KilaueaR. L. Usinger1935 Jul 28
ent 6584Maui: HaleakalaR. L. Usinger1956 Jul 23
ent 6471Oahu: KonahuanuiR. L. Usinger1935 Oct 20
ent 6472Lanai: LanaiR. L. Usinger1935 Dec 1
ent 6578: HalepohakuR. L. Usinger1956 Jul 19
ent 6456Kauai: Alakai SwampR. L. Usinger1936 Jan 3
ent 6464Hawaii: HumuulaR. L. Usinger1935 Aug 2
ent 6426Oahu: Pauoa FlatsR. L. Usinger1935 Jul 21
ent 6427Oahu: Pauoa FlatsR. L. Usinger1935 Jul 21
ent 6605: Humuula, 4 miles northR. L. Usinger1935 Jul 31
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