Koolau Mts.; Moanalua Search

Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
    State/Province: STATE OF HAWAII
      Island: OAHU
Records 154 of 54 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
ent 2005002493Stator pruininusFordSeptember 1953
ent 2004002333Tenebroides nanusFord, E.J.September 1953
ent 2004002331Tenebroides nanusFord, E.J.September 1953
ent 2004002334Tenebroides nanusFord, E.J.September 1953
ent 2004002332Tenebroides nanusFord, E.J.September 1953
ent 2005021271Dryophthorus distinguendusFordMay 1953
ent 2005036664Pholidophorus advenaFordMay 1953
ent 2004002558Pterolophia camuraFord, E.J.March 1953
ent 2004002557Pterolophia camuraFord, E.J.March 1953
ent 2004002560Pterolophia camuraFord, E.J.March 1953
ent 2004002559Pterolophia camuraFord, E.J.April 1953
ent 2004002556Pterolophia camuraFord, E.J.April 1953
ent 2005014688Orthostolus robustus robustusSwezey, O.H.8 February 1920
ent 2005040963Sternochetus mangiferaeD.L.U.D.7 July 1905
ent 2004002310Tillus notatusKrauss, N.L.H.4 April 1934
ent 2006000893Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000899Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000885Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000898Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000886Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000910Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000903Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000904Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000888Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000911Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000892Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000895Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000906Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000909Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000900Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000901Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000907Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000894Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000902Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000891Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000908Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000897Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000905Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000883Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000882Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000896Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000890Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000889Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000884Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2006000887Aglycyderidae31 December 1905
ent 2005006008Carpophilus maculatusIllingworth, J.F.19 March 1923
ent 2005006007Carpophilus maculatusIllingworth, J.F.19 March 1923
ent 2005004504Carpophilus dimidiatusIllingworth, J.F.19 March 1923
ent 2005006009Carpophilus maculatusIllingworth, J.F.19 March 1923
ent 2005004505Carpophilus dimidiatusIllingworth, J.F.19 March 1923
ent 2005006006Carpophilus maculatusIllingworth, J.F.19 March 1923
ent 2005016094Blackburnia (Metromenus) mutabilisBryan, Jr., E.H.08 February 1920
ent 2005017041Blackburnia (Metromenus) palmaeSwezey, O.H.08 February 1920
ent 2005016095Blackburnia (Metromenus) mutabilisBryan, Jr., E.H.08 February 1920
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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