Tabebuia aurea (Manso) Benth. & Hook. ex S.Moore Search

Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: PLANTAE
Original Description:
Current Status: Valid
Records 112 of 12 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Locality Collector Date
BISH 548258Kauai: Waimea District: Plants from the Waimea Baptist Church along Hwy 50Flynn, T.10.v.1989
BISH 683587Maui: W Maui, Lahaina District, HonokahuaOppenheimer, H.12.v.2001
BISH 496220Oahu: Honolulu, Manoa areaJ.Lau15.vii.1985
BISH 514759Oahu: Honolulu, University of Hawaii Manoa Campus; Newman CenterF.Rauch17.iv.1991
BISH 40278Oahu: Honolulu, University of Hawaii Manoa Campus, near Hemenway HallWoolford, H.A.24.i.1956
BISH 580151Oahu: BYU-HC, LaieD.Afualo25.ii.1975
BISH 43002Oahu: Honolulu, Foster GardensC.Potter28.viii.1957
BISH 43003Oahu: Honolulu, Governor's residence, Beretania StreetW.Holt3.ii.1956
BISH 43001Oahu: Honolulu, Foster GardensC.E.Hartt4.iv.1945
BISH 580152Oahu: Laie, BYU-HC,S.Vea6.iv.1977
BISH 572085Kauai: Lihue District: Lihue, park in front of Water Department office, adjacent to Nawiliwili Road (across from Kukui Grove Shopping Center)D.H.Lorence6.v.1988
BISH 580150Oahu: BYU-HC in front of Financial AidsM.Utaiiii.1975
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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