Tabebuia ochracea subsp. neochrysantha (A.Gentry) A.Gentry Search

Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: PLANTAE
Original Description:
Current Status: Valid
Records 111 of 11 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Locality Collector Date
BISH 446801Oahu: Honolulu, Foster
BISH 42999Oahu: Honolulu, Foster GardensC.Potter15.viii.1957
BISH 43000Oahu: D.Angus14.viii.1957
BISH 600411Kauai: Koloa District: Poipu Beach area, on Lawai Road to Spouting Horn at junction with Poipu RoadD.H.Lorence30.iii.1988
BISH 650406Kauai: Koloa District: vicinity of Poipu, along Poipu Road opposite Kikuiula Plaza, on W. bank of Waikomo StreamD.H.Lorence28.i.1996
BISH 600410Kauai: Koloa District: Poipu Beach area, on Lawai Road to Spouting Horn at junction with Poipu RoadD.H.Lorence30.iii.1988
BISH 612628Oahu: Grounds of elementary school at the mauka side of Punchbowl; on the right side of Pali Hwy just before the H-1 FreewayF.Rauch16.viii.1991
BISH 599674Oahu: Kailua; along Akiahala StreetF.Rauch4.iv.1991
BISH 423533Kauai: KoloaLittle, E.L.Jr3.ix.1976
BISH 574321Oahu: Cultivated at Nuuanu Congregational Church, 2651 Pali Hwy, Nuuanu, HonoluluNagata, K.M.29.iii.1976
BISH 574320Oahu: Cultivated at Nuuanu Congregational Church, 2651 Pali Hwy, Nuuanu, HonoluluNagata, K.M.29.iii.1976
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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