Honolulu Search

Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
    State/Province: STATE OF HAWAII
      Island: OAHU
Records 501560 of 560 (Page 2 of 2)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
ent 2005037297Physiphora clausaBryan, Jr., E.H.January 1920
ent 2005037305Physiphora clausaSwezey, O.H. December 1925
ent 2005037306Physiphora clausaIllingworth, J.F.November 1916
ent 2005037307Physiphora clausaIllingworth, J.F.
ent 2005037319Physiphora clausaBryant, O.
ent 2005037331Physiphora clausa
ent 2005037332Physiphora clausa
ent 2005038655Physiphora clausaSherman, B.27 December 1930
ent 2005038659Scholastes bimaculatusTerry03 August 1910
ent 2005038661Scholastes bimaculatus20 April 1907
ent 2005038662Scholastes bimaculatus07 April 1911
ent 2005038665Scholastes bimaculatusMarch 1909
ent 2005038666Scholastes bimaculatus
ent 2005038669Scholastes bimaculatusPerkins, RCL
ent 2005038670Scholastes bimaculatus1906
ent 2005038672Scholastes bimaculatusBridwell, J.C.November 1916
ent 2005038707Scholastes bimaculatusBridwell, J.C.October 1917
ent 2005038711Scholastes bimaculatusBridwell, J.C.
ent 2005038717Scholastes bimaculatusSwezey, O.H.20 January 1927
ent 2005038722Scholastes bimaculatusKrauss, N.L.H.10 April 1944
ent 2005038762Euxesta annonaeSherman, B.06 January 1940
ent 2005038778Euxesta annonaeWakamiya, R.10 January 1958
ent 2005038917Cadrema pallida
ent 2005038918Cadrema pallidaSwezey, O.H.14 December 1915
ent 2005038919Cadrema pallidaIllingworth, J.F.
ent 2005038929Cadrema pallidaEhrhorn, E.M.February 1911
ent 2005040690Cis tabidusPerkinsJuly 1896
ent 2005040691Cis tabidusPerkinsAugust 1896
ent 2005040692Cis tabidusPerkinsAugust 1896
ent 2005040693Cis tabidusPerkinsAugust 1896
ent 2005040694Cis tabidusPerkinsAugust 1896
ent 2005040695Cis tabidusPerkinsAugust 1896
ent 2005040696Cis tabidusPerkinsAugust 1896
ent 2005042530Rhodesiella scutellataIllingworth, J.F.10 January 1929
ent 2005042537Rhodesiella scutellataGiffard, W.M.31 January 1905
ent 2005042538Rhodesiella scutellataGiffard, W.M.31 January 1905
ent 2005042539Rhodesiella scutellataGiffard, W.M.23 January
ent 2005042540Rhodesiella scutellataGiffard, W.M.31 January 1905
ent 2005042541Rhodesiella scutellataGiffard, W.M.31 January 1905
ent 2005042542Rhodesiella scutellataGiffard, W.M.31 January 1905
ent 2005042544Rhodesiella scutellataIllingworth, J.F.20 April 1929
ent 2005042556Rhodesiella scutellata
ent 2005042557Rhodesiella scutellataUrata, R.
ent 2005043176Cadrema pallidaKondo, Y.30 April 1941
ent 2005043494Rhodesiella scutellataIllingworth, J.F.February
ent 2005043495Rhodesiella scutellataIllingworth, J.F.February
ent 2005043496Rhodesiella scutellataBryant, O.
ent 2005043497Rhodesiella scutellataIllingworth, J.F.
ent 2006001378Siphunculina striolataPerkins, R.C.L.March 1904
ent 2006001380Siphunculina striolataIllingworth, J.F.
ent 2006001381Siphunculina striolataIllingworth, J.F.
ent 2006001382Siphunculina striolataIllingworth, J.F.
ent 2006001383Siphunculina striolataIllingworth, J.F.
ent 2006001389Siphunculina striolataIllingworth, J.F.
ent 2006001390Siphunculina striolataOkumura, A.M.
ent 2006001391Siphunculina striolataOkumura, A.M.
ent 2006001392Siphunculina striolataOkumura, A.M.
ent 2006001394Siphunculina striolataUrata, R.
ent 2006004910Canaceoides angulatusBryant, O.
ent 2006009809Cis tabidusPerkins
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