Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam. Search

Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: PLANTAE
     Family: APIACEAE
Original Description:
Current Status: Unverified
Records 110 of 10 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Locality Collector Date
BISH 640769Hawaii: Hilo; Hilo Bay Hotel coartyardA.Witztum07.vi.1995
BISH 683395Hawaii: Keauhou Ranch (T-KB), Ka`u District09.ix.1979
BISH 657095Hawaii: Kilauea Forest, Ka`u DistrictDavis, J.11.ix.1980
BISH 588609Kauai: Boundary of Lihue & Kawaihau Districts. Area called "The Blue Hole" or "The Crater", headwaters of N fork of Wailua River, just N of Mt. Kawaikini and SE of Mt. WaialealeD.H.Lorence13.vi.1990
BISH 23446Hawaii: Mr. Summer's yard; Kapapala, KauHosaka, E.Y.20.iv.1938
BISH 436687Oahu: Lyon Arboretum, Honolulu; by old stable siteR.F.Baker25.iv.1975
BISH 454269Oahu: Honolulu, Nuuanu ValleySt.John, H.29.vi.1951
BISH 452968Maui: Keanae Arboretum, KeanaeHobdy, R.W.6.i.1983
BISH 640769Hawaii: Hilo; Hilo Bay Hotel courtyardA.Witztum7.vi.1995
BISH 23447Oahu: A.Meeboldvi.1932
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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