Honolulu Zoo Search

Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
      Island: OAHU
Records 150 of 391 (Page 1 of 8)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
Mammals 152295TupaiidaeHonolulu Zoo staff--
VZ-BBM-X 145068TinamidaeHonolulu Zoo staff--
VZ-BBM-X 145128Tinamidae--
VZ-BBM-X 145094Sturnidae--
VZ-BBM-X 148063Ramphastidae--
VZ-BBM-X 145123Phasianidae--
VZ-BBM-X 145124Phasianidae--
VZ-BBM-X 146144Megapodiidae--
Mammals 145122Macropodidae?--
Mammals 146142LoridaeHonolulu Zoo staff--
Mammals 146143LeporidaeHonolulu Zoo staff--
Mammals 145121FelidaeHonolulu Zoo staff--
VZ-BBM-X 147205Coraciidae--
Mammals 146707CebidaeHonolulu zoo staff--
Mammals 145118Callitrichidae?--
VZ-BBM-X 147202Burhinidae--
VZ-BBM-X 148062Bucerotidae--
VZ-BBM-X 145111Zenaida galapagoensis--
VZ-BBM-X 145109Zenaida galapagoensis--
VZ-BBM-X 145110Zenaida galapagoensis--
VZ-BBM-X 145504Vidua macroura--
VZ-BBM-X 146127Vestiaria coccinea--
Herp 5850Varanus indicus?--
VZ-BBM-X 157408Vanellus--
Mammals 146213Ursus arctos horribilisHonolulu Zoo staff--
VZ 178414Urocissa erythrorhynchaHonolulu Zoo staff02 Apr 1991
VZ 179822Uraeginthus bengalusHonolulu Zoo staff--
VZ-BBM-X 145064Tyto alba--
VZ-BBM-X 157411Turdus migratorius--
VZ-BBM-X 146111Trichoglossus rubiginosus--
VZ 159468Tockus erythrorhynchus--
VZ-BBM-X 145493Tigrisoma lineatum?--
VZ-BBM-X 145492Thalasseus maximus?--
VZ-BBM-X 145491Thalasseus maximus?--
VZ 178162Telespiza cantansP Luscomb?? Apr 1990
VZ 178163Telespiza cantansP Luscomb?? Apr 1990
VZ 179772Telespiza cantansZoo personnel--
VZ 178358Telespiza cantansP Luscomb?? Apr 1990
VZ 178164Telespiza cantansP Luscomb?? Apr 1990
VZ 178165Telespiza cantansP Luscomb?? Apr 1990
VZ 178359Telespiza cantansP Luscomb?? May 1990
VZ-BBM-X 148075Telespiza cantans cantansHonolulu Zoo staff?? ??? ????
VZ-BBM-X 148074Telespiza cantans cantansHonolulu Zoo staff--
VZ-BBM-X 145461Tadorna ferruginea?--
Mammals 146139Tachyglossus aculeatusHonolulu Zoo staff--
Mammals 156909Sus scrofaHonolulu Zoo staff--
VZ-BBM-X 145484Sula leucogaster--
VZ-BBM-X 152297Struthio camelus--
VZ-BBM-X 145028Strix varia--
VZ-BBM-X 146112Strix varia--
Result Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | Next
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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