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Siaton, 10km N Search

Higher Geography:
   Island Group: 
Records 150 of 377 (Page 1 of 8)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
VZ 182782Orthotomus atrogularis [=castaneiceps]N Wilsono2 Aug 1964
VZ 183313Lonchura malaccaN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 183183Nectarinia jugularisN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182176Streptopelia bitorquataN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182174Streptopelia bitorquataN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182500Anthus novaeseelandiaeN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182702Lanius schachN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 183275Zosterops nigrorumN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182503Anthus novaeseelandiaeN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182175Streptopelia bitorquataN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182502Anthus novaeseelandiaeN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182505Anthus novaeseelandiaeN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 183274Zosterops nigrorumN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182079Geopelia striataN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182410Picoides [=Dendrocopos] maculatusN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 183316Lonchura malaccaN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182628Pycnonotus goiavierN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 183314Lonchura malaccaN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 183315Lonchura malaccaN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182903Hypothymis azureaN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182501Anthus novaeseelandiaeN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182902Hypothymis azureaN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182173Streptopelia bitorquataN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182901Hypothymis azureaN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 182504Anthus novaeseelandiaeN Wilson31 Jul 1964
VZ 183372Sarcops calvusN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 182995Parus elegans albescensN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 182448Cecropis [=Hirundo] daurica striolataN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 182626Pycnonotus goiavierN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 182993Parus elegans albescensN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 183468Artamus leucorhynchusN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 182551Lalage nigraN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 183413Oriolus chinensisN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 182379Megalaima haemacephalaN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 183371Sarcops calvusN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 182900Hypothymis azureaN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 182710Copsychus saularisN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 182456Cecropis [=Hirundo] daurica striolataN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 182524Coracina striataN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 182624Pycnonotus goiavierN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 183273Zosterops nigrorumN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 183411Oriolus chinensisN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 182996Parus elegans albescensN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 183272Zosterops nigrorumN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 183478Corvus macrorhynchosN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 182035Turnix suscitatorN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 182101Phapitreron leucotisN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 183089Dicaeum pygmaeumN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 182625Pycnonotus goiavierN Wilson30 Jul 1964
VZ 183412Oriolus chinensisN Wilson30 Jul 1964
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