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Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
      Island: OAHU
Elevation: 50  meters
Records 150 of 114 (Page 1 of 3)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
S 4699Endeis nodosaPietschmann29 Oct 1927
S 4700Endeis nodosaEdmondson27 Sep 1924
S 4682Endeis nodosaEdmondson27 Sep 1924
R 319Prophyllodoce hawaiiaR.W. Hiatt27 Apr 1947
BISH 39687Brachiaria muticaBryan, E.H. Jr24.xi.1935
BISH 40538Pennisetum purpureumBryan, E.H. Jr24.xi.1935
A 293Ammolagena clavataB.L. Burch and T.A. Burch2 Oct 1982
ent 79630Meteorus laphygmaeTokumine, T.1986 Mar 27
ent 78020Anoplolepis longipesTenorio, J. M.1980 Dec 25
ent 78023Anoplolepis longipesTenorio, J. M.1980 Dec 25
ent 78025Anoplolepis longipesTenorio, J. M.1980 Dec 25
ent 78022Anoplolepis longipesTenorio, J. M.1980 Dec 25
ent 78024Anoplolepis longipesTenorio, J. M.1980 Dec 25
ent 78021Anoplolepis longipesTenorio, J. M.1980 Dec 25
ent 12036Coleotichus blackburniaeG. A. Samuelson1978 Nov 30
ent 76918Pheidole megacephalaHayashi, S.1978 Jun 22
ent 76917Pheidole megacephalaHayashi, S.1978 Jun 22
ent 76919Pheidole megacephalaHayashi, S.1978 Jun 22
ent 31139Micromus timidusS. Hayashi1978 Jun 21
ent 77882Pseudomyrmex gracilis mexicanusTouhey, M.1978 Aug 15
ent 105400Echthromorpha agrestoria fuscator1971 Jun 08
ent 103031Delta pyriformis philippinense1971 Jun 08
ent 105402Echthromorpha agrestoria fuscator1971 Jun 08
ent 79444Chelonus insularisKashiwamura, V.1968 Oct 04
ent 101990Isodonita mexicana1949 Sep 09
ent 101989Isodonita mexicana1949 Sep 09
ent 101988Isodonita mexicana1949 Sep 09
ent 102901Tachysphex morosusWeber, P. W.1947 Aug 10
ent 102102Liris subtessellataWeber, P. W.1947 Aug 10
ent 102115Liris subtessellataWeber, P. W.1946 Aug 23
ent 102103Liris subtessellataWeber, P. W.1946 Aug 23
ent 102217Sceliphron caementariumWeber, P. W.1946 Aug 23
ent 102258Sceliphron caementariumWeber, P. W.1946 Aug 23
ent 102113Liris subtessellataWeber, P. W.1946 Aug 23
ent 102257Sceliphron caementariumWeber, P. W.1946 Aug 23
ent 102116Liris subtessellataWeber, P. W.1946 Aug 23
ent 102218Sceliphron caementariumWeber, P. W.1946 Aug 23
ent 102219Sceliphron caementariumWeber, P. W.1946 Aug 23
ent 102852Pison iridipenneWeber, P. W.1946 Aug 23
ent 102114Liris subtessellataWeber, P. W.1946 Aug 23
ent 102216Sceliphron caementariumWeber, P. W.1946 Aug 23
VZ 184122Tyto albaC Mostello & B Wetherbee19 Oct 1994
S 7259Konatopus paao18 Apr 1967
S 9986Plesionika martiaT.A. Clarke12 Nov 1970 - 13 Nov 1970
S 9999Plesionika martia12 Apr 1971 - 13 Apr 1971
Herp 11629Chamaeleo jacksoni?11 May 1990
R 1077CirratulusC.H. Edmondson1 Sep 1936 - 30 Sep 1936
S 3756Periclimenes sororEdmondson1 May 1934 - 31 May 1934
S 4546Planes cyaneusC.R. Holmes1 Jan 1940 - 31 Dec 1940
S 4542Phymodius nitidusC.R. Holmes1 Jan 1940 - 31 Dec 1940
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Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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