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Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
      Island: HAWAII
Records 5183 of 83 (Page 2 of 2)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
ent 33170Udea argoscelisJ. G. Stokes1919 Jun
ent 33171Udea argoscelisJ. G. Stokes1919 Jun
ent 35874Helicoverpa zeaJ. G. Stokes1919 Jun
ent 35925Helicoverpa confusaJ. G. Stokes1916 Jun
ent 43594Chelonus blackburniSwezey, O. H.1919 Aug 13
ent 44051Heterospilus prosopidisSwezey, O. H.1919 Aug 13
ent 44069Heterospilus prosopidisSwezey, O. H.1919 Aug 13
ent 53274Antrocephalus pertorvusSwezey, O. H.1919 Aug 13
ent 53275Antrocephalus pertorvusSwezey, O. H.1919 Aug 13
ent 53299Antrocephalus pertorvusKrauss, N. L. H.1950 Nov
ent 53518Dirhinus anthracinaKrauss, N. L. H.1950 Nov
BISH 87631Leptobryum pyriformeBryan, E.H. Jr20.i.1957
ent 102262Sceliphron caementariumBryan, E. H., Jr.1957 Jan 25
ent 102681Pison hospesWeber, P. W.1949 Jun 16
ent 102691Pison hospesWeber, P. W.1949 Jun 16
ent 102692Pison hospesWeber, P. W.1949 Jun 16
ent 102693Pison hospesWeber, P. W.1949 Jun 16
ent 102694Pison hospesWeber, P. W.1949 Jun 16
ent 102695Pison hospesWeber, P. W.1949 Jun 16
ent 102823Pison insulareWeber, P. W.1949 Jun 19
ent 102824Pison insulareWeber, P. W.1949 Jun 19
ent 103293Nesodynerus rudolphiStokes, J. G.1919 Jun
ent 103541Pachodynerus nasidensStokes, J. G.1919 Jun
ent 103576Pachodynerus nasidensKrauss, N. L. H.1950 Nov
ent 103577Pachodynerus nasidensKrauss, N. L. H.1950 Nov
ent 105213Echthromorpha agrestoria fuscatorStokes, J. G.1919 Jun
ent 105214Echthromorpha agrestoria fuscatorStokes, J. G.1919 Jun
ent 105221Echthromorpha agrestoria fuscatorStokes, J. G.1919 Jun
BISH 117012Cyperus javanicusSkottsberg, C.J.F.24.ix.1922
BISH 117191Fimbristylis cymosa subsp. spathaceaL.M.Cranwell6.ix.1938
VZ 178428Corvus hawaiiensis?19 Jun 1978
BISH 403462Pithecellobium dulceSt.John, H.13.iii.1931
BISH 681365Fimbristylis cymosa subsp. spathaceaC.Skottsberg24.ix.1922
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Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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