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off Honolulu Harbor Search

Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
      Island: OAHU

Depth: ca.15.2 to 27.4 meters
Records 127 of 27 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
S 5441Actaea nodulosaCharles Allen19 Apr 1949
S 7103Arthropoda16 Sep 1959
S 7105Arthropoda16 Sep 1959
S 7107Arthropoda16 Sep 1959
S 7106Arthropoda16 Sep 1959
S 7108Arthropoda16 Sep 1959
S 7104Arthropoda16 Sep 1959
S 5439ArthropodaCharles Allen19 Apr 1949
S 7118Arthropoda16 Sep 1959
B 238Balanus amphitriteW.A. Bryan3 May 1915
B 234Balanus amphitriteW.A. Bryan1 Jan 1915 - 31 Dec 1915
BISH 638738Botryocladia tenuissimaHunt, K.4.xi.1981
K 433Bugula16 Sep 1959
B 235Chelonibia testudinariaW.A. Bryan1 Jan 1915 - 31 Dec 1915
S 5442CrangonCharles Allen19 Apr 1949
S 8598Euchirograpsus1 Jan 1978 - 31 Dec 1978
W 523Eucidaris metulariaDranga21 Feb 1925
SC 516Fungia16 Sep 1959
W 1547Holothuria16 Sep 1959
S 5440Libystes villosusCharles Allen19 Apr 1949
W 519Lovenia hawaiiensisW.A. Bryan3 May 1915
W 357Ophiocoma picaDranga1 Jan 1923 - 31 Dec 1923
S 10816Paromola orientalis1 Jan 1978 - 31 Dec 1978
B 404Trilasmis kaempferi23 Jan 1956
W 1548Echinodermata16 Sep 1959
C 197Porifera16 Sep 1959
C 198Porifera16 Sep 1959
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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