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Taxonomic Services
Makaleha Valley Search

Higher Geography:
 Continent/Ocean: POLYNESIA
  Country: USA
      Island: OAHU
Records 115 of 15 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
ent 13888Oliarus olympusO. H. Swezey1919 Dec 13
ent 13914Oliarus kaohinaniO. H. Swezey1919 Dec 13
ent 17130Nesosydne nephrolepidisO. H. Swezey1922 Jan 8
ent 18079Drosophila atrimentumF. Clayton1969 Aug 6
ent 18080Drosophila atrimentumF. Clayton1969 Aug 6
ent 18685Drosophila immigransO. H. Swezey1931 Feb 1
ent 18686Drosophila immigransO. H. Swezey1931 Feb 1
ent 18687Drosophila immigransO. H. Swezey1931 Feb 1
ent 18700Drosophila immigransO. H. Swezey1931 Feb 1
BISH 92539Calothrix parietinaDegener, O.4.i.1955
BISH 92631Stigonema minutumDegener, O.4.i.1955
BISH 92837Stichococcus subtilisDegener, O.I.1955
BISH 515059TrentepohliaDegener, O.
BISH 515076TrentepohliaDegener, O.
BISH 515088TrentepohliaDegener, O.
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
This dynamic searchable database was developed by BPBM as a service to all PBIN partners, with digitization support from various sources.
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