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   Island Group: 
Records 51100 of 153 (Page 2 of 4)
ID# Taxon Name Collector Date
S 7901Xanthias lamarckiE.B. Guinther1 Jan 1970 - 31 Jan 1970
S 7910Cymo andreossyiE.B. Guinther1 Jan 1970 - 31 Jan 1970
S 7918Domecia hispidaE.B. Guinther1 Jan 1970 - 31 Jan 1970
MO 260847Isognomon sp.Dr. John Treusch1 Jan 1917 - 31 Dec 1917
MO 260738Pteria sp.Dr. Fred Baker
W 3027HolothuroideaD. Sixberry1 Feb 1980 - 30 Sep 1980
F 8PlatyhelminthesC.H. Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 31 Jul 1922
W 1464Ophiothrix trilineataBanner1 Nov 1968
S 817Coenobita rugosaBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 805Phymodius nudipesBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 813Pilumnus minutusBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 802Lydia annulipesBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 790Daira perlataBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 780Ocypode ceratophthalmaBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 779ArthropodaBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 815Coenobita brevimanusBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
W 449Stichopus horrensBall and Edmondson1 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1922
W 450Labidodemas rugosumBall and Edmondson1 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1922
S 778Pachygrapsus plicatusBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 775Percnon abbreviatumBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
W 469Leptosynapta ooplaxBall and Edmondson1 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1922
W 423Stichopus horrensBall and Edmondson1 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1922
S 788Chlorodiella nigerBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 803Chlorodopsis areolataBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 800Leptodius gracilisBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 810Carpilodes rugatusBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
W 456Holothuria pardalisBall and Edmondson1 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1922
W 425Labidodemas rugosumBall and Edmondson1 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1922
S 768Chlorodopsis venustaBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 769Nucia speciosaBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 792Pseudozius caystrusBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 793Pseudozius caystrus inornatusBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 773Hippa pacificaBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 781Cyclograpsus audouiniiBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
W 207Heterocentrotus mammillatusBall and Edmondson1 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1922
S 776Percnon planissimumBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 772Xanthias punctatusBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 808Pseudograpsus albusBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 791Petrolisthes lamarckii var. fufescensBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 819Calcinus herbstiiBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
W 301Echinoneus cyclostomusBall and Edmondson1 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1922
S 814Xantho crassimanusBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
W 424Holothuria atraBall and Edmondson1 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1922
S 777Carupa laeviusculaBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 820Clibanarius corallinusBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
W 437Holothuria pervicaxBall and Edmondson1 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1922
S 783Cardisoma carnifexBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 774Lybia tesselataBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
S 798XanthoBall and Edmondson1 Jul 1922 - 30 Aug 1922
W 468Actinopyga parvulaBall and Edmondson1 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1922
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Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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