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Taxonomic Services
Echinometra mathaei (de Blainville) Search

Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: ANIMALIA
    Order: ECHINIDA
Original Description:
Current Status: Unverified
Records 148 of 48 (Page 1 of 1)
Group Island Locality
beach wash
Tongatapu Island
Fiji Islands
Johnston Island
Waimae; Salt Pond Beach
Abrolhos; Beacon Island; reef off Goss Passage
Teraina Island
Kanton Island
Wake Island
Waianae Reef
Kiritimati Atoll
Howland Island
French Frigate Shoals
NW side of Yap Islet; lagoon reefs off Gilifita and Yin villages
Gardner Pinnacles
Pago Pago
Pearl and Hermes Reef
Tapaan Lagoon
Baker Island
Maile Point; on reef
Palmyra Island
Northwestern Hawaiian IslandsNecker
Samoa Islands
Johnston Atoll
Radar Reef
Palmyra Atoll
between shore and sandy island; patch reef in lagoon
Midway Atoll
Jackson Beach
Kure Atoll
NW side; between Nimpol and Mil Entrances
Hawaiian IslandsHawaiiHawaiian Islands
Hawaiian IslandsHawaiiHilo
Hawaiian IslandsMauiMolokini
Hawaiian IslandsMolokaiNihoa Island
Northwestern Hawaiian IslandsNihoa
Hawaiian IslandsOahuoff Waikiki
Hawaiian IslandsOahuMaili Point
Hawaiian IslandsOahuWaikiki
Hawaiian IslandsOahuMaile Point
Hawaiian IslandsOahuOahu
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
This dynamic searchable database was developed by BPBM as a service to all PBIN partners, with digitization support from various sources.
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