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Taxonomic Services
Calathea crotalifera S.Watson Search

Higher Taxonomy:
 Kingdom: PLANTAE
     Family: MARANTACEAE
Original Description:
Current Status: Valid
Records 111 of 11 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Locality Collector Date
BISH 655123Maui: E Maui; Pua O. Entabeni; HC 1 370 Hana Hiway, HaikuC.R.Annable24.xi.1996
BISH 553318Oahu: KaneoheD.Mitchell5.i.1959
BISH 508647Oahu: Koolaupoko; Kaneohe Forest Reserve; below Puu LanihuliNagata, K.M.12.v.1986
BISH 508646Oahu: Koolaupoko; Kaneohe Forest Reserve; below Puu LanihuliNagata, K.M.12.v.1986
BISH 486372Oahu: University of Hawaii campusV.J.Krajina13.v.1962
BISH 436337Hawaii: SE corner of intersection of Kaneolehua Ave. & Puainako
BISH 436336Hawaii: SE corner of intersection of Kaneolehua Ave. & Puainako
BISH 409931Oahu: Lyon Arboretum; Heliconia Valley, Aihualama DivisionNagata, K.M.05.ix.1975
BISH 149387Oahu: Makiki HeightsSt.John, H.18.ix.1945
BISH 146875Oahu: Old Pali Road, residence of Mrs Lester MarksH.F.Clay7.iv.1954
BISH 100515Oahu: Manoa, H.S.P.A. PlantationGrant, M.L.29.x.1934
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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