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Records 119 of 19 (Page 1 of 1)
ID# Locality Collector Date
BISH 6789Hawaii: N.Kona, N. slope of Hualalai, Poohohoo, in pasture among grassY.Kondo17.vii.1946
BISH 469887Hawaii: N. Hilo: Laupahoehoe AHU. Tr 17(36); E. slope of Mauna Ke`a on ridge S of Haako Stream. Near scummy green pondsWarshauer, F.R.10.viii.1977
BISH 469881Hawaii: N. Kona District. Keauhou 2 AHU. Tr 53(55); E slopes of Hualalai, along Judd Trail. Dry exotic grassland with native and exotic shrubs and scattered native treesWarshauer, F.R.10.viii.1978
BISH 453190Kauai: Koke`e State Park, on Canyon Trail to Waipoo FallsW.L.Wagner26.viii.1983
BISH 452653Kauai: Koke`e State Park, on Canyon Trail to Waipoo FallsW.L.Wagner26.viii.1983
BISH 453186Kauai: Koke`e State Park, on Canyon Trail to Waipoo FallsW.L.Wagner26.viii.1983
BISH 446266Kauai: Head of Wahiawa Valley, Wahiawa. Trail to Wahiawa BogSt.John, H.24.xii.1933
BISH 63827Kauai: S.Au16.viii.1965
BISH 771065Hawaii: Paauhau No.2, Parker RanchRock, J.F.C.1909
BISH 469886Hawaii: Ka`u District, Kahuka AHU. Trail 71; SW slope of Mauna Loa; Kahuku Ranch. S. of Kipukas o Pele Iki & PeehiP.Pyle18.vii.1978
BISH 500153Oahu: Waialua Town, Waialua District, in weedy pasture in gulch behind townNagata,
BISH 502880Kauai:
BISH 402492Kauai: Along Awaawapuhi Stream bed, just below Kokee RdHerbst, D.R.10.xi.1971
BISH 63796Kauai: Waimea Drainage Basin, West Side. Waineke SwampForbes, C.N.3.vii.-18.viii.1917
BISH 656866Hawaii: Laupahoehoe Section of Hilo Forest Reserve, North Hilo DistrictCuddihy, L.W.02.xi.1981
BISH 656865Hawaii: Laupahoehoe Section of Hilo Forest Reserve, North Hilo DistrictCuddihy, L.W.02.xi.1981
BISH 656867Hawaii: Laupahoehoe Section of Hilo Forest Reserve, North Hilo DistrictCuddihy, L.W.02.xi.1981
BISH 446984Kauai: Waimea, Mahanaloa Valley, Kepiwai TrailA.Chock5.ii.1952
BISH 446983Kauai: Waimea, Mahanaloa Valley, Kepiwai TrailA.Chock5.ii.1952
All Records Displayed.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Data Last Updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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