Library holdings found referencing Mauna Kea

977 records returned for that search - 50 records per page

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Author Catalog Number Title Keywords Publication Date
Halford, M.D., John Francis DU6254H16 9 Doctors and God Mauna Kea 1/1/1954

Handy, E.S. Craighill GN671H2H23p The Polynesian Family System in Ka'u, Hawaii Mauna Kea 1/1/1972

Hartt , Constance E. QH541E v.21 also: QKBot.Pam 2259 "The Plant Ecology of Mauna Kea, Hawaii." Mauna Kea 1/1/1940

Hawaii Audubon Society, QL694H38 Hawaii's Birds Mauna Kea 1/1/1996

Hillebrand, William QK473H3H65 l.c. Flora of the Hawaiian Islands: a description of their phanerogams and vascular cryptogams Mauna Kea 1/1/1888

Hinds, N.E.A. QEGeol836 "The Relative Ages of Hawaiian Landscape" Mauna Kea 1/1/1931

Hitchcock, D.H. DU620P22 34:12 Mauna Kea's Towering Crest Mauna Kea 12/1/1921

Hitchcock, A.S. AS763B62m 8:3 "The Grasses of Hawaii" Mauna Kea 1/1/1922

Hitchcock, A.S. QKBot2776 "Botanical Exploration in the Hawaiian Islands" Mauna Kea 1/1/1917

Hommon, Robert J. GN875H3C6 no.345 A Research Design for Archaeological Studies at the Pohakuloa Training Area, Island of Hawaii. Mauna Kea 2/1/1983

Houston, Victor DU620H40 v. 48-57 "Chamisso in Hawaii" Mauna Kea 1/1/1939

Howarth, Francis G. QL523L9H68 Arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea Science Reserve: final report prepared for the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy; by Francis G. Howarth, Gregory Brenner, and David J. Preston. Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea Science Reserve 1/1/1999

Howarth, Francis G. QL671E39 41:3 "Notes of the Ecology of the High Altitude Aeolian Zone on Mauna Kea." Mauna Kea 9/1/1980

Hrynn, F.H. DU620P22 47:9 Climbing Hawaii's Highest Mountain Mauna Kea 9/1/1935

Jagger, T.A. DU620P22 39:1 Mauna Kea Ice Cape Crowned Mauna Kea Before Hawaii Subsided to Present Level Mauna Kea 1/1/1926

Jarves, James DU623J38 l.c. Kiana: A Tradition of Hawaii Mauna Kea 1/1/1857

Kalakaua, David, King of Hawaii GR385HK14 The Legends and Myths of Hawaii Mauna Kea 1/1/1888

Kamakau, Samuel M. DU625K15 Ruling Chiefs of Hawaii Mauna Kea, Poliahu Trail, Puu Lilinoe, Puu Poliahu 1/1/1992

Kilmartin, Jerome Q115E96 52:1 "Na Mea o Mauna Kea" (things about Mauna Kea) Mauna Kea, Pu'u Makanaka, Umikoa trail 1/1/1974

Kirch, Patrick GN875H3K582 Legacy of the Landscape: An illustrated guide to Hawaiian Archaeological sites Mauna Kea 1/1/1996

Korn , L. DU620H45 Charles de Varigny's Tall Tale of Jack Purdy and the Wild Bull, by Alfons L. Korn Mauna Kea 1/1/1967

Korn ed., Alfons DU625K87 The Victorian Visitors: An Account of the Hawaiian Kingdom, 1861-1866, Including the Journal Letters of Sophia Cracroft, Extracts from the Journals of Lady Franklin, and Diaries and Letters of Queen Emma of Hawaii. Mauna Kea 1/1/1958

Korn ed., Alfons DU62717K44K84 News from Molokai: Letters between Peter Kaeo and Queen Emma 1873-1876 Mauna Kea 1/1/1976

Kraebel, C.J. S17H3H36 19:2-4 "Mauna Kea Plant List." Mauna Kea 1/1/1922

Lass, Barbara GN875H3L37 Hawaiian Adze Production and Distribution: Implications for the Development of Chiefdoms Mauna Kea 1/1/1994

Lomax, Alfred DU620H40 v. 48-57 Geographic Factors in Early Sheep Husbandry in the Hawaiian Islands (1791-1870) Mauna Kea 1/1/1939

Lyman, Sarah Joiner DU62717L8L8 Sarah Joiner Lyman if Hawaii: Her Own Story Mauna Kea 1/1/1970

Macdonald, Gordon QEgeolPam1108 v.243 "Ring Structures at Mauna Kea, Hawaii." Mauna Kea 1/1/1945

Macdonald, Gordon QE349H3M1 Volcanoes in the Sea. The Geology of Hawaii Mauna Kea 1/1/1970

Macdonald, Gordon QE1H38 no. 10 Bibliography of the Geology and Water Resources of the Island of Hawaii Mauna Kea 6/1/1947

Macrae, James DU623M17 l.c. With Lord Byron at the Sandwich Islands n 1825: Being Extracts from the MS Diary of James Macrae, Scottish Botanist Mauna Kea 1/1/1922

Maguire, Eliza D. GR385HM14 l.c. Kona Legends Mauna Kea 1/1/1926

Massey, Jane QH98M41 Morphological Characteristics of the Diatome Flora of Lake Waiau: variation and speciation Mauna Kea, Lake Waiau 4/1/1978

McCoy, Patrick DU629M25R43d Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Mauna Kea Summit Region: Report 2. Mauna Kea 11/1/1982

McCoy, Patrick GN2SP76 86:2 "The Mauna Kea Adze Quarry Project: A Summary of the 1975 Field Investigations." Mauna Kea, Keanakako'i, Kaluakaakoi 1/1/1977

McCoy, Patrick QH198H3C74 "The Mauna Kea Adz Quarry Project: A First Analysis." Mauna Kea, Keanakako'i, Kaluakaakoi 1/1/1976

McEldowney, Holly DU629M25R43d Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Mauna Kea Summit Region: Report 1. Mauna Kea 11/1/1982

McGuire, T.R. DU620P22 36:9 Hiking Hawaii's Highest Heights Mauna Kea 9/1/1923

Melvin, Deborah DU620S65 "Poliahu, Snow Goddess of Mauna Kea." Mauna Kea 11/1/1988

Menzies, Archibald DU623M55 l.c. Hawaii Nei 128 Years Ago Mauna Kea 1/1/1920

Montgomery, Steven QL671E39 41:4 "Records of Mummified Feiothrix from the Summits of Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea." Mauna Kea, Puu Wekiu, PuuoKukahauula 10/1/1980

Morgan, Joseph DU6232M84 Hawaii: A Unique Geography Mauna Kea 1/1/1996

Mull, Mae QL671E39 35:3 "Testimony at Public Hearing on Commercial Use of Conservation District Lands, 11 April 1974." Mauna Kea 9/1/1974

Mull, Mae QL671E39 40:11 "Conservation and Mauna Kea." Mauna Kea 5/1/1980

Mull, Mae QL671E39 38:5 "Feral sheep vs. the Mamane ecosystem in the Mauna Kea Plan." Mauna Kea 11/1/1977

Mull, Mae QL671E39 37:5 "Public Hearing Scheduled for the Mauna Kea Plan." Mauna Kea 11/1/1976

Mull, Mae QL671E39 37:1 "Testimony: Recommendations on the DRAFT PLAN for Mauna Kea to the Board of Land and Natural Resources." Mauna Kea 7/1/1976

Neal, Marie C. AS763H38 "A List of Mosses and Vascular Plants Collected on Mauna Kea, August 1935." Mauna Kea 1/1/1939

Nogelmeier ed., M. Puakea PL64486L45 He Lei no 'Emalani: Chants for Queen Emma Kaleleonalani Mauna Kea 1/1/2001

Perkins, Edward DU12P44 l.c. Na Motu: Reef-Rovings in the South Seas. A Narrative of Adventures at the Hawaiian, Georgian and Society Islands Mauna Kea 1/1/1854