Kaua'i and Ni'ihau islet map

For more information click on an islet name on the map or select from the list below. Islets that are washed over by waves and lack any flora or fauna are not detailed here.

> Ka'ula

> Lehua

> Moku'ae'ae

View from Kilauea Pt.
Photo: H. Eijzenga

3 acre islet located off Kilauea Point.
The islet is part of the State Seabird Sanctuary: access is by permit only to protect the islet's flora and fauna.

Field Accounts: 10 Sep 2007
Species checklists:
  Family: Clubionidae
    Cheiracanthium mordax nananana (Pale leaf spider) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    12-Aug-05 Opportunistic survey Present Zaun 2005
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Salticidae
    Hasarius adansoni pe'epe'e-maka-walu (Adanson's house jumper) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Blaberidae
    Pycnoscelus indicus elelu lepo (Burrowing cockroach) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    12-Aug-05 Opportunistic survey Present Zaun 2005
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Blattidae
    Periplaneta americana elelu 'ula 'ula (American cockroach) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
    Periplaneta australasiae elelu 'ula 'ula (Australian cockroach) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Coccinellidae
    Diomus notescens none (Minute Two-spotted Ladybird ) Fed:none State:noneIntroduced
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
    indet. Coccinellidae none Fed:none State:noneUnknown
    12-Aug-05 Opportunistic survey Present Zaun 2005
    Symunus ocellatus none Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Scarabaeidae
    Adoretus sinicus pu'u'a loke (Chinese rose beetle) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Tenebrionidae
    Gonocephalum adpressiforme pu'u (Gonocephalum darkling beetle) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
    indet. Dermoptera lo (Earwig) Fed:none State:noneUnknown
    12-Aug-05 Opportunistic survey Present Zaun 2005
  Family: Sarcophagidae
    Sarcophaga peregrina nalo (Flesh fly) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
    Sarcophaga sp. nalo (Flesh fly) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Sciaridae
    Sciara sp. nalo (Dark-winged fungus gnat) Fed:none State:noneUnknown
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Cydnidae
    Geotomus pygmaeus none (Burrowing bug) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Lygaeidae
    Nysius kinbergi none (Seed bug) Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Cicadellidae
    Agallia lingula none Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Coccidae
    Parasiassetia nigra none (The nigra scale) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Pseudococcidae
    Planococcus sp. anauku (Mealybug) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Apidae
    Apis mellifera nalo-meli (Honey Bee) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Formicidae
    Pheidole megacephala naonao-aki (Big-headed ant) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    12-Aug-05 Opportunistic survey Present Zaun 2005
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Ligiidae
    Ligia hawaiiensis none (Mangrove slater) Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Porcellionidae
    Porcellio sp. pokipoki (Pill bug) Fed:none State:noneUnknown
    12-Aug-05 Opportunistic survey Present Zaun 2005
  Family: Scyphacidae
    Alloniscus oahuensis pokipoki (Terrestrial isopod) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Pterophoridae
    Lantanophaga pusillidactyla none (Lantana plume moth) Fed:none State:noneIntroduced
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Gryllidae
    Gryllodes sigillatus uhini (Tropical house cricket) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Present Eijzenga & Preston 2008
    indet. Gryllidae uhini (Field cricket) Fed:none State:noneUnknown
    12-Aug-05 Opportunistic survey Present Zaun 2005
  Family: Aizoaceae
    Sesuvium portulacastrum Akulikuli Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    3-Jun-02 Complete survey Present Wood & Boynton 2002
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Common Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Asteraceae
    Sonchus oleraceus Pualele (Sow thistle) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    3-Jun-02 Complete survey Present Wood & Boynton 2002
  Family: Chenopodiaceae
    Chenopodium oahuense Aweoweo Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    3-Jun-02 Complete survey Present Wood & Boynton 2002
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Common Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Euphorbiaceae
    Chamaesyce celastroides var. stokesii Akoko Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    3-Jun-02 Complete survey Present Wood & Boynton 2002
  Family: Malvaceae
    Sida fallax Ilima (Fanpetals) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    3-Jun-02 Complete survey Present Wood & Boynton 2002
  Family: Nyctaginaceae
    Boerhavia coccinea (Boerhavia) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Occasional Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Poaceae
    Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda grass) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    3-Jun-02 Complete survey Present Wood & Boynton 2002
    Digitaria ciliaris (Henry's crabgrass) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    3-Jun-02 Complete survey Present Wood & Boynton 2002
    Digitaria insularis (Sourgrass) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    3-Jun-02 Complete survey Present Wood & Boynton 2002
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Rare Eijzenga & Preston 2008
    Eleusine indica (Wiregrass) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    3-Jun-02 Complete survey Present Wood & Boynton 2002
  Family: Portulacaceae
    Portulaca lutea ihi (Purslane) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    3-Jun-02 Complete survey Present Wood & Boynton 2002
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Occasional Eijzenga & Preston 2008
    Portulaca oleracea (Pigweed) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    3-Jun-02 Complete survey Present Wood & Boynton 2002
    10-Sep-07 Complete survey Occasional Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Solanaceae
    Lycium sandwicense Ohelo kai (Hawai'i desert-thorn) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    3-Jun-02 Complete survey Present Wood & Boynton 2002
  Family: Diomedeidae
    Phoebastria immutabilis moli (Laysan Albatross) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1975 - 1976 Opportunistic survey several on islet, not nesting Zeillemaker & Ralph 1977
    1977 - 1978 Opportunistic survey 22 on islet Byrd and Telfer 1977
    1-Apr-84 Opportunistic survey 3-4 courting birds Moriarty et al. 1986
  Family: Fregatidae
    Fregata minor iwa (Great Frigatebird) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1976 - 1977 Opportunistic survey roosting Byrd & Zeillemaker 1981
    14-Sep-07 Opportunistic survey roosting Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Phaethontidae
    Phaethon rubricauda rothschildi koae-ula (Red-tailed Tropicbird) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    3-Jun-02 Opportunistic survey 4 nesting pairs Wood & Boynton 2002
    15-Aug-02 Opportunistic survey 6 nests Zaun 2005
    14-Sep-07 Opportunistic survey 2 chicks Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Procellaridae
    Bulweria bulweri ou (Bulwer's Petrel) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1975 - 1977 Opportunistic survey 3 and 11 dead individuals Byrd & Zeillemaker 1981
    15-Aug-02 Opportunistic survey 24 dead individuals Zaun 2005
    14-Sep-07 Opportunistic survey 20 dead individuals Eijzenga & Preston 2008
    Puffinus auricularis newelli ao (Newell's Shearwater) Fed:T State:TEndemic
    1-Jul-79 Opportunistic survey 25 eggs translocated (13 fledged) Byrd et al. 1984
    Puffinus pacificus chlororhynchus uaukane (Wedge-tailed Shearwater) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    12-Jul-60 Opportunistic survey 275+ individuals Richardson & Bowles 1964
    1-Jul-79 Opportunistic survey Present Byrd et al. 1984
    3-Jun-02 Opportunistic survey several pairs Wood & Boynton 2002
    15-Aug-02 Opportunistic survey 263 burrows Zaun 2005
    14-Sep-07 Opportunistic survey 91+ burrows; 42 chicks Eijzenga & Preston 2008
  Family: Sullidae
    Sula dactylatra a (Masked Booby) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1975 - 1977 Opportunistic survey 7 sightings Byrd & Zeillemaker 1981
    Sula sula rubripes a (Red-footed Booby) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
     Unknown islet known for its colony of Red-footed boobies Tomich 1986
    12-Jul-60 Opportunistic survey Present Richardson & Bowles 1964
Literature Citations:

Ainley, D.G., Telfer, T.C. & Reynolds, M.H. 1997. Townsend's and Newell's Shearwater, p. 30. In: Gill, A.P.a.F. (ed.), The Birds of North America. Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA297.

Altonn, H. 1977. Seabird refuge established. Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1977 (October 22, 1977): A101.

Byrd, G.V. & Boynton, D.S. 1979. The distribution and status of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters on Kauai. 'Elepaio 39(11): 129-130.

Byrd, G.V. & Zeillemaker, C.F. 1981. Seabirds of Kilauea Point, Kauai Island, Hawaii. 'Elepaio 41(8): 67-70.

Byrd, G.V., Sincock, J.L., Telfer, T.C., Moriarty, D.I. & Brady, B.G. 1984. A cross-fostering experiment with Newell's race of Manx Shearwater. Journal of Wildlife Management 48: 163-168.

Department of Land and Natural Resources, D.o.F.a.W. 1981. Rules regulating wildlife sanctuaries. Department of Land and Natural Resources, Department of Foresty and Wildlife, Honolulu. 14 p.

Department of Land and Natural Resources, D.o.F.a.W. 1981. Seabird sanctuaries. Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Honolulu. 3 p.

Fisher, H.I. 1951. The avifauna of Niihau Island, Hawaiian Archipelago. The Condor 53(1): 31-42.

Hawaii, S.o. 1969. Geographic names approved, second quarter 1969, p. 8. In: Development, D.o.P.E. (ed.), State of Hawaii8.

Macdonald, G.A., Abbott, A.T. & Peterson, F.L. 1983. Volcanoes in the sea: the geology of Hawaii. Second. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu. 528 p.

Moriarty, D., Bottomley, R., Fefer, S. & Telfer, T. 1986. The status of Laysan Albatross on Kauai. 'Elepaio 46(9): 3.

Morin, M. 1982. State Seabird Sanctuary brief legislative history, p. 6. In: Department of Land and Natural Resources, D.o.F.a.W. (ed.), State of Hawaii6.

Oliver, C. 2002. Islets shelter seabirds, provide stunning views. Honolulu Advertiser 2002 (February 17, 2002)5.

Oliver, C. 2002. Neighbor island also full of jewels. Honolulu Advertiser 2002 (February 17, 2002)3.

Richardson, F. & Bowles, J. 1964. A survey of the birds of Kauai, Hawaii. B. P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 227: 52.

Tomich, P.Q. 1986. Mammals in Hawai'i. 2. Bishop Musuem Press, Honolulu, HI. 375 p.

Walker, R. 1978. Named islands, islets, rocks, sandspits in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Department of Land and Natural Resources: Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Honolulu. 16 p.

Walker, R. 1998. Wildlife sanctuaries in Hawaii. Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Honolulu. 3 p.

Whittow, G.C. 1997. Wedge-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus pacificus), p. 35. In: Gill, A.P.a.F. (ed.), The Birds of North America. Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA305.

Wood, K.R. & Boynton, D. 2002. Personal observations and regional checklist of vascular plants: Moku 'Ae'ae Islet, Kaua'i, Hawai'i. Kilauea National Wildlife Refuge, Kauai County. 5 p.

Zaun, B. 2005. Trip report to Moku'ae'ae Island. United States Department of the Interior: Fish and Wildlife Service, Kaua'i County. 4 p.

Zeillemaker, C.F. & Ralph, C.J. 1977. First breeding record of Laysan Albatross on Kauai. 'Elepaio 38(5): 3.

Additional information
