Family: Blattidae |
| Periplaneta americana elelu 'ula 'ula (American cockroach) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 25-Oct-07 | Partial survey | Present | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
Family: Coccinellidae |
| Coccinella septempunctata none (Seven-spotted ladybird beetle) Fed:none State:none | Introduced |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| Coelophora inaequalis none (Common Australian lady beetle) Fed:none State:none | Introduced |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| Diomus notescens none (Minute Two-spotted Ladybird ) Fed:none State:none | Introduced |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| Scymnus loweii none (Dusky lady beetle) Fed:none State:none | Introduced |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Curculionidae |
| Lixus mastersi none (Mottled weevil) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Elateridae |
| Cardiophorus stolatus none (Click beetle) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 25-0ct-07 | Partial survey | Present | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
Family: Tenebrionidae |
| Ammophorus insularis pu'u Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 25-Oct-07 | Partial survey | Present | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
| Gonocephalum adpressiforme pu'u (Gonocephalum darkling beetle) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 25-Oct-07 | Partial survey | Present? | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
| Lobometopon diremptus pu'u Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 25-Oct-07 | Partial survey | Present? | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
Family: Trogidae |
| Trox suberosus none Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 25-Oct-07 | Partial survey | Present | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
| indet. Dermoptera lo (Earwig) Fed:none State:none | Unknown |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Labiduridae |
| Labidura riparia lo (Sand earwig) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 10-Sep-07 | Complete survey | Present | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
Order: DIPTERA |
Family: Nematocera |
| indet. Nematocera nalo Fed:none State:none | Unknown |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Syrphidae |
| Allograpta sp. nalo (Hover fly) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | F. Starr, K. Starr, & K. Wood |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Oligotomidae |
| Oligotoma saundersii none (Saunder's webspinner) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 25-Oct-07 | Partial survey | Present | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
Family: Lygaeidae |
| Geocoris punctipes none (Big-eyed bug) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| indet. Lygaeidae none Fed:none State:none | Unknown |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| Nysius coenosulus none (Seed bug) Fed:none State:none | Endemic |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| Nysius sp. none (Seed bug) Fed:none State:none | Unknown |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| Nysus sp. none (Seed bug) Fed:none State:none | Unknown |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | F. Starr, K. Starr, & K. Wood |
Family: Miridae |
| Orthotylus sp. none Fed:none State:none | Unknown |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| Trigonotylus hawaiiensis none (Trigonotylus bug) Fed:none State:none | Endemic |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Nabidae |
| Nabis capisiformis none (Damsel bug) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Plataspidae |
| Coptosoma xanthogramma none (Black stink bug) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Aphididae |
| Aphis gossypii eleao (Melon aphid) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Cicadellidae |
| Agallia lingula none Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| Balclutha sp. none Fed:none State:none | Unknown |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| Carneocephala sagittifera none (Bermuda grass leafhopper) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Delphacidae |
| indet. Delphacidae none (Planthopper) Fed:none State:none | Unknown |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | F. Starr, K. Starr, & K. Wood |
| Sardia rostrata subsp. pluto none (Cyperus plant hopper) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Psyllidae |
| indet. Psyllidae none Fed:none State:none | Unknown |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Braconidae |
| Apanteles trifasciatus nalo puka Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| indet. Braconidae nalo puka Fed:none State:none | Unknown |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Formicidae |
| Camponotus variegatus none (Carpenter ant) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 25-Oct-07 | Partial survey | Present | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
| Cardiocondyla nuda none (Cardiocondyla ant) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| Cardiocondyla venustula none (Cardiocondyla ant) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| Ochetellus glaber naonao (Glaber Ant) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| Paratrechina longicornis naonao (Crazy ant) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| Pheidole megacephala naonao-aki (Big-headed ant) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
| 25-Oct-07 | Partial survey | Present | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
| Plagiolepis alluaudi naonao (Little yellow ant) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Vespidae |
| Paravespula pensylvanica kopena (Western yellowjacket) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 25-Oct-07 | Partial survey | Present | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
| indet. Lepidoptera none (Moth) Fed:none State:none | Unknown |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | F. Starr, K. Starr, & K. Wood |
Family: Cosmopterigidae |
| Hyposmocoma trifasciata none Fed:none State:none | Endemic |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Crambidae |
| Spoladea recurvalis none (Hawaiian Beet Webworm) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Tineidae |
| Pheroeca allutella none Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 28-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Gryllidae |
| Gryllodes sigillatus uhini (Tropical house cricket) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 25-Oct-07 | Partial survey | Present | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
Family: Tettigoniidae |
| Conocephalus saltator uhini (Longhorned grasshopper) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | Present | Starr et al. 2006 |
Family: Aizoaceae |
| Sesuvium portulacastrum Akulikuli Fed:none State:none | Indigenous |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Common | Kepler et a. 1984 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Common | Starr et al 2006 |
| 25-Oct-07 | Complete survey | Common | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
Family: Anacardiaceae |
| Schinus terebinthifolius (Christmasberry) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Rare | Starr et al 2006 |
| 25-Oct-07 | Complete survey | Rare | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
Family: Asteraceae |
| Sonchus oleraceus Pualele (Sow thistle) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Rare | Kepler et a. 1984 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Occasional | Starr et al 2006 |
| 25-Oct-07 | Complete survey | Rare | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
Family: Boraginaceae |
| Heliotropium curassavicum Nena (salt heliotrope) Fed:none State:none | Indigenous |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Rare | Kepler et a. 1984 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Occasional | Starr et al 2006 |
| 25-Oct-07 | Complete survey | Rare | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
Family: Chenopodiaceae |
| Atriplex semibaccata (Australian saltbush) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Common | Kepler et a. 1984 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Occasional | Starr et al 2006 |
| 25-Oct-07 | Complete survey | Rare | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
| Chenopodium oahuense Aweoweo Fed:none State:none | Endemic |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Common | Kepler et a. 1984 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Occasional | Starr et al 2006 |
| 25-Oct-07 | Complete survey | Common | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
Family: Cyperaceae |
| Fimbristylis cymosa (Button sedge) Fed:none State:none | Indigenous |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Rare | Starr et al 2006 |
Family: Euphorbiaceae |
| Chamaesyce celastroides Akoko Fed:none State:none | Endemic |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Rare | Kepler et a. 1984 |
| Chamaesyce celastroides var. amplectens Akoko Fed:none State:none | Endemic |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Rare | Starr et al 2006 |
Family: Fabaceae |
| Leucaena leucocephala Haole koa (White leadtree) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Common | Kepler et a. 1984 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Present | Starr et al 2006 |
Family: Goodeniaceae |
| Scaevola coriacea (Dwarf naupaka) Fed:E State:E | Endemic |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Occasional | Kepler et a. 1984 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Present | Starr et al 2006 |
| Scaevola sericea Naupaka kahakai Fed:none State:none | Indigenous |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Occasional | Kepler et a. 1984 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Present | Starr et al 2006 |
Family: Liliaceae |
| Dianella sandwicensis Uki uki Fed:none State:none | Endemic |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Rare | Kepler et a. 1984 |
Family: Malvaceae |
| Sida fallax Ilima (Fanpetals) Fed:none State:none | Indigenous |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Rare | Kepler et a. 1984 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Occasional | Starr et al 2006 |
Family: Oxalidaceae |
| Oxalis corniculata (Yellow wood sorrel) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Rare | Starr et al 2006 |
Family: Poaceae |
| Cenchrus echinatus (Sand bur) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Occasional | Starr et al 2006 |
| 25-Oct-07 | Complete survey | Occasional | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
| Digitaria ciliaris (Henry's crabgrass) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Occasional | Starr et al 2006 |
| 25-Oct-07 | Complete survey | Rare | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
| Digitaria insularis (Sourgrass) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Occasional | Starr et al 2006 |
| 25-Oct-07 | Complete survey | Occasional | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
| Eleusine indica (Wiregrass) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Rare | Kepler et a. 1984 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Common | Starr et al 2006 |
| 25-Oct-07 | Complete survey | Occasional | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
| Panicum fauriei (Faurie's panicgrass) Fed:none State:none | Endemic |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Occasional | Starr et al 2006 |
Family: Portulacaceae |
| Portulaca oleracea (Pigweed) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Common | Kepler et a. 1984 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Common | Starr et al 2006 |
| 25-Oct-07 | Complete survey | Occasional | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
Family: Rosaceae |
| Osteomeles anthyllidifolia Ulei (Hawai'i hawthorn) Fed:none State:none | Indigenous |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Occasional | Kepler et a. 1984 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Occasional | Starr et al 2006 |
| 25-Oct-07 | Complete survey | Rare | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
Family: Solanaceae |
| Lycium sandwicense Ohelo kai (Hawai'i desert-thorn) Fed:none State:none | Indigenous |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Common | Kepler et a. 1984 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Occasional | Starr et al 2006 |
| 25-Oct-07 | Complete survey | Occasional | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |
| Solanum americanum Popolo (Glossy Nighshade) Fed:none State:none | Indigenous |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Occasional | Starr et al 2006 |
Family: Verbenaceae |
| Lantana camara (Lantana) Fed:none State:none | Adventive |
| 19-Jul-81 | Complete survey | Present | Kepler 1981 |
| 25-Mar-82 | Complete survey | Common | Kepler et a. 1984 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Complete survey | Rare | Starr et al 2006 |
Family: Procellaridae |
| Bulweria bulweri ou (Bulwer's Petrel) Fed:none State:none | Indigenous |
| 18-Jul-82 | Complete survey | 13 nests, extrapolated to 50-150 pairs | Kepler et al. 1984 |
| Puffinus pacificus chlororhynchus uaukane (Wedge-tailed Shearwater) Fed:none State:none | Indigenous |
| 18-Jul-82 | Complete survey | 1454 burrows, extrapolated to 1060 pairs | Kepler et al. 1984 |
| 4-Apr-05 | Opportunistic survey | at least several hundred burrows; several dozen adults | Starr et al. 2006 |
| 25-Oct-07 | Extrapolated | 1200-1500 burrows; 672-840 chicks | Eijzenga & Preston 2008 |