Hawai'i islet map

For more information click on an islet name on the map or select from the list below. Islets that are washed over by waves and lack any flora or fauna are not detailed here.

> Keaoi

> Moku puku

> Pa'alaea

> Pa'okalani

Aerial view
Photo: J. Polhemus

2 acre islet located off the Kohala Coast; the largest in a cluster of three islets.
The islet is part of the State Seabird Sanctuary: access is by permit only to protect the islet's flora and fauna.

Species checklists:
  Family: Aizoaceae
    Sesuvium portulacastrum Akulikuli Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Present Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Anacardiaceae
    Schinus terebinthifolius (Christmasberry) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Present Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Asteraceae
    Conyza bonariensis (Hairy horseweed) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Present Wood & Polhemus 2005
    Emilia fosbergii Pualele (Flora's paintbrush) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Present Wood & Polhemus 2005
    Pluchea carolinensis (Sourbush) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Occasional Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Caryophyllaceae
    Schiedea globosa Maolioli Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Present Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Chenopodiaceae
    Chenopodium oahuense Aweoweo Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Common Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Cyperaceae
    Cyperus phleoides (Cyperus) Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Occasional Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Euphorbiaceae
    Chamaesyce celastroides var. amplectens Akoko Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Common Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Goodeniaceae
    Scaevola sericea Naupaka kahakai Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Present Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Lamiaceae
    Plectranthus parviflorus Alaala wai nui wahine (Little spurflower) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Common Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Menispermaceae
    Cocculus orbiculatus Huehue Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Common Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Myrtaceae
    Metrosideros polymorpha var. glaberrima ohia lehua Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Present Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Poaceae
    Digitaria ciliaris (Henry's crabgrass) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Present Wood & Polhemus 2005
    Eragrostis variabilis Emoloa, kawelu Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Common Wood & Polhemus 2005
    Melinis repens (Natal red top) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Present Wood & Polhemus 2005
    Pennisetum setaceum (Fountain grass) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Present Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Portulacaceae
    Portulaca lutea ihi (Purslane) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Present Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Rosaceae
    Osteomeles anthyllidifolia Ulei (Hawai'i hawthorn) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Common Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Rubiaceae
    Psydrax odorata alahee Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Present Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Sapindaceae
    Dodonaea viscosa Aalii (Hopbush) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Present Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Verbenaceae
    Lantana camara (Lantana) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    14-Apr-05 Complete survey Common Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Phaethontidae
    Phaethon lepturus dorotheae koae-kea (White-tailed Tropicbird) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    14-Apr-05 Opportunistic survey nesting? Wood & Polhemus 2005
  Family: Procellaridae
    Puffinus pacificus chlororhynchus uaukane (Wedge-tailed Shearwater) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    14-Apr-05 Opportunistic survey 49 active burrows Wood & Polhemus 2005
Literature Citations:

Altonn, H. 1977. Seabird refuge established. Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1977 (October 22, 1977): A101.

Department of Land and Natural Resources, D.o.F.a.W. 1981. Seabird sanctuaries. Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Honolulu. 3 p.

Hawaii, S.o. 1969. Geographic names approved, second quarter 1969, p. 8. In: Development, D.o.P.E. (ed.), State of Hawaii8.

Macdonald, G.A., Abbott, A.T. & Peterson, F.L. 1983. Volcanoes in the sea: the geology of Hawaii. Second. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu. 528 p.

Morin, M. 1982. State Seabird Sanctuary brief legislative history, p. 6. In: Department of Land and Natural Resources, D.o.F.a.W. (ed.), State of Hawaii6.

Tomich, P.Q. 1986. Mammals in Hawai'i. 2. Bishop Musuem Press, Honolulu, HI. 375 p.

Walker, R. 1978. Named islands, islets, rocks, sandspits in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Department of Land and Natural Resources: Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Honolulu. 16 p.

Whittow, G.C. 1997. Wedge-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus pacificus), p. 35. In: Gill, A.P.a.F. (ed.), The Birds of North America. Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA305.

Wood, K.R. & Polhemus, J. 2005. Notes on the offshore islets of Paokalani, Mokupuku & Pa'alaea: Big Island, Hawai'i April 2005. Dept. of Land and Natural Resources: Division of Forestry and Wildlife Offshore Islet Restoration Committee, 4 p.

Additional information

KeaoiMoku pukuPa'alaeaPa'okalani