Kaua'i and Ni'ihau islet map

For more information click on an islet name on the map or select from the list below. Islets that are washed over by waves and lack any flora or fauna are not detailed here.

> Ka'ula

> Lehua

> Moku'ae'ae

Aerial view
Photo: H. Eijzenga

108 acre islet located about 20 miles southeast of Ni'ihau
The navy forbids landing on the islet because they currently use it as a target range. Kaula is also part of the State Seabird Sanctuary.

Species checklists:
 Order: ACARI
  Family: Argasidae
    Ornithodoros sp. ona (Softbacked tick) Fed:none State:noneUnknown
    17-Aug-71 Partial survey Present Funasaki 1971
  Family: Blattidae
    Pariplaneta americana elelu 'ula 'ula (American cockroach) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    17-Aug-71 Partial survey Present Funasaki 1971
  Family: Dermestidae
    Dermestes frischii none (Dermestid beetle) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    17-Aug-71 Partial survey Present Funasaki 1971
  Family: Sarcophagidae
    Sarcophaga argyrostoma nalo (Flesh fly) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    17-Aug-71 Partial survey Present Funasaki 1971
  Family: Lygaeidae
    Graptostethus manillensis none (Woodrose bug) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    17-Aug-71 Partial survey Present Funasaki 1971
  Family: Pompilidae
    Anoplius sp. none (Spider wasp) Fed:none State:noneUnknown
    17-Aug-71 Partial survey Present Funasaki 1971
  Family: Muridae
    Mus musculus (House mouse) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    14-Aug-37 Unknown Present Tomich 1986
    Rattus exulans iole (Polynesian rat) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    14 Aug 1937 Unknown Present crew of Lighthouse Tender "Kukui"
    17 Aug 1971 Unknown Present A C Ziegler, et al.
    17-Aug-71 Opportunistic survey Present Walker et al. 1971
    17 Aug 1971 Unknown Present A C Ziegler, et al.
    28-Dec-78 Opportunistic survey Present Walker 1978
    6-Mar-79 Opportunistic survey few Walker 1979
    16-Nov-98 Opportunistic survey very few Walker et al. 1998
    Rattus sp. (Rats) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    1932 Opportunistic survey Present King 1973
  Family: Phocidae
    Monachus schauinslandi Ilio-holo-i-ka-uaua (Hawaiian monk seal) Fed:E State:EEndemic
    2000 Complete survey 2 individuals Baker and Johanos 2004
    2000 Complete survey 3 individuals Baker and Johanos 2004
    2001 Complete survey 1 individual Baker and Johanos 2004
  Family: Aizoaceae
    Sesuvium portulacastrum Akulikuli Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    18-Apr-31 Complete survey Present Caum 1936
  Family: Amaranthaceae
    Amaranthus viridis (Slender amaranth) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    17-Aug-32 Complete survey Occasional Caum 1936
    16-Nov-98 Complete survey Occasional Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Partial survey Occasional Walker et al. 1998
  Family: Asteraceae
    Conyza canadensis (Horseweed) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Common St. John & Daehler 1980
    Sonchus oleraceus Pualele (Sow thistle) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Occasional St. John & Daehler 1980
  Family: Boraginaceae
    Heliotropium curassavicum Nena (salt heliotrope) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    17-Aug-32 Complete survey Rare Caum 1936
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Common St. John & Daehler 1980
  Family: Cactaceae
    Opuntia megacantha Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    21-Apr-31 Complete survey Rare Caum 1936
  Family: Capparaceae
    Capparis sandwichiana Maiapilo Fed:none State:SOCEndemic
    17-Aug-32 Complete survey Rare Caum 1936
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Rare St. John & Daehler 1980
  Family: Chenopodiaceae
    Atriplex semibaccata (Australian saltbush) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Rare St. John & Daehler 1980
    16-Nov-98 Partial survey Rare Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Complete survey Rare Walker et al. 1998
    Chenopodium oahuense Aweoweo Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Common St. John & Daehler 1980
    16-Nov-98 Partial survey Common Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Complete survey Common Walker et al. 1998
  Family: Convolvulaceae
    Ipomoea cairica Koali ai (Morning Glory) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Common St. John & Daehler 1980
    16-Nov-98 Complete survey Common Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Partial survey Common Walker et al. 1998
    Ipomoea congesta (Morning Glory) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Common St. John & Daehler 1980
    16-Nov-98 Complete survey Common Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Partial survey Common Walker et al. 1998
    Ipomoea indica Koali awa (Oceanblue morning-glory) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    17-Aug-32 Complete survey Rare Caum 1936
    Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis Pohuehue (Bayhops) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Common St. John & Daehler 1980
    Jacquemontia ovalifolia subsp. sandwicensis Pau o Hiiaka Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Common St. John & Daehler 1980
  Family: Euphorbiaceae
    Chamaesyce celastroides Akoko Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    17-Aug-32 Complete survey Common Caum 1936
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Common St. John & Daehler 1980
    16-Nov-98 Complete survey Common Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Partial survey Common Walker et al. 1998
  Family: Fabaceae
    Leucaena leucocephala Haole koa (White leadtree) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Rare St. John & Daehler 1980
    16-Nov-98 Complete survey Rare Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Partial survey Rare Walker et al. 1998
  Family: Malvaceae
    Sida fallax Ilima (Fanpetals) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Common St. John & Daehler 1980
    16-Nov-98 Partial survey Common Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Complete survey Common Walker et al. 1998
    Thespesia populnea Milo Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Common St. John & Daehler 1980
    16-Nov-98 Partial survey Rare Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Complete survey Rare Walker et al. 1998
  Family: Nyctaginaceae
    Boerhavia repens Alena (Boerhavia) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    17-Aug-32 Complete survey Rare Caum 1936
  Family: Plumabaginaceae
    Plumbago zeylanica iliee (White leadwort) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Rare St. John & Daehler 1980
  Family: Poaceae
    Cenchrus echinatus (Sand bur) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Occasional St. John & Daehler 1980
    Chloris inflata (Swollen fingergrass) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Common St. John & Daehler 1980
    16-Nov-98 Complete survey Rare Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Partial survey Rare Walker et al. 1998
    Digitaria setigera (Itchy crabgrass) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Occasional St. John & Daehler 1980
    16-Nov-98 Complete survey Rare Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Partial survey Rare Walker et al. 1998
    Echinochloa colona (Jungle rice grass) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Occasional St. John & Daehler 1980
    Pancium torridum Kakonakona (Torrid panicgrass) Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    16-Nov-98 Complete survey Rare Walker et al. 1998
    Panicum pellitum Kaioio (Maui panicgrass) Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    17-Aug-32 Complete survey Present Caum 1936
    Panicum torridum Kakonakona (Torrid panicgrass) Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Common St. John & Daehler 1980
    16-Nov-98 Partial survey Rare Walker et al. 1998
    Setaria verticillata (Bristly foxtail) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    19-Apr-31 Complete survey Rare Caum 1936
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Common St. John & Daehler 1980
    16-Nov-98 Partial survey Rare Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Complete survey Rare Walker et al. 1998
  Family: Portulacaceae
    Portulaca lutea ihi (Purslane) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    17-Aug-32 Complete survey Common Caum 1936
    Portulaca oleracea (Pigweed) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    16-Nov-98 Complete survey Occasional Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Partial survey Occasional Walker et al. 1998
    Portulaca pilosa ihi (Kiss me quick) Fed:none State:noneAdventive
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Common St. John & Daehler 1980
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Common St. John & Daehler 1980
    Portulaca villosa Ihi (Hairy purslane) Fed:none State:noneEndemic
    17-Aug-32 Complete survey Present Caum 1936
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Occasional St. John & Daehler 1980
    16-Nov-98 Partial survey Occasional Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Complete survey Occasional Walker et al. 1998
  Family: Solanaceae
    Lycium sandwicense Ohelo kai (Hawai'i desert-thorn) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Rare St. John & Daehler 1980
    Solanum nigrum Popolo (Black nightshade) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    18-Aug-32 Complete survey Rare Caum 1936
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Occasional St. John & Daehler 1980
  Family: Zygophyllaceae
    Tribulus cistoides Nohu Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    18-Aug-32 Complete survey Common Caum 1936
    21-Aug-78 and 6-Mar-79 Complete survey Occasional St. John & Daehler 1980
  Family: Diomedeidae
    Phoebastria immutabilis moli (Laysan Albatross) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    20-Jan-76 Unknown 150 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    7-Mar-78 Partial survey 100 individuals Burr 1978
    8-Mar-79 Extrapolated 100 individuals Walker 1979
    19-Jun-80 Unknown 9 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Dec-80 Estimated 128 adults; estimate of 200 Telfer et al. 1981
    16-Apr-84 Unknown 33 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jun-93 Unknown 44 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Estimated 49 counted; 60 estimated Walker et al. 1998
    Phoebastria nigripes kaupu (Black-footed Albatross) Fed:none State:TIndigenous
    16-Aug-47 Unknown Present Fisher 1951
    28-Feb-61 Opportunistic survey Present King 1961
    20-Jan-76 Unknown 100 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    7-Mar-78 Partial survey 50 individuals Burr 1978
    8-Mar-79 Extrapolated 75 individuals Walker 1979
    1-Dec-80 Estimated 39 adults; estimated 100 total Telfer et al. 1981
    16-Apr-84 Unknown 2 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jun-93 Unknown 4 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Estimated 9 adults Walker et al. 1998
  Family: Fregatidae
    Fregata minor iwa (Great Frigatebird) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1931-1932 Opportunistic survey Present Caum 1936
    16-Aug-47 Unknown Present Fisher 1951
    28-Feb-61 Opportunistic survey 1 individual King 1961
    18-Aug-71 Estimated 950 individuals Walker et al. 1971
    20-Jan-76 Unknown 250 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    14, 15-September-76 Extrapolated 800 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    7-Mar-78 Partial survey 500 individuals Burr 1978
    22-Aug-78 Extrapolated 250 individuals Walker 1978
    8-Mar-79 Extrapolated 250 individuals Walker 1979
    19-Jun-80 Unknown 134 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Dec-80 Estimated 53 counted; 150 estimated Telfer et al. 1981
    16-Apr-84 Unknown 155 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jun-93 Unknown 701 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Estimated 538 counted; 650 estimated Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jul-23 Opportunistic survey 5,000 individuals Olson 1996
  Family: Laridae
    Anous minutus melanogenys noio (Black Noddy) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    18-Aug-71 Estimated 100 individuals Walker et al. 1971
    20-Jan-76 Unknown 20 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    14, 15-September-76 Extrapolated 100 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    22-Aug-78 Extrapolated 200 individuals Walker 1978
    19-Jun-80 Unknown 9 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    16-Apr-84 Unknown 207 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jun-93 Unknown 6 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jul-23 Opportunistic survey 1,000 pairs Olson 1996
    Anous stolidus noio koha (Brown Noddy) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1931-1932 Opportunistic survey Present Caum 1936
    16-Aug-47 Unknown Present Fisher 1951
    28-Feb-61 Opportunistic survey Present King 1961
    18-Aug-71 Estimated 67,700 individuals Walker et al. 1971
    14, 15-September-76 Extrapolated 7,000 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    7-Mar-78 Partial survey 5,000 individuals Burr 1978
    22-Aug-78 Extrapolated 10,000 individuals Walker 1978
    8-Mar-79 Extrapolated 1,000 individuals Walker 1979
    19-Jun-80 Unknown 10,560 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    16-Apr-84 Unknown 3950 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jun-93 Unknown 5778 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jul-23 Opportunistic survey 5,000 pairs Olson 1996
    Gygis alba manu-o-ku (White Tern) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1931-1932 Opportunistic survey Present Caum 1936
    18-Aug-71 Estimated 10 individuals Walker et al. 1971
    20-Jan-76 Unknown 10 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    14, 15-September-76 Extrapolated 200 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    7-Mar-78 Partial survey 10 individuals Burr 1978
    22-Aug-78 Extrapolated 10 individuals Walker 1978
    1-Dec-80 Partial survey 5 adults; estimated 10 Telfer et al. 1981
    16-Apr-84 Unknown 12 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jun-93 Unknown 9 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jul-23 Opportunistic survey Present Olson 1996
    1-Jul-23 Opportunistic survey Present Olson 1996
    Procelsterna cerulea subsp. saxatalis (Blue-grey Noddy) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1931-1932 Opportunistic survey Present Caum 1936
    28-Feb-61 Opportunistic survey 1 individual King 1961
    14, 15-September-76 Extrapolated 200 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Estimated 1 adult; not breeding Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jul-23 Opportunistic survey Present Olson 1996
    Sterna fuscata ewaewa (Sooty Tern) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1931-1932 Opportunistic survey Present Caum 1936
    16-Aug-47 Unknown Present Fisher 1951
    28-Feb-61 Opportunistic survey hundreds King 1961
    18-Aug-71 Estimated 16,800 individuals Walker et al. 1971
    20-Jan-76 Unknown 2500 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    14, 15-September-76 Extrapolated 1,000 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    7-Mar-78 Partial survey 130,000 individuals Burr 1978
    22-Aug-78 Extrapolated 2,500 individuals Walker 1978
    8-Mar-79 Extrapolated 50,000 individuals Walker 1979
    19-Jun-80 Unknown 28,850 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Dec-80 Estimated 15 adults; estimated 30 adults Telfer et al. 1981
    16-Apr-84 Unknown 83,680 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jun-93 Unknown 27,255 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Estimated 200 estimated (heard only) Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jul-23 Opportunistic survey Present Olson 1996
    Sterna lunata pakalakala (Gray-backed Tern) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1931-1932 Opportunistic survey Present Caum 1936
    28-Feb-61 Opportunistic survey 12 individuals King 1961
    18-Aug-71 Estimated 2,800 individuals Walker et al. 1971
    14, 15-September-76 Extrapolated 250 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    7-Mar-78 Partial survey 1,500 individuals Burr 1978
    22-Aug-78 Extrapolated 50 individuals Walker 1978
    8-Mar-79 Extrapolated 300 individuals Walker 1979
    19-Jun-80 Unknown 4110 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    16-Apr-84 Unknown 1467 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jun-93 Unknown 35 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jul-23 Opportunistic survey Present Olson 1996
    1-Jul-23 Opportunistic survey Present Olson 1996
  Family: Phaethontidae
    Phaethon lepturus dorotheae koae-kea (White-tailed Tropicbird) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    28-Feb-61 Opportunistic survey 2 individuals King 1961
    20-Jan-76 Unknown 1 individual Walker et al. 1998
    14, 15-September-76 Extrapolated 1 individual Walker et al. 1998
    22-Aug-78 Extrapolated 1 individual Walker 1978
    8-Mar-79 Extrapolated 2 individuals Walker 1979
    16-Nov-98 Estimated 1 adult Walker et al. 1998
    Phaethon rubricauda rothschildi koae-ula (Red-tailed Tropicbird) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1931-1932 Opportunistic survey Present Caum 1936
    28-Feb-61 Opportunistic survey 1 individual King 1961
    18-Aug-71 Estimated 950 individuals Walker et al. 1971
    20-Jan-76 Unknown 276 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    14, 15-September-76 Extrapolated 450 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    7-Mar-78 Partial survey 35 individuals Burr 1978
    22-Aug-78 Extrapolated 100 individuals Walker 1978
    8-Mar-79 Extrapolated 40 individuals Walker 1979
    16-Apr-84 Unknown 209 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jun-93 Unknown 146 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Extrapolated 6 counted; 15 estimated Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jul-23 Opportunistic survey Present Olson 1996
  Family: Procellaridae
    Bulweria bulweri ou (Bulwer's Petrel) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1931-1932 Opportunistic survey Present Caum 1936
    18-Aug-71 Estimated 100 individuals Walker et al. 1971
    20-Jan-76 Unknown 100 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    14, 15-September-76 Extrapolated 100 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    22-Aug-78 Extrapolated 50 individuals Walker 1978
    16-Apr-84 Unknown 580 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jun-93 Unknown 100 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    Pterodroma leucoptera unk (Bonin Island Petrel) Fed:Unknown State:UnknownUnknown
    1931-1932 Opportunistic survey 1 chick Caum 1936
    Puffinus nativitatus (Christmas Shearwater) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    18-Aug-71 Estimated 450 individuals Walker et al. 1971
    20-Jan-76 Unknown 20 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    14, 15-September-76 Extrapolated 250 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    22-Aug-78 Extrapolated 100 individuals Walker 1978
    8-Mar-79 Extrapolated 25 individuals Walker 1979
    16-Apr-84 Unknown 60 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jun-93 Unknown 18 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    Puffinus pacificus chlororhynchus uaukane (Wedge-tailed Shearwater) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1931-1932 Opportunistic survey 2 adults Caum 1936
    28-Feb-61 Opportunistic survey 25 individuals King 1961
    18-Aug-71 Estimated 4,100 individuals Walker et al. 1971
    20-Jan-76 Unknown 1415 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    14, 15-September-76 Extrapolated 4,000 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    22-Aug-78 Extrapolated 800 individuals Walker 1978
    1-Dec-80 Estimated 8 counted; estimated 50 Telfer et al. 1981
    16-Apr-84 Unknown 980 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jun-93 Unknown 400 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Estimated 126 counted; estimate of 200 Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jul-23 Opportunistic survey Present Olson 1996
  Family: Sullidae
    Sula dactylatra a (Masked Booby) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1931-1932 Opportunistic survey Present Caum 1936
    18-Aug-71 Estimated 1,000 individuals Walker et al. 1971
    20-Jan-76 Unknown 300 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    14, 15-September-76 Extrapolated 1,200 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    7-Mar-78 Partial survey 150 individuals Burr 1978
    22-Aug-78 Extrapolated 200 individuals Walker 1978
    8-Mar-79 Extrapolated 400 individuals Walker 1979
    19-Jun-80 Unknown 236 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Dec-80 Estimated 45 counted; 200 estimated; immatures Telfer et al. 1981
    16-Apr-84 Unknown 202 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jun-93 Unknown 567 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Estimated 113 counted; extrapolated to 350 Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jul-23 Opportunistic survey Present Olson 1996
    Sula leucogaster plotus a (Brown Booby) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1931-1932 Opportunistic survey Present Caum 1936
    28-Feb-61 Opportunistic survey Present King 1961
    17-Aug-71 Estimated 1,700 individuals Walker et al. 1971
    20-Jan-76 Unknown 50 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    14-Sep-76 Extrapolated 1,000 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    7-Mar-78 Partial survey 50 individuals Burr 1978
    22-Aug-78 Extrapolated 60 individuals Walker 1978
    7-Mar-79 Extrapolated 200 individuals Walker 1979
    19-Jun-80 Unknown 212 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Dec-80 Estimated 65 counted; 200 estimated Telfer et al. 1981
    16-Apr-84 Unknown 169 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jun-93 Unknown 397 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Estimated 47 counted; 60 estimated; postbreeding Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jul-23 Opportunistic survey Present Olson 1996
    Sula sula rubripes a (Red-footed Booby) Fed:none State:noneIndigenous
    1931-1932 Opportunistic survey Present Caum 1936
    28-Feb-61 Opportunistic survey Present King 1961
    18-Aug-71 Estimated 1,300 individuals Walker et al. 1971
    20-Jan-76 Unknown 100 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    14, 15-September-76 Extrapolated 150 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    7-Mar-78 Partial survey 100 individuals Burr 1978
    22-Aug-78 Extrapolated 200 individuals Walker 1978
    8-Mar-79 Extrapolated 400 individuals Walker 1979
    19-Jun-80 Unknown 344 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Dec-80 Estimated 26 counted; 60 estimated Telfer et al. 1981
    16-Apr-84 Unknown 222 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jun-93 Unknown 1375 individuals Walker et al. 1998
    16-Nov-98 Estimated 871 counted; 1200 estimated Walker et al. 1998
    1-Jul-23 Opportunistic survey Present Olson 1996
Literature Citations:

Altonn, H. 1971. State, U.S. scientists visit, study Kaula Rock. Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1971 (August 18, 1971): C51.

Altonn, H. 1977. Seabird refuge established. Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1977 (October 22, 1977): A101.

Altonn, H. 1978. 2 state, federal decisions cloud Kaula's target status. Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1978 (July 18, 1978): C81.

Altonn, H. 1978. He vows fight for wildlife. Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1978 (April 6, 1978): F61.

Altonn, H. 1978. Include Kaula in sanctuary, official urges. Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1978 (April 3, 1978): A72.

Altonn, H. 1978. Navy won't stop bombing Kaula Island. Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1978 (August 26, 1978): A12.

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Anonymous. 1965. Navy gets islet off Niihau; used for bombing practice. Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1965 (March 10, 1965): E211.

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