View of interior
Trip Date: 4/29/07
View of Kaneohe Bay
Trip Date: 4/29/07
School of fish
Trip Date: 4/29/07
Trip Date: 4/29/07
Islet view
Trip Date: 4/29/07
Intertidal zone
Trip Date: 4/29/07
Trip Date: 4/29/07
South side of islet
Trip Date: 4/29/07
Wind swept Ironwood
Trip Date: 4/29/07
ahinahina flowers
Trip Date: 4/29/07
Ironwood patch
Trip Date: 4/29/07
Mini Ironwood forest
Trip Date: 4/29/07
Bug transects
Trip Date: 4/29/07
Wedge-tailed shearwater
Trip Date: 4/29/07
Another shearwater
Trip Date: 4/29/07
Sweep netting for bugs
Trip Date: 4/29/07
Trip Date: 4/29/07